I ended up following the group to their ripper, in some upstairs clinic. Sam was put into a chair and instantly filled with drugs which had the man relaxing and falling into a listless sleep.
“Thanks again.” Bishop said to me, as we all watched the Ripper go over Sam scanning and looking him over.
“It was fun. Don’t get to sneak into a corp office like that very often.” I said simply before looking at the older man. His eyes hidden behind a set of glasses might give him some protection, but I could see the relief in them even so.
“Still. It was an emergency job. I tried a few others but everyone told me no. So thanks. We all appreciate it.”
“Eh, it was a job and I said yes.” I offered and grinned as I looked at all the XP alerts. It’s not like I wasn’t double dipping here. I was getting paid twice.
“An emergency job… The offer is still on the table. We’d be happy to work with you.”
“I appreciate it, really, but like I said last time I’ve got my own crew.” I shrugged as I pushed off the wall I’d been leaning against. “This was fun, feel free to call me if you need some help but I’m not really a joiner. Later Bishop.”
“Motoko.” He waved goodbye back and I headed out. That was fun, the XP especially so, but I didn’t like the idea of working with Edgerunners.
They were all crazy.
I jumped onto my Kusanagi and started driving, not sure where to go. I wasn’t sore anymore, after a sneaky Maxdoc on the drive over, but I felt a bit mentally tired.
Training all morning followed, by doing some music work, only to get called into a rush job. It’d been a busy day.
I headed home.
Even if Traffic was rough once again.
Night City traffic never ends.
“Motoko. Welcome home.” Jun offered from the couch, which I instantly walked over and slumped over it.
“Hey Jun.” I yawned and laid down to watch whatever trash Jun was binge watching today.
“Long day?”
“Yeah. I fought the entire Dojo today. I asked Sensei for some hard practice, and he basically had me fight everyone.”
“You challenged the Dojo?”
“Hmm?” I asked, opening my eyes, I’d closed them because I was tired.
“The Dojo, with Sensei. You challenged the Dojo?”
“I guess? He called it that. I’d just asked if he would find someone to spar with me. I needed a push to go past my limits.”
“How far did you get?”
“How far?”
“Through the challenge?”
“I don’t know?” Was this an actual thing? It sounded like a thing, and I hated things. “I just fought everyone twice.”
“Well I fought Sensei, and he beat me cause I was tired, but I wasn’t like, tired tired, you know? So I asked for more, and Sensei said the challenge was happening again.” Řâ₦ỘBƐś
“Motoko… Challenging the Dojo is how the students at the Dojo determine their place in the hierarchy. You fought Sensei?”
Suddenly a big stupid gorilla hand was on the front of my face and Jun was mashing me into the couch. “You’re so unaware! That’s a huge deal.”
“It’s just a Dojo!”
“The Deravaja Dojo is not just a dojo.” Jun countered and then sighed, looking at me with pity in his eyes.
Which was unacceptable! Only I got to pity a sibling! Mostly for his shit taste and lack of awareness! How could a guy with so many girls after him, barely notice!
“Idiot!” I grumbled fighting off his hand, and then shooting up a kick over my head which he dodged.
“Hey no kicking!”
“Then don’t start shit!”
To my surprise Jun stalled out for a second, and despite looking like he was about to start throwing hands, he instead nodded.
“Alright sorry. Shouldn't have grabbed your face.”
I stared at him, eyes wide, taking in every detail.
This was a trick. Jun didn’t have the brain power to stop from being an idiot. What was wrong here.
“You look like a startled cat.” He said flatly, and I shot up, sitting up so I could climb up onto the back of the couch and narrow my eyes at him.
“You’re acting weird.”
“I just don’t want to fight. I’m… Proud of you and stuff.”
My eyes narrowed even more. Something was sketchy here! This wasn’t like Jun at all. I climbed over the back of the couch and glared at him with just my eyes in case I needed to dash for the exit or something.
“What are you freaking out for?” He said grumpily and I just continued to glare at him over the back of the couch.
“Who are you and what have you done with Jun?” I demanded and Jun just stared at me for a moment before his face shifted into a glare. Then he threw a pillow at me.
I of course dodged it! I’m too fast!
“Stop being a moron!”
“You can’t trick me! Jun doesn’t have the brain power to stop himself!”
“I’ll show you brain power!” He roared and jumped over the back of the couch. I of course laughed in delight as he tried to grab me, as I bounced around and soon pillows were fired from both of us as we attempted to get the other.
Jun was puffing and he finally had his arm wrapped around me holding me up sideways. “Finally… Caught you!”
“I’m just tired and decided I was done playing.” I informed him instead. “You're missing your show.”
“What? Aw fuck! I wanted to see this episode Motoko!”
“Don’t blame me. Just re-watch it.”
“It’s not a recording! This is a new release!”
“Ugh. Then just find a copy of it.”
“I wanted to watch it now!” Jun yelled and then slumped and dropped me on the couch and grumbled a bit as he headed for the kitchen…
Ugh fine. I guess it was my fault.
“Alright, fine. I’ll go get you a recording of it. Just chill.” I stood up and headed out. Stupid Jun. This was totally his fault, and not mine at all.
“Satisfied?” I asked as I yawned and really wanted to go get my eight hours.
“Very. Thanks Motoko.. Even if it was your fault I missed the show.” Jun added because he was a butt.
I just ignored him and rolled over on the couch.
“Going to sleep now!”
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And then did just that. Closed my eyes and set myself for eight hours.
I blinked awake, and noticed the sunlight coming in through the curtains. I had a blanket over me. Jun must have wrapped me up.
I stretched and yawned, feeling so much better.
Sensei would expect me over again…
Well fuck that for now. I didn’t feel like fighting the entire dojo especially since Jun had hinted there was more than just letting me get some training in.
Seriously, why does everyone have to make things more complicated than they needed to be! I just wanted to sword fight people without it being like… A thing.
I looked around and noticed Jun’s boots were at the door so he was still home.
Yeah breakfast sounded good.
I quickly got dressed and headed out, jogging a bit to find a ramen stand and getting enough for two before heading home.
Things felt normal in Night City today. No unusual amounts of random shots echoing off the buildings, and people were moving around and acting normally. So no gang war, or random issue popping up.
I carried my bowls of Ramen home and up to the apartment.
“Jun! Breakfast!” I called out as I dug in, and soon enough Jun blinking sleepily stepped out of his room, hair completely sticking up on one side making me snicker, but chose not to tease him as he flopped down and started eating.
It was a quiet breakfast for a while until Jun opened his mouth. “Motoko, you shouldn’t eat so much Ramen, it’s not good for you.”
I felt my jaw drop as I stared at the audacity of this bitch!
“Coming from your burrito filled ass I don’t want to hear that!”
“Do as I say, not as I do. Ah, I’ve achieved wisdom.” He said sagely, and considering how much I was tempted to dump the rest of my ramen on his head. I think his ‘sage wisdom’ was a bit more lacking than he expected.
But I wanted to eat my food so I just ignored him and finished slurping up my noodles. Hmm… I should get some more songs ready. I’ve been playing with a few different tunes, but most of them are half finished.
I tossed my trash, and grabbed my guitar and prepped my music box.
“Going to work on a new song?” Jun asked, with a smile and I scoffed, before nodding.
“Yeah. I was… Well I was invited to lunch with all the dojo guys after I fought all of them, and it made me… Well listen to this.”
I didn’t have everything finished, but I started the music box for some of the backing track, and pulled up the guitar.
“All my friends are Heathens, take it slow.”
I started singing, and gently tapping the chords. The snare and drums kicked in, but still lightly, as I got into the groove. I didn’t have the drum track finished, but, if I did this, and this I could keep playing and just loop some of it…
“But after all I’ve said, please don’t forget.”
I hit the drop and stopped.
“Hold on.” I said as the music stilled.
I rushed into my room and found my carnage, emptying it out I brought it out.
“It’s empty. Let me restart that section.” I told Jun, as the drums kicked back in, and I started singing again. But this time on the drop.
I cocked the Carnage, the heavy mechanical grinding noise of a carnage came through very clearly, and I nodded.
Yeah the Carnage was definitely the instrument of choice for the cocking noise.
“You might be one of us!” I crooned out the last lyric, as everything went silent.
That came out pretty well. Of course I still need to actually record all the tracks. The drums could use an actual drum set, I might need to get a few hours at a studio to clean it up, but the new DeLuze had a much throatier purr that just sounded so much better than my old guitar.
Jun though was quiet and as I looked up from my stuff to see him. I saw him leaning back and trying to look cool…
“What’s with you?”
“That’s gonna be my song from now on.”
“It’s my song.” I denied him instantly.
“Nope. I’m stealing it. It totally fits me.” He argued and I resisted smacking him over the head with my Carnage that was still in reach.
“You aren’t nearly cool enough for that song!”
“Watch me!” He taunted, and I just scoffed and flipped him off instead. Before we could actually start fighting any further a knock at the door had both of us looking up.
This content is taken from freёwebnovel.com.
“I’ll get it.” Jun offered before I could say anything and since I still had my guitar over my shoulder I couldn’t just bounce past him to open it.
“Oh Alice.” Jun greeted with a happy smile, and I could see the woman shift from whatever was on her mind to Jun.
“Hey Jun, I was hoping to see you today… But uh. I’m here to talk to your sister.” She admitted a bit embarrassed and Jun just smiled and opened the door for her.
“Alice.” I greeted a bit awkwardly, as I realized this was that thing.
The band thing.
“I heard you playing. Sounded preem.” She offered as she walked over and awkwardly took a seat after a moment. “Uh. You uh, thought about things?”
“The band thing.”
“Band thing?” Jun interrupted and I was actually thankful, because this was super awkward!
“After the last gig… It didn’t go well… No, I mean, the music was good. Motoko knows how to play, but uh… Violent Hemorrhage is on life support. The band is falling apart… So, after I heard Motoko play a solo performance, I asked her if she wanted some backup. We can play her songs and stuff… Jared and Klein are good on drums and Bass, and I can Sin-Well, I can play guitar.”
Oof. That catch was rather telling wasn’t it.
I ran a hand through my hair trying to avoid the atmosphere. I really didn’t want to deal with this.
“Well that sounds great! Motoko is super talented, but she’s been trying to do everything on her own. She’ll need an actual band to play. And Alice, you and your band are great. Sorry to hear you guys are going through some scop.” Jun offered sympathetically, and Alice soaked up the sympathy like a flower soaking up water.
Which was nice for her, but didn’t really fix things for me.
“I’m not sure I really want to do the band thing Jun. It’s… Awkward.”
“You’re shy about the weirdest things.” Jun instantly shot back and I felt my hackles rise up.
“I’m not shy! I’m an awesome badass! Look how cool I am!” I waved at myself.
Jun looked me up and down then snorted.
I was reaching for my Carnage to start beating a dumb brother's head in when Alice spoke up.
“I think I get it. It took a long time before I decided to turn my music into a career. Before that I just played and sang for myself and my family. But if I can say Motoko, you obviously love it. Playing music, getting up on stage.”
“I don’t know if I do love it.” I denied, but the girls knowing look was hitting a bit too close to home. I didn’t need her telling me what I liked!
I just thought… It was exciting sometimes.
“It’s not like you have to listen to us… Violent Hemorrhage as a band is done. We’re falling apart at the seams, but we can be your backup. It’s better that, then nothing.” She admitted with a rather painful sigh. “Listen. I’m a musician. I’ll do music work for cheap. I’m not ready to give up on my dream of being a musician.”
I stayed silent, as Alice finished her offer, and I could see Jun looking from me to Alice, and seemingly waiting to see what I would do.
My hand went through my hair.
What to do about this?
There was a large part of me that wanted to deny her right now. Part of it, I just wasn’t sure if she could keep up.
I had a lot of songs, different genres and more that I wanted to play and I wanted them to be perfect.
There was an element to a band that I would always be missing.
So instead I played the opening chords to Heathens.
“Copy that.” I told her, and offered her the guitar.
If she wanted in, then she could help.
She blinked and nodded. Taking my DeLuze, and throwing it over her shoulder. Soon she started the chords, and I clicked when she flubbed it.
“Do this instead.” I guided, and soon she got it, and so I readied the music box, set up the drums that I was controlling through my connection, and the apartment was filled with music.
Did I want a band?
No. Did I need one? Also no, but should I get one if I was going to play music on stage again?
Yeah. I probably should. It was a bit of a bitter pill to admit to myself that I wanted to be on stage again. That I liked it.
I didn’t appreciate my nose being pushed into something I was trying to pretend didn’t exist.
Fine, whatever. I’d whip this band into shape, and we’d play some music soon.
But first I needed Alice to prove she could play this song.
“So you decided to accept?” Hiromi asked, practically buzzing. I’d picked her up after school and I was driving her home while we chatted about the Violent Hemorrhage issue.
“Yeah. I wasn’t sure, but okay don’t give me a look or say anything I know… I liked getting up on stage. It’s embarrassing and I feel like I want to die every time I think about it, but when I was up there playing music, it just… clicked.”
“Okay I won’t say anything. Eeeeee!” She instead squealed which was just as bad, but that was Hiromi after all.
“Yeah yeah… Anyway, I agreed to bring Alice and her bandmates on.”
“I’ll get a contract set up.”
“Do we really need that?” I asked, and instantly quailed at the look Hiromi sent me.
“Of course! What happens if you write a song and perform it, and blow up, but they argue that it’s their song? A contract will make it clear that the music you perform is yours and they are just musicians attached.”
“Well if they do well, I don’t mind them getting something Hiromi.”
“Ugh. You’re so nice… Fine I’ll make sure they get something, but they still won’t be able to claim the copyrights! That stays with us!”
“Us?” I asked, smirking as I stopped at a light and looked Hiromi over.
“Of course! As your manager, I’ll be in charge of handing out the copyrights to new businesses looking for your music.” Hiromi said, eyes twinkling and a distant look in her eye.
Pretty sure she wasn’t even thinking about the here and now, but was instead drooling about all the eddies she’d make in the future through business deals.
That’s my Hiromi though. So I rolled my eyes and focused on the drive home.
“We’ll need to have a meeting. So they can all get on board.” Hiromi said out of the blue and I just hummed, Corpo’s were gonna corpo.
“I’ll message Alice about it.” I accepted. My eyes flashing as I sent off a text to do just that. I got a message back really fast. “She says she's good now. The whole band is with her.”
“Excellent! Tell them… No, we should make them meet us someplace.” She muttered and it took me a second to realize why she’d said that.
“Hiromi, this isn’t some mega corporate deal. It’s Alice and a couple of street Rockerboys.”
She looked at me for a moment or two before nodding. “Right. No point in needing an advantage, we already have all of the advantages anyways!”
Sure Hiromi, whatever helps you justify it.
“Want to stop and get food?”
“Oh yes!”