Cedric's advancement was done. His body was already acclimated to the changes that happened to it. He's now in full control of his strength once more.
Right now, he was in his training area. He was training his skills with his sword. He's also using the new sword he got from the ticket reward.
[Solaris Edge (Legendary/Growth)]
: Originally made as an ornamental sword. Someone tried to recast it but they failed, they threw it into the lake and it stayed there for a long time. One day, an opportunity occurred that transformed the sword into something else, turning it into a legendary artifact that nobody had wielded before until now.
Unique Trait - [Absorption]: this trait allows the sword to store and absorb all types of energy. The energy storage limits are unknown due to the mysterious transformation of the sword but it's theorized to be massive. At the User's command, the sword can release the stored energy in various ways to fit the User's needs.
: Note - This sword is a perfect energy medium, highly durable, and has the potential to grow with its user. Bound to User Cedric.
Solaris Edge still maintained that ornamental sword looks even after its supposed transformation. It's a longsword that's about 50 inches in length, the blade itself was 35 inches and the hilt makes up for the rest. It also weighs around 5 kilograms, which was extremely light for Cedric.
It has hints of golden carvings on the surface of the blade. The hilt has a cross guard carved with all sorts of auspicious beasts. There's also a unique insignia at the pommel which already faded a lot.
Nonetheless, despite its flashy appearance, it was a sharp sword. It's too light for his liking but Cedric couldn't complain about that since this is, after all, a legendary weapon. Plus, he could wield it just fine so what's not to like?
Although it is not stated in the description, Solaris Edge can turn into a tattoo that's located on Cedric's back. He only needs a thought to manifest it into being.
As for the Absorption trait, the sword could autonomously siphon energy from its surroundings. The speed wasn't too great but it was more than enough. Of course, he could also start feeding it with his energy. The sword isn't picky, it could absorb his blood and convert it to energy, he could also use Ki, and so on.
He did note that the converted energy closely resembles that of Sunlight Energy. Cedric doesn't know if he was on purpose or not but he didn't bother thinking about it too much. It's not a detriment to him anyway. It's quite the opposite, in fact.
Cedric already familiarized himself with the sword. He's curious about how much energy it could hold but that's gonna take some time. Now, he's just hoping that this sword works wonders during his Hell Dives, because if it could, then the Demons would have more reasons to hate him.
Him having this sword is akin to giving wings to a tiger. He's already a dual legendary-classed Superhuman. That alone was already scary enough, with this sword though? Oh, Cedric was really looking forward to his next Hell Dive.
One more thing, since this sword looked too unique and flashy, his enemies were bound to take note of it. Since he doesn't want to switch swords between Cedric and Derrek, he decided to use 'Sage Art: Jester's Mask' on the sword, and it surprisingly worked! Now, he could disguise Solaris Edge as a fairly common longsword.
With this new equipment in hand, Cedric felt his confidence being boosted even more. His strength was steadily rising each day, and he was becoming more and more excited for the upcoming entrance exam.
"There's still a month left before it begins." Cedric sighed as he wiped his sweat off. "I should practice more."
"...it's been a while since we hung out like this." Chrissy stated, sighing as she rested her back on her chair. She then looked at Cedric and said: "You used to go out regularly, but recently you've been staying indoors. What changed?"
Today's a rest day for Cedric. This was non-negotiable since he didn't want to abuse his body unless it was completely necessary. Besides, his progress has been slowing down anyway so he might as well relax from time to time.
Right now, he's hanging out with Chrissy and Erica at the latter's house. He had grown considerably close with the two. It was Erica at first since they're neighbors. Chrissy essentially rented a room on Erica's house so he became close with her too.
"Ah, that..." Cedric chuckled lightly, "Nothing much, I'm training for something."
"Training?" Erica raised a brow. "Are you having trouble with your Hell Dives? I thought you were doing well with your projects as a Scribe? Do you need help? You can invite us to a party! We may not look like it but we're skilled you know!"
"I appreciate the offer, but it's not that. Not the Hell Dive." Cedric shook his head. "It's for an...entrance exam, actually."
He smiled as he continued grilling some meat. Chrissy and Erica looked at each other for a bit, then they got thinking. Moments later, Erica's eyes suddenly widened as she exclaimed:
"Wait, hold on!" She grabbed the armrest and leaned forward a bit. "Entrance exam? When will it take place?"
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"Uh, next month? The exact date hasn't been released yet." Cedric blinked at her sudden interest.
"No way!" Erica exclaimed. "The only school that's having an entrance exam next month is the Starlight Royal Academy!! Do you plan on enrolling there?"
"What!? Starlight Royal Academy!?" Chrissy looked stunned as well.
Cedric pursed his lips and decided to not face them, but he did reply: "Yeah, I'm hoping to get accepted. My guarantor put his trust in me and I don't want to disappoint him."
From his senses, he saw the astonished look on Chrissy and Erica's faces as they looked at each other. He felt weirded out so he turned around and asked: "Is it really that shocking? Do I not look that impressive?"
"Nonononono!" The two hurriedly shook their heads in disagreement, and then to his surprise, they laughed.
"We're just surprised, you see. After all, people who could receive tokens to participate in the entrance exam are fairly rare." Chrissy stated.
"Right! But more importantly, we didn't expect a prospective underclassman here!" Erica happily added.
That certainly got Cedric's attention now. He looked at them in surprise and asked: "You study there?"
"Yeah!" Both of them replied, and then they showed him their ID.
Those IDs are legit because it is against the law to make counterfeits of them. If someone tries, the System will immediately notice it and they will be heavily punished for doing so. Only the students and the staff of the Royal Academy could hold those IDs.
"Wow! What a coincidence!" Cedric chuckled as he served them a plate of freshly grilled meat. "How long have you been studying there?"
"Around three years now for both of us." Chrissy replied, "Actually, that's where we and the other guys met and became friends."
"I see." Cedric nodded. Then he ate some of the meat he grilled and stopped asking questions.
"What, not curious at all?" Erica playfully asked.
"Nah. I know that the information you can give to me is limited to the ones released in public and I've already read all of those." Cedric replied, "Besides, I want to experience it myself. It won't be too late to ask for guidance from you once I get admitted anyway."
"Hoho...my, aren't you a confident one?" Chrissy teased coquettishly.
"You know it." Cedric winked at her, causing the poor girl to be flustered.
"Stop with the innuendos, please. It is way too early for this." Erica snorted, but the two knew better than to believe her, especially when she too looked flustered.
"Oh come, Riri." Chrissy playfully whined beside her. "Don't tell me you didn't miss 'Big Brother' Cedric? It's been weeks you know? See, now he looks hurt!"
The way she said 'Big Brother' implied way too many things that Erica would rather not discuss right here and right now.
"Stop teasing her." Cedric playfully scolded Chrissy upon seeing how red Erica became.
"But why, 'Big Brother'? I'm not teasing though! I'm telling the truth." Chrissy feigned innocence in a naughty way. "If I was teasing, it'd look something like this."
Cedric momentarily froze when he felt her foot slowly making its way up his legs. Shaking his head, he decided to let her be. It's not like she's harming him anyway.
"Chrissy!" Erica quietly screeched as she started looking everywhere to see if there were other people around.
"Girl, relax! Nobody will see us like this. Cedric made sure of that, right Big Brother?"
"Yep," Cedric smirked as he firmly held Chrissy's foot and placed it to a better angle so that she could really feel his length.
"Ooh lala~" Chrissy let out a scandalous giggle. "Look, Big Brother! Erica looks jealous.
"Oh no." Cedric's smirk became bigger. "Then we better do something about that, isn't that right, Kitten?"
Erica didn't even have the time to scream before Cedric grabbed her and carried her towards the bedroom with Chrissy as well.
At this point, it's pretty obvious that their closeness reached an entirely different level but that's between them. Every participant agreed to this setup anyway.