Tabitha's arrival in Beijing had awoken the local Horde King, one who was not necessarily aware of her current fractured mental state. And it was perhaps because of this he approached the woman with little regards to caution.
Her tale of misery was, after all, not exactly common knowledge, and only those who had been close to her prior to her insanity knew of her folly and the results it brought upon her. Such as Lilith, and of course by extension Gwen who was close to Lilith.
Tabitha had deliberately kept the Horde King in charge of Beijing at an arm's length. He was a man deeply infatuated with her, but it was an unrequited love. And now that he had entered his domain without daring to reveal herself, it was a level of disrespect that he would make her pay by offering herself up to him.
Of course, Tabitha had no idea how she had even found herself in Beijing. She was just in the middle of interrogating Zane when this bastard dared to get close to her. She, after all, was suffering from an incurable state of insanity, one with split personalities that did not share memories.
Her appearance in Beijing was both inexplicable from her perspective, and agitating. As she wanted nothing to do with the bastard in charge of what remained of the city. Because of this, Tabitha gazed upon the man who ruled over the city with nothing but pure disgust in her eyes as she tried to rationally explain to the man her position.
Ršad latšst chaptšrs at freeš¤ Only.
"What I do with this little boy is none of your business, Vexx, nor is whether or not I just so happen to be passing through your territory. Last I checked I wasn't obligated to pay my respects under such circumstances, now was I? Or would you prefer if Balthazar heard about this little tantrum of yours?"
The Horde King named Vexx stared at Tabitha oddly for a moment. Why was she bringing Balthazar into this? The man had his hands full with Lilith's little rebellion. And he wasn't doing a good job of it. His losses were severe. Even if he ended up beating Lilith in the end, his power would have been drained so much by the war that it would open up various other rebellions by other upstarts.
He had far more important matters than whether or not he force Tabitha to kneel before him. And because of this, Vexx broke out into laughter as he mocked Tabitha for her poor attempt to intimidate him into backing down.
"Balthazar? What are you even thinking, Tabitha? What with Lilith's rebellions and the other Tier V Horde King's eying his throne as a result of the losses he has sustained in Necropolis, I'd say he's far too busy to concern himself with our affairs!
I mean, did you seriously think dropping his name would get me to back down, like it would have in the early days? Have you been living under a rock these past two years?"
Tabitha instinctively looked over at Zane for a reasonable explanation, but he just simply shrugged his shoulders. How would he know about the ongoings of the war between the Horde Kings? Horde King's radio had been completely and utterly silent since the civil war began.
After all, they didn't want to link their battle plans to each other what with not knowing who was on whose side, who was staying out of it, et cetera. There had been no telepathic conversations shared between the Horde Kings ever since Zane emerged from his two-year isolation in Seoul.
Speaking of, Tabitha knew he had spent a significant amount of time in her own zone of interference. So why was she expecting him to know? As for Tabitha herself, she was deeply confused by this news.
Two years? That didn't make sense, at least not from her perspective of time, which was split in half with her other personality. Only a year should have passed since Zane first came to her, right? Unfortunately for Tabitha, Vexx did not seem keen on answering her questions and immediately made a move.
Not towards her, but Zane who was by her side. Zane was an eyesore from Vexx's perspective. He was simply too close to Tabitha for his liking. Tabitha however moved much quicker, pushing on Zane's chest and sending him flying so far away that he was not even in range to witness the battle that was about to ensue.
She had saved him by doing so, but wounded him severely no less. Causing Zane to damn near become a bloody puddle. Luckily for him, he could easily heal himself. But still, it wasn't exactly something he wanted to experience again.
However, Tabitha's movement had deeply shocked both Vexx and those celestial beings silently observing from the sky. She had moved swiftly, far more swiftly than anyone expected. Not only getting Zane to safety, but intercepting Vexx's lethal strike.
Grabbing hold of his hand as she did so and using it to rag doll the man with a throw into the ground below. Despite both being Tier V Horde Kings, there was a vast disparity between their strength. Vexx hit the ground and felt as if every bone in his body had shattered upon impact.
Blood oozed from all of his orifices as he struggled to catch his breath. Not even Balthazar could deal such a blow to him with a single strike. How? Just how did Tabitha gain such power!?! As for the Celestial beings in the sky, the golden-haired woman dropped her jaw upon seeing what Tabitha had done. Quickly commenting on her level of power.
"We can't let such a monster liveā¦ Her powerā¦ It's half a step towards the divine. How did Death spawn such a powerful entity from the corpse of a human woman?"
The golden-haired woman was manifesting a spear of pure energy in her hand when she was stopped by the silver-haired man next to her who shook his head with a stern expression on his face, all while forcefully grabbing hold of his partner's hand.
"She still has use to us. And if my guess is correct, she isn't all there in the headā¦ She would be a powerful tool if we managed to coerce her to act against her masterā¦"
The silver-haired man's caused his partner to scoff while she dispersed the energy gathered in her hand. She quickly began to pout as she crossed her arms and accepted the man's plan, even if she acted pissed off because of it.
"Fine, let that wretch run wild, see if I give a damn!"
As for the wretch in question, she was currently hounding Vexx across his territory, who was desperately trying to escape from Tabitha after realizing that she was a power well beyond his means of dealing with. He tried to apologize, and profusely at that as he begged for his life to be spared.
"Little sister! This was my mistake! I didn't know you had grown so powerful! Please spare me! I won't try to interfere with you and your little lover! I don't even care if he's merely a Tier II Horde King. I will pray to mother to bless your union!"
This only further infuriated Tabitha, who in this personality had no real affection towards Zane. She quickly became flustered as she chased even more intensely after the other Tier V Horde King who was now planning to abandon his domain entirely and run to the hills to escape Tabitha's wrath.
"Union? What union? You actually think I have feelings for that little brat! Why don't you die as penance for provoking my wrath!"
By the time Zane had managed to get back to Beijing, Tabitha had chased Vexx well beyond its borders. Quite frankly, he had no idea when she would return. But he suspected it was whenever she snapped into her other, more crazed personality.
After all, Vexx would hold no meaning to that version of Tabitha, who was oddly obsessed with Zane for reasons the man did not understand. And because of that, he would wait in Beijing for her. Knowing that he could not escape from her pursuit no matter how much he might try to do so.
Hence why, after gaining some sense of peace for the time being, Zane summoned Gwen and his other companions back to him. While expressing his sentiments about what had just happened.
"They're gone for nowā¦"
Gwen looked around at the damage caused to the ruins of Beijing. If it was already in a sad and sorry state before the brief battle between the two Tier V Horde Kings, then by now it appeared as if a world ending natural disaster had befallen it.
The simply act of Tabitha crashing Vexx into the city, had caused a catastrophic earthquake to occur, which had resulted in the destruction in at least half of the buildings which had remained somewhat intact since the apocalypse began.
Gwen looked over at Zane with a wry smile before espousing the words that would ultimately result in a spanking.
"Big brotherā¦ I wish you and big sister Tabitha a very happy life together!"