Felix found himself at the very top of a large mountain. Looking around, he saw a a mountain range extend to the south, large relatively flat plains to the south-east, and a large forest to his north. The mountain range seemed to run along the edge of a lake to his west. Felix’s first mission was to found Tri-Peak once more. He wanted it to be available for his citizens to move in as soon as possible. He quickly checked his screens and found that he could settle his town wherever he wanted. Only key buildings from the tutorial would be recreated and everything else could be bought or built from scratch.
While, in the tutorial, Tri-Peak was nestled in the valley between three mountains, hence the name, Felix instead flew east. Nestling his city among the mountains would make future expansion and city growth difficult. He had his eye on a particular spot about half way to the horizon where the plains and mountain range met. The forest was also just north of the point too, providing for a good amount of resources. He was initially worried about water and had wanted to head towards the lake to the west, but the spot he had picked out actually had a large waterfall. It originated from a mountain stream and poured into a small basin that split into streams reaching out into the plains.
Felix flew out towards the point he was looking at but had to travel over ten hours to reach it. He had expected the mountains to be a similar size to the ones in the tutorial, and had a hard time differentiating them from the peak. Flying past them, he realized how absurdly big they were. It also threw him off how far things were. On earth, something on the horizon wasn’t too far away, this planet was evidently much bigger though as things were so much further than he expected. Even accounting for how high in the air he was, he estimated the radius of the planet to be about a half dozen times bigger. His calculation was very rough though so he gave himself a margin of error of about 25%.
He finally reached the spot he wanted and stood a top a cliff next to the water fall. Behind him, the top of the cliff was rocky and hard. At the base of the cliff, around the basin which fed multiple streams and rivers, the ground was soft and grassy. Looking north, it was about a half to full day of travel to reach the forest for a normal level 50. That was close enough to all the necessary resources for Felix so he walked off to the side, where the water fall was a little less loud, and opened his city management screen.
Major City
Would you like to found a Major City at this location? The location will be permanent unless you manually move the buildings placed. An area of 20,000 kilometers in every direction will be reserved for the city.
Yes. That is a ridiculous amount of land.
Felix immediately noticed the shadow cast upon him by the building that had suddenly appeared behind him. It was a large stone building with decorative archways and pillars reminiscent of ancient roman architecture. He walked up the large stairs and below the archway held up by white stone pillars and headed inside.
The interior of the building was much like the outside, except that it was completely empty save for a large table in the middle with a single chair. Felix walked over and sat down, thinking back to the throne in the tutorial. He found multiple city management menus and felt a wave of relief when he saw that the Vault of Secrets was able to be placed wherever he wanted.
Most of the other buildings had been exchanged for some sort of city points that could be used to purchase prefabbed buildings. Felix didn’t touch any of them though as he would have Noah deal with it when he arrived. He did however, decide to change the city’s name. He had already confirmed that the citizens of Tri-Peak will be informed of the name change and that they would even be given the option to arrive here instead of randomly.
While he liked the name Tri-Peak Valley, it was a little long so ended up shortened to Tri-Peak and was completely unapplicable to this location. He figured it would be too confusing for people and now was likely the best time to address that. He didn’t want people immigrating here after their tutorials and constantly asking about the name. He didn’t have any brilliant ideas on what to name it though so he talked it through with Grim.
No, that was bad then it’s still bad. If you wanted that though why not Waterfallwatch?
Never mind, you’re right. I’s awful.
I thought we agreed to ban that naming scheme?
Yeah but I couldn’t think of what else to add to storm. It also makes some sense so it’s not awful.
Why storm?
Your nickname, the Stormbringer.
I don’t think that’s catching on. Also I don’t want to name the city after myself.
Alright fine. Alympus.
I’m not zeus and that was weak.
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I think it’s time for you to suggest anything.
I’m trying. Atalus?
What’s that?
Just a bunch of letters strung together than sound ok and are easy to pronounce. Mashed up a bunch of other city names from fantasy and the real world, ended up with that.
Meh, I like the ones with hidden meaning better.
Yeah I know you do, but their all cheesy and lame.
Yeah, kind of. Atolus?
Ata- is easier than Ato-, at least for me.
Meh, I guess it’s fine.
Yeah… I don’t love it either, but honestly, it doesn’t matter too much. I want people to take it seriously and I think this is good enough for that.
Felix locked in the name, Atalus.
With that done he looked through the options for buildings to build and frowned. Then he looked through the buildings that had been exchanged for tokens and his frown deepened. He left the building and pulled up the screen for the bonus he had received and realized what had happened.
Conqueror’s Bonus
You may claim land and construct a special building You have the option of constructing a:
You are unable to claim land here as this land has already been claimed by Major City: Atalus. Please contact the Major City if you wish to use this land.
Would you like to open a world map now to claim land?
That’s an option? I can just look at a map and point? Since when? Why wasn’t I offered this in the last one? Yes.
Felix suddenly had his map screen open in front of him and zoomed all the way out to show the entire surface of the planet. The interface was a giant globe that he could spin and inspect at will. He also found he was able to zoom in quite a bit. The world was split into 4 major landmasses with the one Felix was on being the largest. That one was mostly vertical with a desert extending off to the west on the bottom making an awkward backward L shape.
To the east there was a land mass to the north which appeared entirely covered in snow and one to the south which was another desert. To the west of Felix’s current location, above the desert part of the landmass and inside the crook of the L shape, was another landmass. This was the only other landmass that appeared to have a diversity of biomes other than the one he was standing on. He zoomed in on it to get a better look.
In the middle of the landmass was a massive mountain surrounded by a sprawling jungle on all sides. North of that was a rocky cliff face over the ocean that formed a massive bay with a snowy area further north. On the west of the jungle was a desert and above and below it, plains. He zoomed in further and noticed that the mountain was actually a giant volcano. From the map, it seemed to be inactive, but he didn’t know if the map had that level of accuracy. Around the volcano there were a few other smaller mountains but they were mostly covered in trees, with just their peaks breaking through the tree line.
Felix panned around the entire map and saw 2 settlements other than his own that were already founded. One was in the desert to the south-west, attached to his current continent, the other was on the arctic land mass to the north-east. After panning across the entire map for almost ten minutes, he found he kept going back to the volcano.
His reservations were that it was very far from Atalus and he didn’t know if the volcano might erupt at some point. On the other hand, he found the idea of living on a volcano really cool. He decided to just go for it and selected a point on the side of the volcano that was very steep and close to the top. It didn’t need to be flat or accessible as he could just fly there so the location just made it harder for someone to attack him and that seemed like a good enough reason to choose this spot in particular.
Next he looked through the options and chose tower. He had had a castle back when he first claimed the fort and found it was too big to be usable and found it a little lonely with how empty it was. He figured a fortress and keep would have similar problems. He explored Other, but it was just the ability for him to ask for something different if he had something specific in mind. He had come to like his tower back in the tutorial though. Even though it was empty, the floors were smaller than the castle and filled with shelves, tables and other furniture. The whole thing was much cozier and the idea of having another tower was comforting to Felix.
Conqueror’s Bonus: Tower.
Continent Claimed.
[E - Epic] Wizard’s Tower has been constructed.
Would you like to teleport there now?
Note: You will be able to teleport to your tower or city once a day. The teleportation takes 15 minutes to complete. This is a function of Atalus and your tower granted for having slain all 9 world bosses.
Say what now?
Uh, did it say ’continent’, as in… the whole land mass?
Felix ignored the screen for now and opened his map. He zoomed out as far as he could and enabled the overlay that showed which land was claimed. He saw a small circle surrounding Atalus as well as circles surrounding the other two settlements to the north-west and south-west, though their circles were much smaller. Over to the west, he saw a small icon of a tower on the side of the volcano as well as a light blue color covering, not just the land mass, but also the small islands off its coast. It had in fact, claimed the entire continent. When he zoomed out, The System had even taken the liberty of naming it for him, Stormbringer’s Demesne.
Hah, and you didn’t want to name the city after yourself. Grim laughed in his head.
I don’t need a continent. Oh also, judging by the scale of the map, that continent has more land than the entirety of earth had. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT AMOUNT OF SPACE?
Throw a party? Found another city?
You know I hate people. I mean, I wouldn’t have said no to a small chunk of land or small island to call my own, so I could get away from people and be alone.
Except for me.
Yeah, except for you. Ugh, if someone had a city on one end of the continent, there is a very good chance that I never would have ever seen them. People are going to hate me for this aren’t they?
Nah probably not, they are going to think of you as a terrible boss to take out though.
Oh no, they’re going to mount a campaign to take me out at some point aren’t they?
You could just tell them it’s you, a human.
Yeah then they all hate me. So it’s either they hate me, or hunt me down eventually.
Seems like it yeah.
Then Felix said aloud, "Yes." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .