It didn’t take long for Felix to bolt through the forest directly north east until the tree line broke giving way to a mountain range. Now that his map was more filled in, he knew that this was the same range Tri-Peak was nestled on the edge of. He lifted himself off the ground and slowly glided towards the north where he knew the world boss would be. As he approached, he heard then saw something he had feared.
This content is taken from fгeewebnovё
On the side of a mountain Felix saw an army of people fighting a large giant.
[E - Rare] Stone Giant (Lvl 91)
The Giant appeared to have skin made of interlocking flagstones and stood at least 50 meters tall. It was currently picking up and throwing large stones at the army it faced. The army didn’t appear to be in good shape. There were bodies strewn about and none of them were in any kind of formation. They were all either throwing last ditch attacks at the giant or running away. Felix crossed his fingers and hoped they just ran away to recuperate for the next few days.
He didn’t want to interfere though as he didn’t want to share it’s soul, tokens or experience. Felix turned to the south east and flew as fast as he was comfortable flying, towards the Royal Elk. Seeing the world boss locked in combat with someone else made him want to rush through the others. He was desperately hoping that Icewatch was too busy raiding to take the yeti out just yet.
He found the Royal Elk exactly where he expected it to be, in the middle of the forest. Luckily, it was alone so Felix prepared his tracking shots and took aim. The elk was slightly smaller than the Griffin if Felix didn’t count the antlers. It was inside of part of the forest that appeared to be younger as the trees were much smaller.
[E - Special] Royal Elk (Lvl 86)
Felix debated waiting until it tomorrow as it was currently the middle of the night. He ultimately decided though that he could see enough with the star and moon light in this part of the forest where the tree cover was sparse. Felix fired his shots and watched as they all struck the Elk in the side. The creature jumped up onto it’s hind legs then launched itself towards Felix who was suddenly feeling less safe standing behind trees than he had before. The elk, with it’s antlers, tore through the young trees around it making a beeline towards it’s attacker.
Felix was already preparing a triple sized Lightning Bolt to stun it temporarily so he waited for the right moment to fire. As soon as the Royal Elk was a few steps away from a larger tree, Felix struck it with the Lightning Bolt. It tripped two steps then didn’t have the force to take the tree down so it collided with it and fell over instead. Felix was ready and fired off multiple Fire Balls before switching over to Glacial Blasts. He was slightly worried about burning down the entire forest and figured the Glacial Blasts would at least slow the Elk down.
The effects were much greater than when he had hit the turtle with the same spell. The spells pierced the Elks side and visibly froze a large portion of it’s hide. He managed to land 5 of them before it rose to it’s feet again. The elk turned away from Felix, who was prepared to stop it from running, and used it’s hind legs to launch a tree straight at Felix. He managed to dodge below the tree that was moving surprisingly quickly and fire off another two Glacial Blasts. The elk continued to kick trees at Felix who dodged most of them but had to block one of them for a few thousand mana. He also managed to land 8 Glacial Blasts in return though.
The elk seemed to realize what it was doing wasn’t working so instead it turned to the side and vanished. Felix immediately referred to the tracking mana he had shot it with earlier and sensed it trying to sneak through the forest to get behind him. Felix stopped it short with three triple sized Lightning Bolts, just to be sure, followed by two Glacial Blasts. The Elk realized it’s stealth wasn’t working so it dropped it’s spell or skill and tried to charge Felix once more.
It didn’t get any closer than last time though. It was much slower due to the Glacial Blasts, even though most of those wounds had started to heal over a during the fight. Felix landed 3 triple sized Glacial Blasts causing the Elk to fall over as it’s front right leg gave out. Felix fired off one last Glacial Blast into it’s neck, 5 times sized just to be sure, ending it’s life.
Ding You have slain an [E - Special] Royal Elk (Lvl 86)
Ding You have gained a level in [E - Common] Caster
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You have slain a World Boss.
The experience will be split among your party of 1 and you have obtained an upgrade token for any tutorial settlement. The token may be consumed in any settlement granting an upgrade based on the World Boss slain. The upgrade will be split evenly among the settlements where the tokens are consumed.
Upgrade: Elk’s Crown.
Felix checked his charm and stowed the body before consuming the token, who’s function he knew nothing about either. He then decided to head for the worm in the desert before heading back to the giant so that the army had enough time to run away.
[E - Rare] Desert Worm (Lvl 88)
The worm didn’t seem to have a resting state, so Felix had to time his tracking mana shots for when it jumped through the sand. After that, the fight was fairly easy as he knew when it tried to swallow him from below, able to track it’s every movement. The hard part was waiting for it to surface as Felix didn’t have any way of striking it when it burrowed. He was mostly glad it didn’t try to hide as he would have little hope of ever reaching it beneath the sand.
It was still the middle of the night so he was relying solely on the moonlight. Once he had killed it though, he was surprised he could stow it’s body as it was easily the biggest corpse of all the ones he had seen so far, including the giant. The upgrade token it gave was called Desert Oasis which provided no indication as to it’s function, but Felix consumed it anyways.
The next world boss would be the yeti. He thought about heading back to the Giant now, but he was worried it might still count the army’s contribution if he killed it too soon. He also figured he should have enough time if he made it back in a day or two as the army would probably take at least that long to recover.
[E - Rare] Alpha Yeti (Lvl 89)
The yeti threw giant snowballs and trees at Felix when it wasn’t trying to pick him up and throw him. Felix used Fire Balls as he hoped they would do more damage to a creature that lived in the cold. The yeti also had either some magic or a skill that they tried to use it to create a blizzard, but Felix put an end to that before it could even start. It’s upgrade was Yeti’s Hide.
[E - Special] Giant Gator: King of the Swamp (Lvl 92)
The gator had an odd name which Felix thought might have been a title. It was also the highest level enemy he had ever encountered. Unfortunately, the fight was very similar to the Elk’s. The Gator charged at him and tried to throw trees. It also tried to hide beneath the swamp water, but Felix had made sure to inject it with tracking mana. It took the most hits to kill among all of the bosses as a result of it’s thick hide that acted like armor. Felix was surprised it was more resilient than the turtle but he figured the level difference probably played a part in that. It’s upgrade was called Gator’s Gate, which was the first upgrade whose function he could reasonably guess at.
[E - Special] Tropical Roc (Lvl 89)
The last one before Felix looped back was the Roc. He had already encountered it when he was last in the tropics. Hitting it with tracking mana darts was trivial as it was so massive. Taking it out of the sky, was much more difficult. He continued to fire off Lightning Bolts but they didn’t seem to have much of an effect. The Roc attacked him by ripping trees out of the ground and attempting to drop them.
As the fight went on though, it began to crackle with energy and strike with lightning from above. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to be able to aim it’s strikes at all. Felix kept a manually cast Mana Shield above him at all times and simply positioned his spell forms above it. Felix began hitting it with tried and true Fire which seemed to be slightly more effective, though harder to hit. Eventually, after the longest fight of his life at around 3 hours, he managed to ground the beast and finish it off.
He stowed it’s body and consumed the upgrade token: Tropical Storm. At this point, the sun was setting over the horizon so Felix decided to head towards the Giant and wait till morning to engage. He also needed to find a way to fight the world boss at sea, west of Tiki Kahuna. He could fly, but he still wasn’t very good at it. Unfortunately, he didn’t really have any better options. He could commission a ship which would take a while to be built. Even if he stole one, it would likely get destroyed pretty quickly in the fight. Felix was very quickly realizing flying was his only option.
Luckily, he had a long journey over the ocean to get back to the Mountain Giant where he could practice with little risk of falling and dying. As he flew, he had Grim fire off Mana Bolts at him so he could practice dodging. His biggest issue with flying in combat, was that currently it used up four of his manual casts. That left him with one spell at a time to either deal damage, defend or for utility. If he quickly needed a spell but was currently casting a Fire Ball or similar, he would be significantly delayed changing the spell over. With the Roc, he had needed to maintain a manual Mana Shield above his head once it started using lightning, if he were flying, he didn’t have that option.
Felix had a few ideas for simplifying his flying spells, but all of them involved decreasing his mobility. The best idea he managed to come up with was to commission some kind of surf board then use a single spell to make it fly. It had the unfortunate problem of being easy to fall off of though. Felix spent over 8 hours traveling with Grim and practicing his flying ability. By the end he was much more comfortable with flying around but not quite ready to fight a world boss while he did. The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon which meant it was time to kill the Stone Giant. . . . . .