But for a Slime

Chapter 627 - 2.115 (Part 1) - Insanity
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Chapter One Hundred Fifteen

Gwenvair traveled the road to the village Joe had suggested but found herself unable to enjoy the scenery or be concerned for a monster attack. They had so many people, more than they'd planned, but she didn't see a need reject them and having more hands at the village might prove useful. Still, her mind couldn't stop from thinking on Joe. Since that first initial moment of terror, Joe had gone quiet, clamping hard down upon their connection and hiding himself. She could vaguely feel the tense fear through the line still, then suddenly, it was gone late in the evening. Feelings of determination and euphoria, and Gwenvair calmed. She didn't know where what he was doing, but his certainty returned confidence to her and she calmed.

Soon, she was passing amongst the crowd of people as the camped in a wide field although everyone had been warned about the lone tree in the meadow just off the road. Everyone gave it wide birth, respectful of it. So many people had fled the city that there were not enough bedding let alone tents, and so massive fires were stoked and given to the various people while she warned all to keep mana use to a minimum. And while the people were outside the safety of city walls, they still seemed to be a celebratory mood in the air, lead primarily by the escaped clanners of the Galgandar clan.

* * *

The priests of Saga had arrived at their Coushar temple without incident, but then found themselves huddled within their temple for almost a week as the violence of the city petered out. Dust, smoke, and violence rang throughout the city for that week, only slowly dying towards the end of the week.

That did not mean the convoy sent to negotiate with the Eccentric was idle. Meetings popped up like flash fires all across the temple complex as the convoy's demands spurred local priests into meetings and efforts only for replies to demand meetings between the convoy members. Each meeting seemed to exponentially spur more meetings until the entire temple churned with wild activity unseen to those outside the temple.

After several days, days that had the members of the temple and convoy chafing, waiting for the violence to calm till acceptable levels, the temple began sending out young members of their temple to seek out any news on the Eccentric. The first day had dozens of members exiting the temple in search of news and almost all returning on that first day. The second day had even more, and all from the first day return. By the end, the temple of Saga had almost a hundred members scouring the city of Coushar and an ever increasing tension growing wildly within the temple as now news was found.

The week passed with nothing found and the envoy and his followers grew impatient. The calm search for news shifted from cajoling to demanding, sometimes even into downright threats as all effort was put into seeking the lost eccentric. When news did return, it was largely dismissed, but as more and more reports verified the Eccentric's now slave status, the convoy fell into a days long meeting struggling to evaluate how it might change their approach. Many called for a continued subservient approach, pointing out that his power was still personal and phenomenal.

A lesser but growing group began to suggest that there was no longer any need to approach subserviently. The man was now a slave. The easiest resolution would be to simply purchase the man and take him for their own. They would learn all the man's secrets and be able to keep the secrets for themselves as the man would be under their control. Once the secrets were all there's, the Eccentric became irrelevant; even a liability. The resolution was obvious, and the solution simple. Many began to see the appeal.

* * *

Meanwhile, LEAP suffered even greater difficulty, struggling to seek the man with nothing more than a drawing and painting taken from a description of a captured Loki priest who struggled against everything they did. He'd been broken, of course, so his descriptions were now accurate. That said, they still struggled to catch a lead and it took them weeks.

* * *

Gunlan, Patriarch of Galgandar and clan protector of the city of Coushar rested silently for the first time in a very long time. He rested in a coma upon his bed for almost as long.

* * *

Joe stood, staring forward without looking at the man at all, eyes faced forward. With the loss of understanding, he was able to focus on his situation, soon lost in looking around the area and trying to keep an eye on everything. The rush of relief from being deafened to the man's words almost made him sag, and a burning itch that had been twisting within the depths of his being ruptured forward before Joe crushed it once again. Not the time… he's right here!

The man had stood in front of him for a time, speaking to him before turning away with another sad shake of his head and heading back to the front center. He turned and continued speaking for all of them, ignoring Joe. Joe found such relief in being freed from understanding that he felt all emotion drain from him, and he fell into a form of empty numbness, safe from despair only because he was so exhausted from the wild emotional rollercoaster of the past day.

The slave master's voice still had an odd echoing quality to it that penetrated into his thoughts deeply, almost to the point that it was almost impossible to ignore but it was now hollow. Its effect had somehow diminished significantly, and he was able to soon forget the speech after a few moments whereas before it had stuck in his mind and settled in a way that felt frighteningly permanent.

Suddenly, everyone around him began shaking, hands reaching up to necks as collars began spiking out in their terrifying way, eldritch horrors of spines and spikes that tore into skin or abraded across painful areas. Joe quickly glanced towards the slave master and noticed he was smiling softly, benevolently, while looking out across the field of slaves. The slave master was currently looking out across the slaves across the field from Joe, and Joe was outside his vision or just at the very edge of his peripheral vision at best. Joe clenched his teeth and took a chance, quickly but smoothly turning to glance behind himself to notice that all the slaves were in pain as spikes crawled out of the necklace and tore into flesh. Oooh… crap… not good!

Joe's mind raced, seeking and option even as he began bending forward and offering his own voice up in faux pain. He bent over far enough to be able to hide his face and especially his eyes. He bent mainly so he could look behind himself while pretending to be in pain so he could match his actions to the others and keep an eye on things. He also did it to see what he could do to sell it, one eye kept on the feet of the slave master. He scrambled for options.

Gotta hide it… somehow… how am I… Joe's thoughts derailed as he noticed one slave far in the back not crouching in pain, and he wondered if he could claim the same. It was rather too late, however, as he'd already played up that he was affected as well. He turned his eyes away from the unaffected man and searched out the others, and quickly noticed some had collars that seemed to only dig in to the neck or upper shoulders, their collars not as eerily terrifying. Right… my collar is the relaxed kind… got it. He brought up his hands and then worried, realizing that he wasn't supposed to touch his collar, especially if he fell dazed and stopped crying out in pain. He did notice, however, that some were easily able to pull at shoulders and heads, so Joe did exactly that, making sure to angle his forearms over his collar to hide the fact that it rested peacefully on his neck.

His calm returned with that and soon he was simply keeping an eye on things and making sure to maintain his pain response at a level similar to those around him, making sure he had something close to the other newbies that were with him. He also began tilting his head slightly to both sides so he could look side to side as well as behind, keeping his eyes shaded under a judicious forearm or bicep as needed while still keeping his neck and collar hidden as well.

Everyone rolled on the ground or in pain for quite some time, and he noticed that pretty much all the newbies were on the ground as well, so he dropped to a knee, even though it reduced his vision, but the safety offered was much more important. He was wobbling on his knees when he suddenly realized one problem: everyone else around him, except the single guy still standing just fine, crying so hard snot was dripping from their nose while tears streamed down their face with many have rivulets of blood trailing down chest and back. Well… this isn't going to work… this…

He immediately tried crying, willing his tears to remain, but his terror and fear had fled with his successful loss of language while also leaving him numb, making it very difficult for him to bring feel anything emotional. Blood proved easy, and he began surreptitiously ripping at his back and chest with his fingernails, ripping as deeply as he could to get a bit of blood. His front he was able to do quite quickly, checking to see some blood trailing down his chest a bit and desperately willed it to stay on his chest. Since he couldn't see his back, he made sure to spend a bit more time on his back hoping against hope that his back trailed blood as well. It took quite a bit of effort, his HP proving incredibly resilient and healing him so fast, but he was able to finally get some blood to trickle across and down his chest.

Tears, on the other hand, took a bit more, and nothing he could do brought tears to his eyes. The painful scratches across chest and back helped, but not in the amount others showed. Look like they got pepper sprayed! This… After struggling for a time, he finally dropped a hand to the dirt, feigning a small wobble, before pulling it back up to his neck. After another few moments, he pulled the hand around in front of his face and grit his teeth. Just do it… just… you can… make it happen!

He forced his eyes open then tossed the dirt he'd grabbed up into his face. He grimaced, his eyes fluttering shut but enough dust made it into his eyes and they immediately began to water profusely, the tears falling out of his face into the dirt below him. Where he'd been acting before, the pain became real and he began groaning in truth, although with a bit more volume than strictly necessary given it was just some dust in the eye.

His eyes watered badly and while he wasn't really draining mucus from his nose, he put some effort into hocking up a loogie before spitting it in his clean hand and rubbing it just under his nose down into his mouth, completing the look. He then relaxed a bit, letting the tears flow sense it did hurt and he wanted to clear out the dust and remove the pain, but now also a bit annoyed with himself as he no longer could really see what was going on.

After a bit, he began to notice some motion through blurred eyes, and realized one person was walking through the central yard. It took a bit, but he quickly understood it was the slave master, stalking towards the back. After a bit more thought, he realized the slave master was going back to confront the one man who wasn't in pain, and Joe was kicking himself for blinding himself. Several quick and cautious eye blinks and a trick to remove irritants in the eye which didn't work too well, he was soon able to look and watch the slave master, albeit through a very fuzzy curtain of tears.

The slave master came up before the unaffected slave and began speaking again. His speech ranged from sad disappointment to bitter anger. His voice slipped through cajoling and desperate concern, hitting disappointed anger a few times before finally ending with enraged bitterness. He then began beating the slave over the head, shoulders and body for a good few moments, punctuating his speech and words with slaps and punches until he stepped back and roared something that had the man suddenly grimaced and dropped to the ground in pain.

The slave master continued to angrily berate him for a time before his voice dropped to tender concern and the slave master dropped to a knee and began petting the man with some concern. After a little bit, he even reached out and hugged him, speaking softly with crooning concern until he suddenly snapped another thing, and the man's cries and moans shifted. His tension due to the pain snapped to something else, and Joe quickly recognized the pleasure that the man was feeling. Joe looked around wildly with some concern, but the others around him still bent over in pain, their moans obviously of hurt. The slave master continued to croon over the man as he shuddered in the throes of pleasure then snapped out another couple of words which dropped the tension from the man.

He collapsed like an over cooked noodle, draped over the slave masters lap as the slave master pet his head and hair, shushing him quietly for a few moments longer before unceremoniously dumping him from his lap and standing. Joe stifled a curse and quickly went back to rocking in pain while covering the back of his neck with the arm facing the standing slave master. He also rapidly tried to fix his now quite long hair over his neck to hide the collar and then used his off hand to wipe away his tears so he could see again, although he made sure to leave tears and obvious wetness across his whole face.

The slave master made it back to the front and began speaking. He spoke for a long time. A very long time, and as he spoke, the men on the ground rolled in pain, tears and snot rolling from their cheeks, all but the one that the slave master had taken a personal beating to. Joe watched on, lost but free and distant from all of it. He remained numb, but did begin to grow a bit concerned when twenty minutes passed and the men still rolled on the floor in pain, almost all of them mostly prone. Joe had to fall down to his face and chest as well, when most of the others had fallen that much as well. He didn't want to stand out.

He did remain on his face, covering the side facing the slave master with the arm on that side while using the other arm to 'claw' at the pain on his shoulders and chest while he rolled with his face in the dirt. There was one lucky benefit. Keeping his eyes wet was easy, as now all he had to do was huff slightly to get the dust to spray up into his eyes. When another ten minutes passed, he began working up another loogie and kept it ready when things seemed like it would end.

The slave master spoke another few minutes, leaving everyone in pain as he spoke then suddenly ended with a rising shout and Joe knew it was going to end soon. A few more phrases and, a few poignant pauses, and then the slave master barked out another phrase or sentence and everything on the field changed. The rasping cries of pain suddenly cut off, and almost everyone grunted at the same time and stiffened. Shuddering gasps and cries replaced the growls of pain and Joe quickly noticed that the collars had returned to normal and everyone simply was stiff now in pleasure, not in pain. Gasps echoed out when the loss of oxygen grew too great for them to remain in tension from the pleasure and everyone lay on the ground like petrified logs, unmoving and so stiff Joe was sure they could be carried just like the logs they appeared to be.

Joe quickly changed to stiffness as well, although he shifted smoothly and cautiously, not wanting the rapid movement to call attention from the slave master. One person to his side thumped the ground with a fist, and Joe took the chance to emulate him, slapping the fist that had covered the back of his neck to the ground by sliding it stiffly across his head to the ground. He stiffened his whole body and worked to make it shiver in extreme exertion but found it difficult so shifted to an incredibly shallow plank, raising his entire body just barely off his knees.

That brought the burn really fast after his stamina emptied and he was soon shivering and jerking much like the others as he pushed past into the pain. Joe grimaced, fighting it, but also struggled to hold in manic laughter as he realized he was using pain to emulate pleasure so he would not be punished with more pain.

The slave master remained where he was for some time, silent and simply watching, until he finally snapped out a word and everyone around Joe immediately collapsed to the ground like puppets with strings cut. Joe reacted almost immediately, his slower collapse covered by several of the older veterans who'd been able to remain crouched during it all or in an upright fetal ball collapsing to the side slowly. Joe fell to lying flat on the ground but made sure to tilt his head downward so he could press his forehead into the ground and watch through the curtain of his hair, staring at all the others.

Everyone remained collapse or a long time, huffing heavily and not moving from their prone positions. The slave master spoke more, pleading and commanding, then cajoling them before finally ending with some declarations that somehow seemed hopeful to Joe. The slave master then stopped offering a speech and turned to friendly banter for a few more sentences before leaving them all.

No one else came or bothered them for quite some time and everyone remained panting on the ground. About half of the newbies began crying softly, and Joe noticed that even some of the veterans fought to remain impassive in the face of what had happened. Joe huffed dirt into his eyes and let the tears flow once again.

After about five or six began shifting in pain, some sitting up and others simply moving to a more comfortable position, Joe also moved an arm under his forehead to raise his face further from the dirt, and when all the veterans had stood or sat up and a few of the newbies had as well, he did so, too. He shuffled around until he was seated with his knees up so he could put his arms on his knees then rest his forehead on his forearms again, allowing his longish hair to drape down the sides of his head and curtain his face. And he continued to watch.

He wasn't sure how long he was there, but the veterans all then stood and began shuffling away, some few sobbing softly in pain as they stiffly walked off to a corner full of tents laid out with military precision in rows. Joe waited for several more of his fellow newbies to rise as well, making sure that one of them was one he actually recognized from the wagon ride from the previous city. He stood stiffly and slowly after that, following after the other three or four newbies as well. A glance back showed another two following him as well and he relaxed slightly, although he made sure to still moan and walk stiffly after.

Trailing after the newbies in front of him was easy enough until they arrived, somehow, at a place that seemed different and they all split off for a different tent. Joe watched them, and straggled after, slowing to watch carefully, but wasn't able to determine how they chose tents. The people behind him caught up and simply moved to the next tent in line. Joe grimaced and looked down the row of tents and then glanced around cautiously. OK… lets… take an end tent.

He skipped the next three tents and shuffled to the last bordering the edge of the tent city. He came upon it cautiously and looked in but found it pretty devoid of any signs of habitation. The linens were a sleeping back set up carefully with the only other thing there a small bucket in the corner of the room that stank of human waste enough to almost make him gag when he pulled the tent flap open. Joe grimaced and used his nose to find the source of the smell then cautiously took it out side and put it far from the tent, although he did glance around to see if anyone was watching him first. He then crawled back into his tent and collapsed.

Once inside, his fear and tension exploded from his body and while he wanted to collapse, he firmed his resolve and took stock of his situation. A small bed made of ratty blankets and poorly insulated and cushioned ground sat against the back wall without any pillow. A small brazier that almost looked like a free standing camp fire stood as in the center of the room as it could but off to the side, between the center pole and his bed. The rest of the room was empty of anything else, and Joe actually felt a bit of relief and gratefulness that he had even that.

There was no obvious fuel for the brazier so Joe knew he needed to collect his own, but exhaustion and the warmth of the day gave him the excuse he needed to ignore it for now. He turned, instead, to his tent, seeing that it was a rather odd over construction shaped a bit like a teepee with a central pole. He wondered if he could take out the center pole but decided to consider it for later. Tied to and around the center pole were six other poles, smaller and angled to the ground. He looked at each of them then decided to pick the one that was where his head would be as he slept on it. After I wash it… not going to touch that thing until it's washed!

He grimaced at the thought and turned back to his immediate situation. Going to the pole, he took a look at it before nodding to himself. Pretty decent one… this'll do. He took a dagger out of his inventory after he glanced back out the entrance to his tent home, then turned back to his pole before stopping. He slipped the dagger back into his inventory. Actually, can I get some kind of privacy? He went back to the tent entrance and stared at the flaps, but found no obvious ties or button holes to pull them tight. Joe grimaced and added it to the to do list. Not going to be here long, but not going to go cold, either!

He then went back to the pole and pulled out a dagger again, once again checking the entrance to be safe, and scratched a single line on one face of the pole parallel to the ground. He stared at it and felt despair welling up before he grit his teeth and closed his eyes. He took a deep sigh and clenched his fists, then released it all. Day one.

Then, he allowed himself to collapse to the ground, if not for the same reasons his fellow slaves did. He made sure to stay away from his bedding, not wanting to dirty them, and simply fell into a daze. He tried to escape into exhaustion but the deep itch in the back of his mind that had been ripping at its closed door roared to power and ripped through. Joe immediately sat up, the idea so obvious and so perfect. Of course! Of course! I'll change my job to physicist engineer!

Working with rabid excitement, he ripped open his status and quickly sought out the new job. And only moments later, his newest job lay chosen before him and he grinned, manic in both relief and excitement. This… we can… I can … this… yes! Hmmm… The absolute clarity that had infected his mind began to collapse and he found himself in a daze once again, falling back to the ground. His mind refused to think or work and he simply remained in a haze.

* * *

Ilyelanralo, slave master and current owner slash manager of the slave camp stared from his window in his small villa he kept on site. It wasn't the best nor was he quite the greatest of men amongst those of this plane, let alone those of all of Aelthron's Cradle, but he did find that he was rather good at the job and found immense joy in teaching the next generation. It wasn't an easy job, and often seen as thankless, especially by the new students, but he was rather certain that any student who might return one day would be immensely grateful for all the effort he'd put into the futures of these young men and women. There was one rather odd kink in the works, as it were, for this current batch of new students and recruits: the Eccentric. It was exciting, to work on such a powerful being, but he would teach the man well. Often, he found his occupation sharing remarkable similarities to a blacksmith with the necessity to bend iron into its appropriate shape to make it useful. He, however, found his occupation superior simply because his materials were superior and the effort to bend a man into shape; that took so much more than simple metal.

The odd mana of the Eccentric was almost gone, a weak waft in the air. He'd smelled it before from one new guard, an experience he'd been unpleasantly gifted with when he was younger. The guard's Dao of brilliant light shining and easily catching the eyes of all around. People spoke of it often but sensing it himself had been a unique experience, but the guard's mana had been sharp and acrid, brittle in its assault upon the senses. This Eccentric now in his camp must have been here long, his mana taking on the taste of Aelthron's cradle. It wouldn't last long, but he found some pleasure in knowing he'd met two Eccentrics, at least.

Ilyelanralo blinked and shook his head, turning away from his musings as a frown took his face. He knew an Eccentric would be difficult, but he was surprised what the Eccentric had done. A rather ingenious application and something he would have to be certain to protect against in the future. Still, it was not something unknown. The slave guild had taught him well and this method, though rare and seen as rather extreme, could be countered rather easily. However, allowing the man to experience his own failure, to come to the realization that his defense was fallible, to show the utter futility of his efforts. Ilyelanralo grinned and turned away from the window and headed back to his kitchen where he picked up a small much of tea before returning to the room and settling into a comfortable chair. A couple quick slaps upon his shoulders that came out almost like claps had two young slave women rush into the room and begin to massage his shoulders. He leaned his head back and fell into the relaxation with a soft smile on his face even as he wondered.

How did he do it? Blocking of sound? A dao of sound… possibly? Did he sever the nerves to his ears? Seems rather extreme, but possible. Or, maybe, something with the mind itself? He seems rather sophisticated and the report shows he is well educated. Has he dabbled into the mind? Possibly an illusion of some kind?

Instead of being frustrated, Ilyelanralo found himself excited, and he was excited for two things. He wished to discover the method the Eccentric had taken to shut off sound to his ears and secondly, he truly hoped he could be there to see the light die in the man's eyes, to know when he'd broken, to see when he finally became the tool Ilyelanralo best saw fit for the Eccentric to be. Ilyelanralo shivered in joy at the thought.

* * *

Kalia woke the next morning, angry and despairing at having slept upon the literal ground, dirt and twigs in her hair tangling it in a way she hadn't experienced in millennia or longer. And the pain, the subtle grinding pain that wound through where her now mortal body lay crushed against the hard ground had her waking in deep despair, a reminder that she'd lost so much. Only months ago, this ground would have done nothing to me. Of course, she would never have even slept upon the ground in the first place, her camping setup for when she explored essentially brought her own villa. It was rustic, true, compared to the amenities she was used to and had prepared for herself at home, but at least she did not sleep on the ground crowded around a muddy pit with a fire at the center desperate for warmth. She closed her eyes and struggled to hide her despair.

* * *

Gwenvair woke with a deep yawn and struggled to open her eyes, but Kilniara's rapid rise in the next bed over with Xylarnae's own rise shortly after just across the campfire had Gwenvair forcing herself to rise. She knew Joe woke even earlier, to her disbelief, and she would not be found lax. They roused quickly and set to breaking camp, with everyone more or less rising just as quickly. Her camp and those who'd chosen to follow after her broke camp and repacked the carts rapidly. Those who'd taken the opportunity to flee the city scrambled up shortly after, and stared around in confusion. Seeing this, she took the time to speak to them although she asked that Kalia did so, not wishing for her face to be readily shown amongst all.

It was likely too late for such concerns, but she'd been at the front of the expedition and relatively protected by clan guards that evening when they camped. So, out of concern, she sought to keep their core identity rather hidden. She didn't know how her brother would react, nor did she know what would happen, only that he would react quite poorly to her and mother's escape. She could only hope the distraction was enough.

Kalia rose and gave a quick description of what was happening, and suggested that returning to the city was now viable as the chaos in the city was now likely calmed. Some quick more questions had Kalia explained where they were going and the hardships they would likely face. About half who'd escaped by happenstance chose to return, and Gwenvair silently wished them the best of luck. The other half wished to continue on with them, some wishing to return to town to pack up before returning once again.

With that, they vetted the ones who wanted to return, carefully questioning them with the help of a loyal priest. They quickly found several spies who'd taken the opportunity of the chaos to continue with them. Gwenvair had them taken care of quickly and quietly, their corpses fertilizing the forest edge only a few moments later. Others who seemed sincere received directions of how to meet up, and the last who were not necessarily spying but of an ilk Gwenvair quickly recognized as not being helpful in their budding down were sent with directions of where to find them in the future. A future that would leave them vanished without a trace and lost to any who wished to follow them.

Once the preparations had been made, Gwenvair split the people and continued on, but sent four guards to return the people back to Coushar. The guards would be enough to protect them and were to wait a bell's journey into the forest for those returning. Those who were unwanted and returning were told to find their own way and to remain silent of their special directions. It was the best she could do on short notice, but she hoped it would be enough.

* * *

This chapt𝙚r is updated by freeωebnovēl.c૦m.

Joe woke early in the morning with the sun hardly risen, despite his exhaustion from the day before. He was actually surprised he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, having slept through the whole thing. He rested for a bit, then grit his teeth. He didn't have time for anything, he had way too much to build. And the first thing I'm gonna need… is materials so… His eyes gazed around the room to take stock of what he had before he grimaced. Right… nothing, then… He stood to head towards the door then blinked, finding himself in a tent with a couple flaps keeping out the dark night. Wher…

His eyes widened and he remembered, rage swelling up and anger coming hard and fast before he sighed and slumped his shoulders. Doesn't matter… nothing I can do. Too much to get done… not enough time to do it. So… can't get the materials… probably skipped a step so… let's get to a blueprint! Need a design.

Joe quickly sat down on the dirt in the middle of the room, placing his back against the center pole and pulled out his pencil and paper and began. He didn't know how long it was, time flashing past as inspiration he'd never known before took root in his mind and began to develop his vision. Page after page filled with genius beyond his wildest imagination. The dream grew with each passing moment and he found his mind passing into visions of blue and brilliance. The blue was easy to escape, the brilliance took him to new heights. And he found himself growing ever more and more certain of his plan!

Half way through his preparation, shouts rang out and people came rushing through the area. Joe glanced up for a moment, noticing the bright light of morning shining through his tent flaps then dismissed it, returning immediately to his work. Too much… more important stuff… His thoughts trailed off and he found himself returned to his genius, inspiration wrenching him back to his thoughts and his pages.

A second round of shouting erupted and his tent was violently shaken before a man came rushing and violently assaulted his genius. Hands clamped on his shoulders to throw him to the ground, and he did not move an inch, lost in the certainty of his creation. More attempts were made to move him, but he did not, his body rigid and unmoving. Nothing could interrupt him as he feverishly wrote. Another man came in, he didn't notice really, but was distantly aware of the intrusion. And he wrote. Gotta finish this! Almost got this… if I get this… then… The second man reached down and ripped the pages out of his hand and Joe blinked in shock, staring up at the man that held the ripped pages in hand. Rage swelled, shock falling before it.

"What did you do!" Joe's bellow thundered out as he rose. He stepped towards the two men, coming at them swinging then blinked in stunned shock when his swing immediately stopped as soon as it touched the man's skin. His arm ached at the sudden stop, but the man simply stared at him with a mocking grin.

"Nu gassa trup! Nu narra en ma! Tra… tra ner mun!"

Joe blinked. What… where? How is… What's going on?

"Shu ge sa!"

Paper and pen lay scattered behind him and Joe didn't even notice the loss of his opus as he moved on with stunned disbelief. But, a part of him instinctually snapped the pages and pencil into his inventory. Gotta protect it… gotta…

* * *

He came in to find the Eccentric crouched over and madly pressing some kind of tool upon an odd flexible white cloth of some kind. The tool, apparently, left behind lines and forms upon the white cloth but showed little of sense or intelligence. He called loudly, barking at the man only to be ignored. Still, nothing caught the deeply focused man's attention, so he marched over and slammed a hand down on the Eccentric's shoulder and pulled, then blinked in shock with no small amount of terror. The Eccentric did not move, at all! He began shaking and pushing, even resorting to pressing hard against the Eccentric but nothing move the man. He was rooted, immovable.

A few moments later, another guard came in, cursing loudly, "What's wrong? Why isn't this one out yet?"

"It's the eccentric. He won't… doesn't move."

The other guard scoffed and shook his head, "Is your strength so weak?"

He stepped back and waved his arms towards the Eccentric, gesturing for the second guard to take his fill. The second guard stared at him with a mocking smile before walking forward and yanking, hard, on the Eccentric's shoulder from behind and attempted to pull the Eccentric onto his back. The Eccentric didn't even move; like a statue of iron or marble, he remained in place, rock solid. The first guard snorted with laughter when the second seemed to literally rebound off his own attempt and stumble back into the Eccentric's back then fall to the floor.

The second guard stared up at the Eccentric then snapped his gaze with bitter annoyance over at the first guard. The first guard didn't care and simply kept laughing. The moment lasted for a moment but the laughter quickly turned to frustration as nothing they could do caught the eccentric's attention. It wasn't until both were good and frustrated and no small amount of terrified by what the slave master would do with their tardiness when the second guard, who just happened to be in front of the eccentric, reached forward and pulled at the strange artifacts the eccentric was working on. The artifacts proved incredibly fragile, and shredded almost immediately and that caught the Eccentric's attention.

The Eccentric stood in a rage and stared down at the second guard, "Ooat deed ewe doo?"

The Eccentric noticed both of them and took his rage out on them both, his arm moving so fast they didn't even notice it until the fist suddenly appeared before them, pressed lightly against the skin of the second guard's chin. Both guards shivered in terror then calmed when they realized the slave collar was still able to control such incredible power. The second guard recovered first, quickly finding his courage again.

"Not too smart! Great try, though! But that… that was dumb!"

The second guard watched as the Eccentric stared dumbfounded then grew even more mocking, "Now go!"

* * *

Joe stumbled from the tent in a daze, following after without really understanding anything while desperately struggling to wrestle with the itch that burned in the back of his mind. Gotta finish it… gotta finish it! That's… I gotta…

* * *

Ilyelanralo watched as the Eccentric stumbled out of his tent, very late, and was brought towards the group that met at the center. He grinned, knowing he had excellent footing for what he did next, but considered carefully. Punish him for his tardiness? Yes, likely… but also hmm… would he respond to that? I believe he would. Another weakness… another path to crush him.

"You're late!" Ilyelanralo replied with a gruff statement, a grandfatherly smile, and a hint of disappointment.

Then he turned to the two guards, "You're… late!"

The two guards immediately began to sweat, horror rising in their eyes but they did nothing but stand before him. He rarely did this for it could damage finished goods, but sacrificing some for such exquisite merchandise as the Eccentric made it an easy choice.


The two guards fell to the ground, quaking under the inflicted punishment even as the one guard crushed the strange white cloth in his hand. It crinkled strangely, nothing like cloth, and Ilyelanralo's curiosity turned towards it but he crushed it, saving the curiosity for later. He allowed the punishment to go on for a time before cautiously evaluating the Eccentric, then snapping his gaze towards the man. Hmm… truly? I was certain he would be concerned for them? Not so naïve, then? Or... No…

The eccentric had stopped caring as soon as he was no longer imposed upon, his mind now lost in musings Ilyelanralo could only guess at. He hid his grimace, barely, and reevaluated his options.

"End punishment!"

* * *

The boss of the camp snapped at him then turned to take it out on the guards. Joe found it despicable but cared little for the petty tyrant actions of the boss. There was little he could do about it now but the boss's time would come when he'd completed this. His breathing increased slightly even as excitement squirrelled through his being, unreservedly certain of the outcome.

A short moment later, the guards' punishment ended as both stood with panting breath and effort and Joe glanced at them for a bit before dismissing him. How would that component... His thoughts wandered and returned to what was much more important. Around him, people moved, people fell to their knees, people squirmed in pain and pleasure, and guards beat them all, but Joe care for none of it.

A passage of time later, one of which Joe had no certainty of measuring, pain began to be applied to him, but he cared nothing for it, simply allowing his body to collapse to the dirt and curl around the pain. The pleasure was harder when it came, and he found his thoughts grew quite distracted such that he was pretty irritated after. Gotta focus! If I can get this done…

* * *

Ilyelanralo ground his teeth in frustration as he watched Joe dismiss almost all his efforts, his thoughts so distracted he was actually growing curious what could so capture a man's mind. Still, that curiosity was buried under a deep frustration that killed any desire to explore it. He at first thought sending the Eccentric to mindless work would be powerful to drive the man to his knees, but the man's distinct distraction left him flummoxed. He had to choose, and in the end, knowing the Eccentric's combat prowess as reported by his owner, he felt menial labor would be more effective, sending the man into a resource dungeon to gather meaningless material. I can always send him to the combat dungeon if necessary.

Ilyelanralo stared out at the two dungeons his small camp had access to. They were two small things that even he would be able to protect against a break if one collapsed, especially the resource dungeon. If both did simultaneously, as it did on the outer plane, he might have cause for concern. But he was unconcerned, certain his guards could handle it or at least allow him time to flee if needed. Ilyelanralo sighed at his failure today and turned from watching the Eccentric's back to the two guards who'd failed pretty miserable to bring the Eccentric to the daily morning meeting.

"Give me the Eccentric's artifacts."

The guard came forward and handed the odd crinkly cloth to him and he looked at it, "What is this?"

"I do not know, master."

Ilyelanralo grunted and stared at the page. Arcane swoops and swirls of arcane power leapt around the page without any order or reason. They swept across the page in looping lines and strange disconnected twirls and twists. There was no image, shape, form, or concept to it. Nor could the slave master feel anything that promised some form of the Dao. The page was inert and meaningless, for all the fanciful twists and turns drawn upon it.

"An escape talisman? But I sense no Dao… and I do not recognize this form of the Dao of Space. Is it new?"

The guards shrugged and Ilyelanralo pierced one with a harsh glance, "Did you sense the Dao… or mana?"

The lackey quickly shook his, "None, master."

Ilyelanralo fell silent and lost in thought, staring at the strange artifact. Then what does the eccentric expect to do with such? This is … He turned back to his villa with a sigh while cradling the collar control in his hand with frustration. He glanced down at it and then held it cautiously. So frustrating… and annoying to use this thing… but his ears are blocked. The spirit of the collar cannot hear to obey. Quite ingenious,, but… Then he stopped with a realization, turning back to the guard assigned to care for Joe personally.

"You will need this. He will not respond to commands. See the triggers and how they work and you may practice with the Eccentric, as you will need to control him. But do not break him!"

The guard quickly nodded and bowed as he took the collar control with caution. Ilyelanralo walked home with frustration.

Unauthorized duplication: this narrative has been taken without consent. Report sightings.

* * *

Joe found himself herded with the rest of the cattle towards two stone constructs that Joe quickly was able to guess were dungeons. Excitement swelled through him for a moment then turned back to scanning the ground. Need resources! Really gonna need to … ooh! That… Joe scrambled out of line to the shouts of a couple guards who came running for him then slowed when they saw him bend over to pick up exactly what he needed and he got back in line. This will work… its perfect! Yes!

The continued marching forward while Joe's eyes scoured the ground but he was disappointed when he found no other resources he needed. Marching into the dungeon was exciting but quickly became a disappointment when he saw that the floor and walls into the dungeon were clear and detritus free. But, when they got down into the dungeon's first floor, he was shocked to find ore deposits and several other minerals. His eyes glowed to see them then snapped towards the pickaxes lining the hallway exit. Yessss! He snapped up an axe and marched directly in, aiming for some copper for now. That's copper… perfect… And if I see gold… some iron for support…

* * *

The guard leading the group destined for the resource dungeon down the stairs with lazy boredom then turned to wave at the pickaxes, "You will find the tools you nee…"

The guard trailed off in shock when the Eccentric led the way with excitement, eager to begin. He grabbed a pickaxe and marched into the depths of the dungeon straight for a gold ore deposit before stopping to caress a gray deposit of poor stone. The guard frowned. Gold… not a good one too, very little, but understandable. The copper's better, but why the stone? Does he want to build a stun hut to replace his tent?

The guard shook his head in wonder and watched as the eccentric worked, "Well, you see what he's doing! Begin, now!"

* * *

Joe went home furtively, a few chunks of copper and iron ore in his inventory and eager to return to his construction project. He smiled as he entered his tent and eagerly began to set up. A prototype! I need a prototype!

* * *

Ilyelanralo listened to the report for the day, but found his desire to consider the entire group currently here for disciplinary training waning, the odd behavior of the Eccentric baffling and much more intriguing. Not a good first day. Ilyelanralo remained seated long into the night, deep in bitter thought.

* * *

Joe woke the second morning bursting with ideas so powerful he wasn't sure he could contain them. As the day before, he was able to sleep through the entire night, but woke quite early in the morning. Unable to contain himself, he exited his tent and began surveying the area. He now knew a good location to mine, but he needed to have some kind of shop or a work room. He looked back at the homely place he had and nodded. Gonna have to do… But I need a desk… chair… yeah… He marched out from the tents in the dark of night but still quite brilliantly lit by the gas giant high in the sky and turned to look around. He did take a moment to look up that the gas giant, a question percolating there. Wasn't it… lower? I thought… His mind quickly dismissed the concern, seeking details for things not immediately important to his task.

With the bright light shining around, he was able to survey the area quickly and searched for wood. There wasn't much available and so took in the forest at the edge of where he lived. There weren't many trees located near the compound, but it wasn't too far to march out to where he needed to go so he picked up his axe and headed out. Looking around, he found something that could count as an entrance with two guards so decided to head towards them. Don't want to be rude… I'll use the expected entrance. He glanced at the wide open fields around him as he walked before turning towards and nodding at them as he walked past. They smiled back in turn, bright and cheerful in their conversation with one another. He marched to the tree line to begin collecting what he needed.

* * *

He was just another slave guarding the entrance to a compound he could and never would leave. But, the life of a guard was better than what the poor schmucks brought here would have to go through and so, he found himself becoming as good of friends with his fellow female guard as he could, the two spending time at the gate with really only one responsibility, to report any fleeing slaves.

There was no point to it, however, as no one fled and no one could leave. The compound wasn't well guarded nor was it even patrolled, but there was no need. The collars were inescapable. Still, there were a few of the new ones who always tried and so the two of them always chose this location. All areas that could be used to escape the compound easily could be seen from this location. They'd already seen seven in the last two nights wake and attempt to flee. And, like always, the furtive figures would find themselves at the line designating the compound area and unable to move a single step beyond as they wrestled with their collar.

Their betting had shifted to foolish but possible scenarios, including on how many would attempt that night, or who would. Sometimes they considered locations or even how long the furtive slave would stay trying to push through the pain and control of the collar. They never bet on if one would escape. They wouldn't. They knew. They'd tried dozens of times themselves. There was not escape.

Tonight wasn't that unusual as the two stood on either side of the only road entering and exiting the wall-less compound. They leaned against their spears and stared at the tents in the corner of the compound holding the fresh meat. The Eccentric exited his tent and he looked at his fellow guard.

"Missed it only by a day! Ha!"

The female guard cursed and spat on the floor, "He was a flighty fellow. Was certain he would try to book it last night."

He laughed, holding out a hand, "Pay up."

The woman chuffed, laughing and shaking her head as a single coin arced through the gas giant light and slapped into a hand before it was pocketed. They both turned to look back at the Eccentric and his friend spat out quickly.

"He's gonna be a runner," she said

"They all are. Not going to bet on that," he replied.

"The far wall," she countered quickly with a malevolent grin.

He cursed as he had little response. The Eccentric was already looking out into the woods past his tent and he knew there was little reason to bet, but boredom was a massive impetus and he sighed, looking at his friend. She glanced back with schadenfreude, glad to have an easy bet for once.

"Fine. The gate."

She guffawed and shook her head, "Handing me the win? I'll take charity if it's free money."

He shook his head, "He's already going to head out that way and there's no reason to pick any other."

Her grin only grew, "Too slow… again."

He chuffed and shook his head but didn't respond as they both looked back at the eccentric, now with some excitement. The Eccentric stared around a bit before he noticed them and they both began chuckling at the expected antics. Always dive to hide… as if we didn't notic… Both their initial laughter faded to confusion as the Eccentric simply looked their way then turned back and looked in the other direction. A few moments later, he bent down and picked up a stick and then turned to face them.

"What?" the female guard asked with shock before turning to look at him.

"Donno. Is he gonna attack us?"

Her smile grew suddenly grew, "Bet he will!"

He grimaced, gritting his teeth, and said, "Fine!" as he mused, Of course he will! Argh! Too slow again!

The woman only laughed and then she realized that the eccentric wasn't going out the other side before she grimaced. The male laughed and held out a hand.

"Guess I'll take that coin!"

"He hasn't chosen yet!"

He laughed and dropped his hand before glancing at her, "Alright. I can wait. It tastes sweeter with time!"

She growled and glanced at him before both turned to look at the Eccentric. He simply walked towards them then waved, smiling. Both stared at each other, boggled, then looked back at him and offered a weak if confused wave and smile back.

"I don't think he's going to attack us!"

She snapped her gaze at him and growled, "Yeah. I can see that."

"And… I think he's going to walk through the gate!"

She grit her teeth and turned to look at him again, "Yeah."

"So … that's another win…"

She stared at him, frustration welling up within. He looked back at her and found a bit of joy smiling back in humor. He enjoyed his multiple wins until she glanced back at the Eccentric then back at him once again.

"He gets out!"

His joyful smile dropped, fading slowly away before he looked at her with a subtle bitter anger, "Not funny."

"He. Gets. Out."

"You're a fool!"

"And you…"

They both fell silent as the eccentric walked passed them, came to the line that separated the compound from the forest outside, then simply walked passed it. The two guards stared at one another in shock, then looked as the Eccentric marched out to the tree line and slapped the stick he had in his hand against the tree. The stick shattered into dust and then the eccentric looked at the stick with confusion before suddenly snapping out with a hand to shatter the tree with a single strike of his fist.

The tree trunk shattered and the tree then tilted over with a creak and crackling of breaking branches before a thunderous boom rang out and the ground shuddered on the toppled tree. Then, the eccentric began walking up and down the tree easily pruning it of waist thick branches and then proceeded to shatter it into pieces that collapsed around him or erupted out into the meadow and field with thunderous punches.

No one slept through his actions, all the slaves now out of their tents with the new ones rushing to exit the compound towards the Eccentric while those older and experienced simply gathering a the edge and staring out at the Eccentric with awe and longing as the man defied what all of them thought impossible.

The slave masters came after that, shouting and attempting to regain order as well, but then falling silent in boggled shock as they saw the Eccentric outside the compound, seeming to punch a tree to smithereens before he picked up some pieces and marched back towards the compound. He offered a cheerful wave and a smile to them all and walked right through them back to his tent and settled down in front of it.

The night guard came to awareness, looking out at all the people crowding around and following the strange Eccentrics actions, and all were silent until one turned to another.

"You… took a hit from him?"

The guard who'd torn the Eccentric's precious white cloth like artifacts nodded, "Yeah… and he couldn't hit me."

The other guard who'd asked shook his head, "Don't think I wanna test that!"

* * *

Ilyelanralo stared after the Eccentric with trembling fear. He would normally have something to say, but today, it was not perhaps a wise day to do so. He retreated to his villa with a single command.

"Everyone! Back into bed!"

* * *

Joe worked with a frenzy, shaping the wood with care and soon had an excellent drafting table cum workbench with an odd but useable chair. Tools came together quickly after that.

* * *

Crossing the river around noon after leaving the meadow gave peace to Gwenvair as she realized that they were still following the path that Joe had set out for them. Sometime in midafternoon, they came upon a split in the road, heading left and right from their location, or east and west as Joe had described. Their northbound journey had now come to an end and they turned left, into the setting sun although it was still pretty high in the sky.

It was with this turn that Gwenvair grew concerned again, remembering the warning of the encroaching slimes. Still, she marched the people on and had her guards lining the sides of both, although more heavily on the south side, remembering Joe's description of the slime's journeys. As luck would have it, theirs proved poor and just when the sun was low on the horizon and soon to set, a wild cry and screams of fear erupted from the middle of the long column of people.

"To the back! To the back! South side!" Gwenvair cried loudly to the guards before running back down the line.

When she arrived, she felt her breath hitch with some fear when she saw a middle aged woman struggling with a slime wrapped entirely around her head. Gwenvair cursed and charged to her side.

"Here! Here! Guards. Watch the tree line!"

Gwenvair turned to the woman and pulled out a dagger and slid it into the slime after infusing it. The slime had struggled wildly as soon as she infused it, but being enwrapped around its target, it could not move and proved easily dispatched. The slime core shattered before her eyes, to her accepting dismay, then the slime fell down in a goop across the whole body of the woman. Now, it is her luck! Sadly, that would likely not be the case and the slimes death did not save the woman. She would still likely die just from the residual slime. Gwenvair turned back to look at the tree line and directed the soldiers to watch on with tense caution but also reminded the spear throwers how to deal with the slime as Joe had done so.

When she thought of that, she immediately froze and turned back to the woman who was struggling against the slime, skin already turn pink with some sloughing off even as her clothes melted around her. Gwenvair shouted.

"Allanar! Here!"


Gwenvair grimaced but did not contest the title, not finding time, "Here! Quickly."

Allanar arrived at her side short and Gwenvair pointed at the woman, "Wash her in water, quickly, as much as you can. Get into her ears, nose and mouth as well! Do you remember what you did for the Eccentric during the tide?"

Allanar's eyes widened and he quickly pulled water in and swirled it around the woman, rushing it through and around her. Gwenvair didn't take the time to stay and watch, but turned to look at the tree line before turning back to the column of people and hurrying them along passed the guards that protected the tree line.

Another slime came upon them rather quickly and the guards struggled mightily to dispatch the creature. Thrice the guards almost lost a member with the captain barely capable of dodging the creature while the regular guard members had to preemptively hide before the creature even leapt. This struggle continued until it had caught itself on a small tree in one of its many leaps. Joe's teaching and her warning to the guards had been enough to save them from any harm, but the creature leapt wildly from person to person, simply choosing the closest and making a mockery of their attempts to close with it. Once it was caught in the tree, another fusion strike killed it immediately, and all breathed in relief before the column of people moved again.

The third slime to assault them proved much easier, a diligent spear thrower catching the slime just as Joe had described. The tension quickly left the guards when they saw that the slime was essentially incapacitated. The guards began laughing with relief and one ran up and slaughtered it with an easy infused strike. The infusion, however, caused the slime to wildly struggle for release and the guard had been quickly berated for playing around.

But with the knowledge and experience of how easily slimes could be dispatched in a forest setting, the next slime was quickly and easily overwhelmed, three spears pinning it to the ground with ease and a fourth spear slicing through it. The other spearman gave the last a hard time for failing to pin it, but he ran forward with a dagger and slaughtered it with a quick infusion.

By the time the column had passed, the soldiers were very comfortable dealing with the slimes and Gwenvair found herself relieved. When she turned to look back at Allanar and the woman, she found the woman alive, if in deep pain, and called for a healer to relieve the woman as best the healer could, even giving permission for the healer to empty her mana for the woman. It wouldn't be enough, given the extent of the damage, but Gwenvair, in a moment of good mood, gave the healer the command to spend up to half her mana each day to heal the woman back to full health once they were back in the village. And using her full mana today was a rather simple decision; they would be at the village soon, the final milestone given by her husband now found.

That didn't stop her from taking a moment to speak with the guards and commending their work with the slime, but also asking that they continue training, reminding them that this village might need defenses from the slimes, although, with the way her husband had described it, the slimes had never bothered the village before. Except for the triple cor…hah! I'm following husbands language… the Master slime… likely it sensed the village with its growth. But simple basic slimes would be unable sense the village so travel on to the north. How strange.

The guards all replied with certainty and deep confidence, finding the fights relatively easy with the effort, but it did require incredibly concentration as the slimes moved so fast the guards could never dodge in time. They could only succeed simply because they sensed it first and were able to pin it with a spear throw. In any other situation, the guards would be sorely tested and likely experience at least one death if there were no healer or water mage nearby.

When they arrived at the village, they caused quite the stir and where met by a massive man who called himself Kargallen and was the local blacksmith. When Gwenvair stared out at the village, she found her hope curdling slightly. It was tiny, and it had almost nothing to offer. Joe was right, there was much work to be done and she turned her efforts to it.

There was a slight issue, however, when Gwenvair introduced themselves as newly arrived and wishing to immigrate. Kargallen grew quite guarded and stared at Gwenvair with narrowed suspicious eyes.

"Who and why?"

"We are the Galgandar clan, most of us. We seek an extension in this village."

Kargallen gritted his teeth before replying, "We already have a Reeve. And fat lot good he did for us."

Gwenvair bowed her head, "Then we may be of better opportunity than your previous."

"One of you lot will be our Reeve?"

"Would we have to contest it with the previous Reeve?"


"May I know his name?"

"An Eccentric named Joe McConnel."

Gwenvair's eyes widened in shock, then she grinned, "He is my husband. He sent us here."

The smith's eyes widened at that before narrowing slightly in anger, "And he does nothing for us?"

"How has he failed?"

"There has been no change in crops or yields."

Gwenvair's eyebrows narrowed, "When did he become reeve?"

"Less than a year ago."

Gwenvair hid her smirk and did wonder at why Joe had not been a Reeve to the people, but considering that less than a year had passed, to expect anyone but Joe to become a useful Reeve in only such time was ridiculous. She leaned into the norm and not Joe's ridiculous growth.

"And you expect him to be a useful Reeve in so short a time?"

Kargallen snorted, "For any other, no, but the Eccentric is known for the ridiculous, if you know what I mean," the smith finished with a meaningful look.

Gwenvair found her eyebrows rising then she smiled softly, "You know."

For the first time, Kargallen's grumpy look faded to a soft smile before quickly returning to bitterness, "Yes, and it would go well by you to not belittle our village."

Gwenvair quickly smiled and bowed, "We do not, but I had to be certain."

Kargallen's bitterness vanished behind smooth blank consideration and a more neutral stance. He nodded but said nothing else so Gwenvair continued.

"That you know, then you will also likely know that the Eccentric is not satisfied with mediocrity."

Kargallen narrowed his eyebrows at that in confusion, not understanding the ramifications, "That is obvious. The boy knows not when to stop. But what does that have to do with his failure as reeve."

"Do you believe the 'boy' is satisfied with reeve?" Gwenvair ended with a satisfied smirk.

When the smith's eyebrows shot to his hairline and shock flashed across his face, Gwenvair nodded and smiled, "You understand."

The smith quickly nodded and bitter disappointment was quickly replaced by tremulous hope. Gwenvair looked on for a bit before both acknowledged the end of the conversation with a nod and Gwenvair turned to getting her people setup. Joe owes me… for that… But such thoughts vanished rather quickly as Gwenvair began preparing their small village for Joe's eventual return and

* * *

Kargallen watched the mass of people sweep in and stared around with some trepidation and awe. When the Eccentric had abandoned them, he'd felt rather angry at the man's presumption and failure, but seeing the number of guards and new craftsmen arriving, Kargallen's anger slowly shifted to one of wonder. Maybe he did not abandon us? But sought to grow our village? How did he recommend … convince so many of our village?

While the variety of people passed, heading across the bridge over the small creek to a meadow on the other side big enough to hold them all, Kargallen watched them pass then felt his eyes widen in shock.

"Thamnerlun Metalgrapple?!"

The dwarven smith froze and looked over and up and the massive Kargallen base human then laughed uproariously, "Kargallen, you son of an oreless pebble! What be you doing here?!"

"I could say the same! Why do you come to this ore forsaken land!"

The dwarven smith immediately scowled, eyebrows furrowing, "Do not curse me, boy. Is this land ore forsaken?!"

Kargallen laughed and shook his head but replied with humor, "Anywhere but a dwarven hold is ore forsaken."

Thamnerlun's furious scowl vanished before a smug nod, "Yes. True."

Kargallen smiled, seeing Thamnerlun's normally reticent speech return, glad to have truly surprised him, "You only ever speak much when you are truly surprised. Glad I was able to see it once."

Thamnerlun harrumphed, but also chuckled before smiling then waving at the man's smithy, "Show me."

Kargallen marched to his smithy with pride and some small embarrassment, his smithy was never one to be able to every compare to one of the great forges in a dwarven underhold. But it was his, and he stood by his pride in it.

* * *

Ilyelanralo was grateful for the normal plan where the first week was a soft week for the newcomers. The Eccentrics peculiarities terrified him but his work ethic could not be faulted, even if Ilyelanralo could not find any purpose behind the Eccentrics manic efforts. Whatever he constructed was either beyond his ken or madness.

He pulled out the strange crinkling cloth and look at the eccentric's mad scratchings. And still, he found nothing meaningful in the strange cloth nor any connection to what the Eccentric was creating. There was no Dao nor any form he could recognize nor mana he could feel. It was dead and dead things were of no concern but for the avid activity of the Eccentric. And that caused great concern.

The first week did not go as well as Ilyelanralo hoped, struggling to control the other slaves as the Eccentric proved ever more and more uncontrollable. The man did as he pleased and continued to collect strange materials, sticks, and stones from around the area. When the second week came, Ilyelanralo gave total control to another, having no desire to be anywhere near the man but desperately in need of bringing the man to heel. The breaking week begins…

* * *

With the tools done and desk prepared, Joe was more than ready to begin developing his components and any prototypes he needed before he was completed. Lots to do! Joe grinned.

* * *

The breaking week was designed to do exactly its name; to break any hope left amongst the slaves. The first week was light and easy, designed to allow hope to burgeon and grow and bring any planners to light. The second week would then crush that hope. A kernel of hope, crushed in infancy, means very little and is easily forgotten. A hope fully borne and prepared for in depth dies a slow and painful death, shredding all those who have tied themselves to said hope. The greater the hope, the greater the fall to the depths. Breaking someone who has fallen so far is so much easier, and so the breaking week began. Some broke in that first week, some took longer. Not many took longer than a month and none lasted a year. All broke, it was only the amount of pain that differed.

In the early hours of the morning, those already broken did their duty and sought out their fellow slaves to break them in turn. The first day of the second week was light, with guards erupting into tents early in the morning and wildly beating the sleepers without reason or purpose. Each tent had a singular guard or an older already broken slave beating upon the newcomers with half staves. Outside Joe's tent, a squad of five fidgeted nervously, refusing to enter the tent until a command drove their bodies despite their gibbering minds into the tent. Five men with five staves beat the Eccentric as he slept, striking arms, legs and torso but never the head.

* * *

Ilyelanralo came out of his villa on the first day of breaking week with some trepidation, quickly glancing through the guards who were broken in and brought to heel and found all healthy and unharmed. Tension deep in his gut washed away and he allowed a small smile to return to him. Always works… collar is undefeated!

His gaze turned to the man he'd sent to deal with the Eccentric and received a small smile and nod in return. Ilyelanralo returned his own benevolent smile and offered him his reward.

"Pleasure. Five fingers."

The man's eyes rolled up in his head even as his hand snapped up and held up five fingers that slowly dropped one by one until a fist formed and the pleasure immediately ended. The man was good and immediately stood again even as he struggled to shake off the immense pleasure. Ilyelanralo turned back to the empty mustering yard. His grin grew.

"Late! All of you are late! Rouse them. Now!"

The people surrounding the mustering yard all turned immediately and marched to the rebellious slaves' tents and disappeared inside once again with raised half staves. Cries of anger, enraged pain, and bewildered hurt erupted from the tents. Some of the weaker or smarter ones tumbled out and rushed to the mustering yard while being beaten by their own personal guard. Ilyelanralo waited with patient consideration as people stumbled in but then grew concerned when the Eccentric didn't come out. Meaty thumbs and angry shouts could be heard from the man's tent, but nothing came out until several minutes later when the man sent to retrieve the Eccentric walked out of the tent covered in splattered blood. He shook his head and Ilyelanralo struggled to hide the curse that wanted to leap to his lips. He grit his teeth and turned back to the beaten slaves before him

"You are here, but you are late. How can you disappoint me so much? Do you not understand just how painful it is for me to have to punish you for your fooli…"

* * *

Joe woke to a beating that lasted until he blacked out only to wake to a second beating that roused him with a frustration that tore through him. I have so much to do? Enough with this stupid jealousy! Nothing you do will stop me from getting this done! I'm not…

He blacked out again and woke to sunlight outside a time later he could not place. He wasn't certain if he'd slept the day away or if he'd awoken shortly after, but in either case, he roused with a curse and anger. So much to do! No time to waste… come one Joe! Already have proof they want to stop you. Don't let them stop you… I can do this… just… push through…

He lifted an arm to raise himself and cursed to find several broken fingers and a forearm that seemed bent at an odd angle. He grit his teeth in anger before calling upon his heal spell. The spell came to him with almost sublime perfection and glowed with a brilliance that Joe found fascinating. He took a moment to look at it, wondering how he'd done it then shook his head in angry frustration. Don't get distracted! I can do this! I can get this done. I'll find a way!

The heal morphed and shaped itself to his arm in a profound way that left a deep impression on his mind then snapped that impression in half when his fingers ground back into shape along with his right forearm. Pain scratched across his conscious even as the broken ends of the bones of his forearm and fingers slid across each other to come into correct place. Then the pain was gone, and other muted pain he didn't realize was there wrestled with one another until one took precedence and roared to his conscious and he turned to look down at a couple fractured ribs. He grimaced and formed another sublime heal. It came so easy, almost perfectly formed, then shaped to contour to his body perfectly before almost 'melting' into the skin of his chest and down into his ribs.

The ribs healed in the same way, ragged pain causing him to pull in a sharp breath before the pain vanished almost immediately and something else in his body called out in pain. And so he healed them all in the same way, needing to dip into his personal mana about half way through as he healed the last of his wounds that would hinder his capability to complete his vision. The rest of wounds he left before he sat at the table and began to work. About a half hour later, maybe more, maybe less, Joe did not notice nor did he really care, another sublime heal cast out and enwrapped his entire body, healing everything left over and he settled into his prototyping with a sigh of relief and a giddy hope. I can do this! I can!

* * *

The second week continued, and as expected, almost all broke but there were three surprises and one concern. The Eccentric, of course, seemed completely unaffected, despite the harm they brought to bear. Even more troublesome, the Eccentric was somehow capable of rejuvenating himself in a profound and powerful way. Healers were always sent out to those who accepted their position and they were returned to perfect health. Those who still resisted were only healed enough so they would not die nor would they be permanently incapacitated in some way or their beauty marred.

Deeper pain was left as a reminder, but the Eccentric proved impervious to their efforts. The rest of the week, Ilyelanralo had sent his guards to discover what artifacts the Eccentric was using, but they could find nothing. When the man woke from his breaking, he would simply rejuvenate in a powerful and directed way. It was obvious it was a skill the man had and not an artifact, but Ilyelanralo was uncertain what he could do to control this. The Eccentric would likely defeat any nulling device even if the slave guild even had such a device. So, he did the only thing he could think of; he doubled the Eccentric's beatings, ensuring the man received on each morning and before he went to bed.

* * *

Joe wasn't certain how much time had passed, but he woke this morning feeling decently refreshed with an odd small animal that looked remarkably like a rabbit cuddled against his side. Hunger rumbled through his belly and he grinned as he took it and snapped its neck before starting a small fire in the brazier and cooking it. Not the best… but need a lot of protein… a lot more than just this… but … no time… no time! Gotta build!

He turned back to his table and began his feverish working. He enjoyed the rabbit as he did so. The next short period of time proved incredibly productive, his enemies and detractors unable to work against him nor offer any reasonable resistance to his soon to be completed vision. He didn't know how long he had, it was never enough; likely only days at best, and he put forth his best effort towards it.

He began going to the morning sessions, it lessened the time away from his project as the short meetings in the mustering yard proved to placate his detractors somehow and also gave him more time towards his projects. Going to the mines and combat training was useless, so he still resisted that, but the morning session was a measly ten minutes at most and he allowed that.

* * *

Ilyelanralo cursed when he found out the Eccentric had taken his pet and eaten it. The other slaves already beaten had quickly grasped upon the only comfort they had, keeping it protected and safely held within their tents. A few of the unbroken had similarly scrabbled after the comfort as well. Only two resisted, the Eccentric and another. Ilyelanralo was unconcerned for the other. They would break in time, it was only the third week. But the Eccentric!

The Eccentric also started coming to the morning mustering but then refused to continue to the dungeons at all. No amount of inducing pleasure or pain would move the man an Ilyelanralo found himself at an impasse. He didn't want to seek help, his perfect record would be impugned. And the program isn't even done yet… Just… I can wait! See how the rest of the program goes… maybe… Ilyelanralo cursed and pulled his finger away from his mouth, bitter anger at the Eccentric welling up as he looked at his perfect fingernail now ruined by teeth. He gritted his teeth and turned his thoughts away from the Eccentric.

* * *

Days continued to pass in a flurry but it didn't matter, Joe was nearing the completion of one of his prototypes but much needed to be done. It was all a blur for Joe. He forgot all about time and the place in it. Distractions abounded, people came to hound him, blue messages and emails of all kinds cluttered his day regularly, and steps were taken to impinge upon his genius, but he remained true to the inspiration. Some days he remembered to mark the pole to keep track of time, but such things were a distraction now, and he poured himself into his research and construction. Materials piled up like broken toys around his tent and those he thought might still be useful piled up inside his tent, up against the wall near door. Parts truly useful began to fill his inventory like a wild mess and he became a true hoarder. But it didn't matter. Only his vision mattered. And he was getting so close; so very close. And if all went well, today was the day he would test it. The first stage of his plan would be prepared. Excitement coursed through him as he set up the table and prepared. He was in the process of assembling the device when the morning call for assembly rang out and Joe grimaced. Almost, he ignored it, but then realized he would likely lose the day and possibly even damage his prototype if the encouragement to attend had to come in and mess up his table and all his workshop. He'd learned relatively quickly that the morning mustering was best to be attended. He sighed and stood, taking all the important components and parts into his inventory for safe keeping before marching out to the mustering yard.

Joe made it to the mustering yard and arrived at his proper place before staring forward with unfocused dead eyes. Hurry up… say whatever and let me go! Just… He blinked when something a bit different happened today. The leader of this compound stepped forward as he always did and then moved to the side, gesturing to the side. A large curtain was pulled back to reveal a massive stewpot, steaming in the early morning air as the stew boiled and the thick smell of delicious flavor rolled across the mustering yard. Joe even found himself quite hungry. They gonna actually feed us decently today? His annoyance of leaving his project was replaced by a certain gratefulness of a good meal. Most meals were loathsome gruel of some kind.

The man stepped forward and began speaking and waving with his typical theatrics. Most of the others stared straight ahead but furtively glanced at the stewpot as well. A few moments later, he waved again towards the stewpot and curtain. It seemed there was more to reveal as the curtain had not been pulled the entire way back. With the leader's second wave, the curtain was pulled back fully to reveal a butcher and chef slaughtering some small creatures with a further shop slightly separated from the chef and butcher where a tanner seemed to be stretching hides upon drying racks. The creatures were quite colorful and varied in their fur, coloring, and patterns. A few living ones remained and they quickly reminded him of the first creature that had stumbled into his tent. That had been his last delicious filling meal in some time, although Joe struggled to remember how long ago that was. His thoughts, however, returned to the moment when cries of pain welled up amongst the others in the mustering yard, all of them staring at the butcher and chef as the butchered and sliced up the meat into chunks before dropping it into the stewpot.

Several of the men ran forward, crying in despair and pain before dropping to the ground in another form of pain when their collars acted up and went wild. Joe simply stared around at the others in some confusion. Not that bad guys… the meals coming soon. While some writhed on the ground, others simply stood staring at the butcher, the chef or towards the tanner, looking at a specific skin tanning.

The man then stepped forward and began speaking again, soft crooning sounds of attempted comfort and Joe found the man's actions disgusting, but he did nothing. All he cared about was to return to his project. A deep sigh pulled in the scent of the boiling stew once again and he paused. And maybe a bowl of stew.

Once the man was done with his theatrics and the animals all butchered and added to the stewpot, the angry cries from the crowd, what few remained, turned to despair as they all wept silently to themselves. Some collapsed to the ground in a heap, head down, weeping silently to themselves. Joe sighed, trying to give the people their time but growing frustrated with their extreme despair. Joe began to allow himself some leeway in his posture, shifting from a sharp attention to a relaxed at rest while he gazed round the rest of the yard. Of all the people, only a couple were still standing with only one dry eyed. Joe looked at him and the man nodded back, shallowly and with what seemed like respect. Joe nodded back, hiding his own confusion at the man's respect for him but offered a smile of his own in return before finding himself bored.

"Right. When are we going to eat? I got too much to do."

The slave master that had been smiling over the crying men snapped his gaze towards him and marched up to him, snapping angrily at him and speaking with sharp tones. Dumb dumb dumb… why did I do that? Joe stifled his sigh of self-recrimination and focused back on the man. The slave master liked it when he was the focus. The slave master's haranguing lasted for a bit of time but Joe simply stared at the man until the man snapped his fingers and another guard off to the side raised a device and pointed it at Joe. Joe glanced at it then recognized it even as his collar went wild, and pain suffused through Joe's entire being. Joe collapsed to the ground and grunted against the pain and waited it out. He allowed himself to feel the pain a bit more and showed his contrition by acting it up a bit. The slave master seemed to like it if he did that. However, Joe berated himself for the loss of time.

A few moments later, the man snapped out another few words directed at the man that held the device and Joe watched the master walk away. He then turned to the guard holding the device and pressing a button while pointing at him. The anguish he'd allowed to show on his face vanished and he simply stared at the guard with the device. Don't push it, buddy. I'm on a schedule and I won't be denied my vision! Tears still coursed down his cheeks even as his collar flailed at his neck and upper torso, the pain writhing through him, but all that mattered to him was that he could get his project completed.

The guard with the device stared at him, at first defiant as well but growing more and more concerned until fear gained control and he quickly snapped off the device and turned his gaze away. His pale face turned to look at the rest of the crowd in the mustering yard deliberately keeping his gaze away from Joe while sweat beaded on his forehead. Joe cared nothing for this, simply glad that the pain was now gone but more importantly, no damage had been done to his body or his hands. He would still be able to work.

He remained on the ground for some time, pretending to writhe in pain before collapsing in faux relief and resting in that relief for a few moments before standing and furtively dusting himself off. The device… should I retrieve it? Then … His mind sputtered and then immediately dismissed the idea. Foolish. Of course... it would only set me up in a war with them. They wouldn't leave something like that in my hands. They would find it ASAP and I'd waste all my time being beaten or trying to plan to get it or hide it… dumb… only the project matters!

Joe returned to bored observation and began regretting not staying in his tent. This mustering was much longer than the others but finally, things seemed to be wrapping up and all the members being trained were told to rise and stand at attention. A few moments later, they were all lined up to have their meal and Joe struggled to keep his smile to himself. A proper meal! I'll be able to focus and build better with a well-balanced meal. The line moved quickly enough except for several of the members who were soon sobbing over their bowls as they walked forward. Joe hid a grimace, keeping his face blank, but could only feel frustration over their tears. He didn't understand nor cared about their issue with eating this soup, he simply wanted his and to return to his genius. Nothing else mattered but the completion of his opus; a prototype that would change the world as all knew it and he could only shiver in excitement at the possibilities of what might come.

Finally, he got his bowl and looked to see how the others eating their bowl of soup. Oddly enough, most of the trainees were being guard by individual guards and seemed to be forced to eat the soup. Joe looked up to find the man that had used the device on him staring at him with hard eyes while attempting to hide his fear that his pale face revealed. Joe stared at him while scooping the soup into his mouth and the man seemed nonplussed. The guard watched on for another few moments before stepping back and Joe finished cleaning up his soup bowl quickly.

Joe stood back up and quickly got back in line, hopeful for a second serving.

* * *

Ilyelanralo grit his teeth in anger when he saw the Eccentric get back in line for a second serving but waved off the guard that would have violently returned the Eccentric back to his place in the mustering yards. The others had broken well, sobbing into their soup, but the Eccentric had proven both difficult and was now becoming a source of strength to others. The ones that had broken including the one other who'd rejected the offered comfort had noticed the Eccentric's behavior. After the Eccentric arrived for seconds, the one who had rejected the pet also stood and got in line behind the Eccentric. Ilyelanralo raged with gritted teeth that only grew as a few others also stood, drying tears and standing in line behind the Eccentric.

* * *

The second bowl was more than enough and Joe decided having a bowl would be a good idea so was diligent in clearing it out as best he could and then washing it with whatever he had available, which proved inadequate and Joe frowned. Then… well… I do have some water in the workshop. I can wash it there. And I've wasted more than enough time here! The project cannot wait!

Joe finished his soup and then turned from the mustering yards, walking away without caring for the others, marching towards his workshop. Too much time is lost! This was not worth it. I'll need to be wiser with my time. He arrived at his workshop and quickly set up, placing all his necessary components and tools in preparation of the work.

Upon a constructed drafting desk made of prepared scrap wood sitting in the corner of his tent, Joe bent over a piece of complex machinery and fiddled with incredibly small parts. His teeth worried at his cheeks and tongue while his played with the finicky small components. He wasn't sure how long he stood over his prototype, but when he was finally done, he stepped back with a grin that bordered on manic. Just the first piece. This… haha… this is… going to change everything!

He stepped back from the rather squarish block and stared at it for a moment before turning with a grin and searching through his pile of materials. Wire… wire… wire… just a wire… yeah… wire! His hands slithered through the massive pile of detritus behind him until he found what he was looking for and stood back up, a massive grin on his face. Step one! This should do it! Excitement drove him back to the table and with trembling hands, he took the wire and settled it down upon the two pieces jutting out of the top. He began to bring the wire down to touch the two nodes then froze. No… gonna need pliers… that was dumb!

He turned to the edge of his table and searched through his tools in a small toolbox he had at his side and finally pulled out his insulated pliers. Yup… that'll do… He did take a look around his shop room for a bit before his eyes lighted on a piece of rubber and he pulled that over before standing on it, folding it over a few times. Taking the thin wire in his pliers, he brought it forward and touched it to the two nodes. Almost immediately, the wire flashed brilliant white then vanished in a puff of smoke. Joe's eyes squinted shut against the brilliant light as he took a step back and he laughed. Step one… haha… step one! He then cursed and swiped away a flash of blue, irritated by what he saw. So many… why ar… He immediately turned back to his source of success and allowed a small smile to play on his face.

He stared at his construction for a bit before he reached a very careful hand down to touch it before sucking the whole thing into his inventory. At the top of his inventory screen, a single row remained empty, designated for each piece as he constructed it and this one was the first of many. Ha! The journey begins. A savage grin lit Joe's face.

* * *

Ilyelanralo thundered back home in a rage, and struggled to seek a resolution but even after all day and the next, nothing came to him. The morning call proved just as unsatisfying as the Eccentric relished in the new meal while most of the others broke under the strain of what they were eating. But even more of the others had grown stronger, taken in by the Eccentric's behavior. The plan, for all that Ilyelanralo could see, was failing spectacularly. The first time he'd ever seen it. While it was only the third week, the third week only strengthened the eccentric.

Ilyelanralo calmed his heart by the end of the weak, the stew having served its purpose for the majority of the people and he was able to return some measure of calm. The Eccentric's behavior was certainly odd, but the fact he'd lasted for this long should not be surprising. The strongest lasted the longest but broke the most, so it would only be to the Eccentric's detriment.

Towards the end of the week, an unusual situation offered itself and a well-equipped and rather imperious delegation from the temple of Saga arrived before their compound, and Ilyelanralo rushed out to welcome them, covering his surprise at their arrival.

"Great Saga priests, it is my honor to see you and greet you. Please, come. How may this one serve you?"

The extravagantly dressed priest of Saga that lead the delegation looked at him with a high nose and nodded imperiously, "We seek the Eccentric. Take us to him."

"Ah, then," Ilyelanralo struggled in his response, not desiring to lead such a delegate to the tent where the Eccentric rested quickly considered his options, "Please, come to my villa and I'll prepare the Eccentric for your arrival and his audience with your auspicious person."

The priest nodded and turned his face away. Ilyelanralo took it as the hint it was and quickly led the delegate and his many sycophants towards his villa. He turned his attention from the priestly convoy and barked out several orders to his many slaves, calling for a poor but rapid feast to be prepared for the delegates.

Ilyelanralo, however, feared that bringing the Eccentric would prove quite difficult.

* * *

Having completed the first component and moved on to the second, Joe was finding some joy and encouragement in actually being able to complete the next component. Parts lay strewn across his table and he had his magnifying glass prepped upon his table, allowing him to peer carefully into the guts of his next component. While the case had not been formed and there was little to the structure of the device, the construction still required components at angles that would likely shape this device into an odd inverted pyramid like shape with a small hole at its point. It wasn't necessarily as delicate as his first component, being a more mechanical device, but it was still vital to the operation of the final piece, and so he had to make sure the thing was constructed with precision.

In the middle of the work, the door to his workshop opened and several men stepped in and he barked out, "Not now! Delicate work. Leave me alone."

He didn't even notice the men not leaving as his entire focus returned to completing the task, but there whispered conversation quickly distracted him and he cautiously put the component down before turning back to the three men.


The three men spoke to him in disdainful language and Joe grimaced, gritting his teeth with some anger. I'm not going to g… They beckoned him to follow and he found himself frustrated but unable to resist. Why now! So much to complete. He turned from the men and cleaned up his desk carefully, returning things to their place so he could quickly begin once again before slipping his hand over his latest device and pulling it into his inventory. Can't let chance for espionage!

He then turned and followed the men, noticing that they were leading to the villa. Yup, must be financial backers. He sighed and hid his frustration and attempted to put forth his best effort towards an ingratiating smile and pleasant disposition. Gonna need the money!

He arrived before his current backer, walking into the well-appointed home and easily finding the newest financial backers that his current sponsor hoped to rope in. He didn't need them. He had no concern for them. Everything he needed was right here so why his sponsor felt the need to bring these people in frustrated him to no small end, but he'd long learned that he needed to keep his sponsor happy. If his sponsor was happy, he had the time needed to develop and prepare his prototype. If not, he found his time wasted with ridiculous exercises and training efforts, most of them oddly turned out rather painful, so that was only another incentive to escape them. If my sponsor wants a morning meeting every day and to meet these possible backers… Joe gritted his teeth to fight his frustration then put on a pleasant smile to stand before them.

"So, who might these illustrious individuals be?" Joe asked with polite consideration.

There seemed to be some consternation amongst the crowd, but they turned to look at him, along with his sponsor, and began the long arduous process of questioning his vision.

"Of course, such options are possible, but the core must be first developed and explored to create a stable base," Joe replied, smiling politely while hiding his frustration.

They seemed to understand, but several of the members sidled up to him to cajole him away from his vision and Joe kept the smile on his face while denying them. But, as time went on, the pleasant conversation shifted from cautious questioning of his vision to an attempt to utterly corrupt it, and Joe found himself growing ever more frustrated.

Finally, Joe rolled his eyes and dismissed these latest financial backers with prejudice, "Look. Things will be done as needed not because it is my vision or that I am some kind of insane artist that demands the work be done this way! It must be done this way because this is science! It won't work any other way. I'm not saying no because I'm some kind of pedantic dreamer. I'm saying no because it can't be done! That's not how physics works! If you can't understand that, then there's no point to continue. So, have a good day, and goodbye."

Joe turned to leave, done with this wasted time but came to a stop when he saw one of the guards pointing past him back at his sponsor and he turned around to find the man desperately cajoling the rioting guests. Several moments later, his sponsor and all others in the room left and only the financial backers and Joe were left. They continued to question his vision and push him for changes that were either impossible or downright foolish.

Joe struggled to keep his patience, growing ever more frustrated. Finally, he revolted and dismissed them completely, whirling in place and marching from the room. However, his sponsor was waiting for him as he left and quickly cajoled him to return to the room. Joe shut down after this, refusing to respond and while the sponsor and the latest possible financial backers argued amongst themselves, nothing seemed to come to any resolution. In fact, the arguments they had didn't even need him to be there and he grew ever more angry. When he was finally allowed to leave, he shouted at all of them for wasting his time. He stomped back to his workshop across the grounds angrily. Why did I need to stay!? They were idiots! How can they not see the vision that's necessary! I can't do this with so many distractions, and why waste my time watching them rail against the laws of physics. What do they understand? Nothing! The know money, I don't come to them and argue that how they money is foolish, just double it. Easy… or add a zero! Simple! Bah!

Joe's thoughts bounced wildly in his rage until he returned to his workshop and finally calmed with the newest device back on his workbench and within his hands. Tension relieved and euphoric joy flooded back in. Soon…. Soon!

* * *

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