Home Broker Chapter 205


Chapter 205
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Pandora didn’t linger. Nor did she speak with Marta in the room. She stayed only long enough to show her usual one-sided affections and leave like the ghost that she was. It didn't trouble Ishtar, the behavior from the fallen goddess was odd, but not unappreciated. It was strange. She had no feeling either way for her, but otherwise found the regularity comforting. Not that she would ever give voice to it. The woman was still annoying. Though that annoyance did manage to distract her from her troubles enough to finally get to sleep.

Perhaps that’s why she’d come, sentimental fool.

The next morning and the following three days were spent in an almost constant state of agony. Despite the terrible condition of her body, Doctor Da-Som confirmed that she was healing from his treatments and her muscles were very slowly starting to reattach. The brief physical therapy sessions were exhausting and the visits from Black Lotus to continue her own treatments were even worse. Even so, on the third day she finally managed to expel one of the seeds.

She sat across from Amos, listening while he picked it up with a pair of tweezers.

“It's tiny,” he said, “Looks like sesame seed. Can't tell the color because of all the blood.”

“Destroy it,” Ishtar panted, sweat dripping from her brow.

“You sure? I think we should study these things. My instincts are screaming at me not to let it touch my skin. Crazy,” he said.

“You could use them?” she asked then realized her mistake. If there was anyone who could figure out a use for them it was Amos Carter.

“Maybe? I'll have to figure that out. How is that arm feeling?” he said, changing the subject.

She frowned but allowed it, tilting her head down towards her right arm. The seed had come from her wrist. Fresh sensation worked its way from her fingertips to her elbow. She wasn't suddenly strong again in that part of her body, but it didn't feel as sore or weak anymore. A feeling that was emphasized when Doctor Da-Som stepped in to attempt healing her again. She felt the prick of his improved ability against her skin. Her flesh knitting itself back to the bone was not entirely painful but certainly disturbing enough to not want to feel it ever again.

“Up to the elbow, better,” she murmured as she twisted her wrist experimentally.

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“Good to hear it,” he said with no small amount of relief in his voice, “You sat up on your own today too. Are you ready for a wheelchair?”

Marta, who had been silent throughout the procedure, spoke up, “Let's not rush things.”

“I'm fine, it's time I left this room. I can't stay hidden forever,” Ishtar said, “Some fresh air would be welcomed.”

She felt the air shift slightly, the skin on her arm sensitive enough to pick up on faint movements in the room. It wasn’t the full body experience of her full sensory suite but it was enough to give her the impression that the two of them had turned to one another. Marta let out a sigh, “Alright, let's get you cleaned up then. I’m sure you don’t want your first day out of this room to be with bed-head.”

Amos snorted, “I dunno, the wild look works for her, what do you think, Kera?” he asked aloud.

Ishtar raised an eyebrow and she heard Marta shift in her seat. There was a faint crackle in the air before a new voice joined the conversation, “I think it looks better straightened out, I’m the wild child here,” Kera said.

“How long have you been in here?” Marta demanded over the sound of her chair sliding back sharply.

“Whole time,” Kera said flippantly, “Wanted to see.”

“You should say something to one of us if you’re going to observe,” Marta growled, “What if someone saw you?”

Amos barked out a laugh, “Oh take it easy, Em! I knew she was there, the power spikes in the tower’s grid are obvious,” he said.


“Marta,” Ishtar said patiently, “We talked about this,” she tilted her head up in the direction of where Kera was hanging from the ceiling, “Thank you for keeping an eye on things, dear,” she said, doing her best to put some genuine warmth into her tone. It wasn’t easy, but she did her best. She wondered how it sounded to the others.

The room was silent for several seconds before Kera spoke again, “R-r-right, y-yeah. No problem. Nothin’s gonna happen on my watch. You just get better boss,” she stammered before the sense of static in the air vanished. Ishtar frowned a little and tilted her head to the right.

“I get the impression that my attempt at gratitude was received incorrectly,” she said.

“Uh, yeah,” Amos mumbled, “I dunno if that’s the problem. It’s just… weird hearing it from you,” he said bluntly. He grunted and Ishtar got the distinct impression that Marta had given him a sharp nudge.

“I think it was sweet,” Marta said quickly, “I’m sure Kera appreciated it.”

“Sonya makes it seem so easy,” Ishtar mumbled, feeling a little disappointed by her performance. That was not the reaction she was angling for. When I have Sonya’s emotional intelligence to rely on, getting the reactions I want is far easier. This is more challenging than I expected. She sighed, “About that wheelchair?”

“Right,” Marta agreed, “Boys, get out.”

Only a little while later, Ishtar was clean, her hair styled, and her makeup done. This was a process that apparently Marta had performed countless times for Sonya during her time before the flash. A ritual that she’d picked back up as Ishtar was beginning to come into her own as a personality. It wasn’t something she was happy to remember, seeing the horror in Sonya’s eyes every time she looked in a mirror. The thought made it hard to maintain a pleasant expression as Marta finished dressing her.

“Something bothering you?” Marta asked.

“Just remembering the last time you had to take care of this body,” Ishtar confessed.

Marta went quiet for a moment before speaking, “She didn’t know.”

“It’s fine,” Ishtar waved her good hand dismissively as a knock came to the door. Marta stepped away and opened it before two new pairs of feet entered the room. One was the awkward half-strut half-stumble of Amos. The other was new, an assured pace but not as light and practiced as Black Lotus. Ishtar paused as something else joined the sounds, a low panting from an additional party who didn’t make a sound when it walked.

“Levi?” she queried and was nearly tackled by the hound as it hopped onto her bed. It stopped half way between crashing into her to sit down in front of her. She reached out and ran her fingers down its side, the familiars fur felt like that of a seal or some other aquatic mammal. Smooth and slightly slick. She felt her connection to the creature through Sonya’s familiar bond and smiled, “It’s good to have you with me, you seem bigger than I recall.”

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“He’s grown since Tokyo,” a new voice chimed in.

Ishtar looked up, “Cassiopeia? What are you doing here?”

The young woman stepped into the room accompanied by the sound of something with motors whirring. “I have another week before I start active work in New York,” she said, “I wanted to see you,” she added, her voice going a little small as the door shut behind her, “I’m sorry if I wasn’t supposed to show up,” she began, her voice cracking into a ramble, “I just… you both mean a lot to me and, I see you as my- I mean- I’ve been so worried.”

She sounds distressed, was it upsetting for me to ask her why she was present? Should I not expect her to be with her team? Her future as a hero is very bright, she should be cultivating that not visiting her… mother? She tilted her head, Hm, on second thought I suppose it does make sense that she is present. Perhaps my words were cold. What would you do, Sonya? Ishtar wondered, Ah, yes, physical affection, that will do.

Ishtar worked up the effort to lift both of her arms and spread them open in an invitation, “Come here.”

Before she even had a chance to process what came next, a pair of arms wrapped around her neck and a face buried itself into her shoulder. She smelled the faint scent of flowers from shampoo and an odd perfume. The arms squeezed down tightly and she had to take a moment to remember to return the embrace. She lowered her head a little, taking in the feeling. Warm. A tightness in my chest feels loose, eased. I didn't even know it was there. Is that relief or something else?

“I was so worried,” Cass said into her shoulder.

Ishtar let out a sigh and stroked the girl's hair, “I am fine. Sonya will recover as well. It is just a matter of time.”

The girl pulled back and sniffed once, crying? “Can I push your chair today?” she asked before hesitating, “It’s powered, I know, but I want to.”

Ishtar turned her head towards where she assumed Marta was standing. She raised an eyebrow and Marta cleared her throat, “I will be at your side, then, Ma’am.”

“I’m sure Levi will want to walk along too,” Cass said, her tone significantly brighter, “You want to walk around with us, Levi?” she asked the hound.

The hound let out a huff and Ishtar felt it shift before hopping back off the bed.

“Poor thing finally found somewhere comfortable to sit,” Marta chuckled before approaching Ishtar. She reached down and took her hand for a moment before couching down a little. “Ready?” she asked. Ishtar nodded and was immediately swept up into a princess carry. This is undignified, she grumbled, flummoxed as she was set down in the wheelchair. Her hands found the arm rests. There her fingers danced over the controls attached to the right-hand side. Seems simple enough, she thought while Cass stepped up behind her.

Soon they were out the door and in the hallway. It was quiet save for some scattered conversation a bit further down. This is the new ASTA tower, she thought, I can’t remember the floor plan. Yet another reason to recover my abilities as soon as possible.

“Is there anywhere you want to go?” Marta asked.

Ishtar tilted her head, “Mm? Not really,” she said, “It will be a little while before I can appreciate exploring the building.”

“We could go to the penthouse, isn’t there a patio or something? You mentioned fresh air,” Cass chimed in before adding awkwardly, “I haven’t seen it yet.”

Would Sonya be mad if I went there before she woke up? I’m blind so it’s not like I can appreciate it, she shrugged, “That sounds fine, Marta?”

“We’ll take the main elevator to the top and then hit your private elevator,” Marta said, “It doesn’t take very long. I’ve been up there a few times.”

“Sounds good,” Ishtar agreed and they adjusted their course slightly, coming to a stop at some point. Nearby she could hear someone listening to the radio. She craned her head slightly to listen in a bit when a familiar word caught her attention.

“...vigilantes. The organization has been growing rapidly over the past few weeks with cells popping up across Europe and Northern Africa. The Pandora Committee, already under pressure from the international community in the wake of the Tokyo Tragedy is actively…”

“Elevator’s here,” Marta said, followed by the pleasant chime of the elevator’s arrival. She wished she could see the inside, Sonya had been emphatic that the elevators on the exterior of the building were capable of viewing the city outside. Minneapolis was not the most glorious city in the world, but still the views would be spectacular. They began to ascend, Ishtar reaching down with her good hand to run her fingers down Levi’s back. The hounds muscles felt stronger, tense, ready for action.

Feeling protective? Ishtar thought, I’m sorry I can’t give you your pretty little disguise. Though I suppose enough people have seen you like this that it doesn’t matter.

The elevator chimed again and they made their way into another space. “This is the executive floor?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Marta said as Cass pushed Ishtar along, “The doors to your office are up ahead. There’s an elevator just past my desk that will take us upstairs to the penthouse. It also goes all the way down to your parking garage, though it doesn’t connect to any of the other floors.”

“I can appreciate the thought behind the design,” Ishtar commented. Amos and Sonya worked hard on it, she thought and then frowned, “We were looking forward to that grand opening party,” she said irritably, “Liberty keeps adding debts to the ledger.”

Neither Cass nor Marta commented as they arrived at the private elevator, it opened with a low tone rather than the merry chime of the main elevator. They made their way inside and took the short trip up, arriving at the penthouse level. Ishtar tasted the faint scent of household fragrance on the air, someone had recently cooked and cleaned. She tilted her head towards Marta who remained silent as they passed through what felt like a short hallway.

“It’s beautiful,” Cass murmured.

“You haven’t seen the garden on the patio,” Marta said, “Come on. You can pick a room out later, I figure that’s why you really brought the penthouse up,” she teased the young woman.

Ishtar raised an eyebrow and smirked as Cass spluttered behind her, “W-what? No! I-” she sighed, “Yeah, a little. Mom- Sonya said I could live here during my downtime.”

Ishtar smirked, Still so young.

“I know,” Marta said, “I’m just teasing you.’

“Hmph!” Cass grumbled as she wheeled Ishtar across a large room. She heard a low chime and felt warmth kiss her skin. Cass stopped pushing, “Woah, those are windows?”

“They can be made opaque when needed,” Marta said, “Look past them,” she said and with the sound of another chime Ishtar heard the hiss of a door of some kind moving. She felt the wind brush through her hair carrying the scent of flowers. Gardenia, Lilac, Sweet Pea, Jasmine, there’s more too. Strong sweet scents. Sonya’s favorite. Something stirred inside the back of her mind, a small movement, before it went dormant again. You like that? She asked gently, I’ll stay here for a while then.

“It’s…” Cass breathed, “Wow.”

Cass wheeled Ishtar inside and they stopped in the midst of the flower garden, she heard water somewhere not far away. A fountain? She felt a slick-furred head rest on her lap and tilted her head down, placing her hand on Levi’s head and stroking it as the hound sat at her feet. She took another deep breath of the air. She did not like sweet things, that was more Sonya’s cup of tea. Even so… her lips curled into a smile, “I think I’ll spend a little time here,” she said.

“Of course, Ma’am,” Marta said behind her, “Cass? Let's have a look around.”

Cass hesitated before responding, “R-right, okay.”

Ishtar relaxed into the wheelchair and continued to stroke Levi’s head as the two departed. I wonder, Ishtar thought as she basked in the fresh air, If this place would have helped you, Sonya. Her lips thinned and she turned her head down towards Levi, “Your master will be fine, dear,” she whispered, “She just needs time.”

The hound huffed and drew in closer. She chuckled, “Very well, little creature, I’ll dote on you in her stead,” she said as the glass wall somewhere behind her hissed open. She heard Marta’s footfalls against the wood floor beneath her, “What is it, Marta?” she asked.

“You have a visitor, ma’am,” she said.

Ishtar reached for the controls of the wheelchair and turned them experimentally. It took a few tries to get it to rotate in the direction of her caretaker’s voice. “Who?” she asked.

“Miss Carla Mint.”

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