Chapter 248: Heartbreaker
Elsewhere, Constance had finished cleansing Xenias body from head to toe with nothing more than her lips and tongue, and she was now presenting fashion options to Xenia for her meeting with President Hammond.
What do you think of this? Constance held up regal crimson robes made of fine, heavy velvet with gold accents, This is very becoming of an empress. Your mother was quite partial to robes and accompanying accessories.
Xenia was unimpressed, I see you have several robes prepared for me. Please spare me and skip them all. I am not a robe-wearing type of empress.
Constance nodded, Of course not. You are Xenia BloodStar. You are the Goddess of Blood, the Goddess of Life and Death itself. And as such, you fit no mold.
Xenia smiled at Constance, Youre right though. I dont mean to make myself dressed for the role of Goddess. Whats wrong with my old signature outfit?
Constance reached into a pile of clothes and pulled out a pair of leather pants and a double-breasted black leather top, Here it is right here!
Xenia frowned, That is crimson red. Where is my black one?
Constance sighed and pulled out a pair of black leather pants and black leather double-breasted top with gold buttons.
Xenia smiled to herself, This is my signature look, Constance. I know its nothing new, but its sexy, its dominant, its authoritative, people recognize it, and people respect it. But maybe most of all, its functional.
Xenia began to put the pants on followed by the top, I am flexible in this outfit. I can fight in this outfit. I can tease in this outfit. I can easily tear or remove this outfit to have sex on a whim. I can get blood and guts all over it without worry. Xenia looked to Constance and asked, Those robes wont be so becoming once they are covered in blood or cum which I can assure you will be a daily occurrence at the very least.
Constance grinned and nodded in agreement, True. You have me there. Fine velvet wont hold up to your lifestyle. Lord forbid you find yourself at a blood rave with overhead sprinklers. Youd best be wearing leather.
Xenia finished buttoning up her top and walked over to Constance and kissed her, Oh I will. We will. And when we do, you can lick the blood drops as they run down my smooth black leather. Would you like that?
Constance kissed Xenia back before answering, You know Id love that. Youre right as always. Ill put the robes in storage for a rainy day. And Ill ready multiple copies of your leather outfit. But Ill keep the crimson variant available along with a few other colors should you find yourself fancying a slight change. And just maybe Ill work on something new for your review as well while you are away.
Xenia then sat down and without a word between the two, Constance immediately grabbed Xenias black leather combat boots and began to lace them up on Xenias feet.
So, what will you two discuss? Constance asked as she laced up the first boot.
I imagine it will be less of a discussion and more of a mandate from me. The same will be true for all of my territories as I add them to the fold of my empire.
Constance tightened the top lace of the boot and moved to the next. Xenia admired her lace work, Its like a massage to my lower legs when you lace them up.
Nothing is beneath me when it comes to serving you my empress. In fact, I rather like being at your feet. Constance finished lacing up the second boot, and Xenia shifted her weight as she prepared to stand; however, Constance stopped her, One last thing, if I may empress.
Constance kneeled on her knees and lowered her head to the bottom of Xenias clean boots and kissed them from top to bottom moving from one boot to the other before looking up at Xenia, You should be worshipped as such at every opportunity.
Xenia leaned over and lifted Constances chin up with her finger to look her in the eye, I was planning on heading straight to the Sage Empire from here, but youve changed my mood baby. Plan something extravagant at the BloodStar Castle. Something upbeat, dirty, and fun. Can you do that for me?
Constance smiled with utmost glee up at Xenia, What is the guest list? Can I make it horrendous and vile, or should I tone it down for the guests? Music? Food?
Xenia put her finger up to Constances lips, You misunderstand me. Something extravagant for just the two of us. So make it as horrendous and vile as only your imagination can. I want to be impressed with how sick you can be for me.
Constance nearly fainted at Xenias words, Just just the two of us? I I.. I promise you it will be nothing less than a party for just the two of us. As only we can appreciate. I I.. I..
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Xenia let go of Constances chin with her finger and softly kicked her back with her boots to make room to stand. She then looked down at Constance, Id say you have aboutmmm6-12 hours to prepare. That wont be a problem will it?
Constance stood to her feet with a hurried breath, Six hours is an eternity for someone like me. She then took a few steps towards Xenia to kiss her; however, Xenia held her hand out and stopped her, Not yet. I want your passion to be boiling over for me this evening.
Xenia then formed a void portal behind Constance and pushed her so hard that Constance went flying into it as she was sent back to BloodStar Castle.
Xenia then checked herself out in the mirror nearly falling in love with herself as she admired her perfect body and sexy outfit. She played with her hair to position it perfectly and then walked out of the door towards the central bunker elevator prepared to ascend to the White House to meet President Hammond.
A single secret service agent stood guard at the bunker elevator while the rest of his team actively patrolled the White House hallways and grounds during the lockdown drill implemented by President Hammond.
He was tall, clean-shaven, and handsome with dark hair. His muscular physique was apparent even through the suit he wore.
He stood diligently and quietly listening to routine radio chatter through his ear piece until the elevator behind him dinged.
He turned around with caution as he wasnt expecting any one to ascend the elevator during the drill. He drew his pistol from his waist holster and held it with both hands pointing the barrel towards the ground.
The elevator doors then opened, and Xenia stood at the back of the elevator with her back against the wall and arms out against a handrail.
The secret service agent immediately recognized her and raised his pistol to aim at her as he shouted, Dont move!
Xenia looked back at him with a smile as he began to speak into his radio, This is agent 47. I have identified Xenia BloodStar at the buarrrghhh
Xenia held her hand up and bloodbent his entire body including his throat as she cut his speech off, Is this any way to greet your future empress? And I mean immediate future. Like within the hour.
She stood directly in front of him and caressed his face as she held him immobile with bloodbending, Ill tell you what. Ill give you a chance to make up for it. If you can satisfy me then Ill allow you to live, and Ill allow the rest of your team to live too. But if you cant satisfy me Ill kill you and your entire team. Do we have a deal?
She forcibly bloodbent his head to nod back to her, and she laughed, Good! Follow me then darling.
She grabbed his collar and pushed him into a small side room. She locked the door behind them and pushed him up against the wall, Now dont forget, a lot rides on this. Your life. Their lives. All you have to do is make me happy.
She reached down and unzipped his suit pants fishing out his cock with her hand and stroking it up and down making him harder and harder with her touch. Next, she bloodbent him to pick her up and hold her against him as she wrapped her legs around his body. She then reached back taking his cock and guiding it through a tight slit in her pants overlying her pussy. The slit consisted of two stitched edges approximated tightly; however, with enough force, his cock pushed the tight slit open as he slid through Xenias pants and inside of her.
This chaptšr is updated by freeĻebnovÄl.cą«¦m.
With her legs wrapped around his waist, and his hard cock inside of her, she began to kiss him and force him to raise her up and down on his cock.
Come on give it to me! Im never going to get there at this rate! Xenia quickly grew frustrated at his size or lack thereof, and she bloodbent her own body to tighten her vaginal canal while also engorging his cock with more blood via bloodbending making the fit as tightly as possible for both of them.
They continued to fuck against the wall; however, even with her bloodbending augmentations making for the tightest most intimate fit of him inside of her, she grew steadily unimpressed.
She grabbed his chin and grit her teeth as she yelled in his face, I need you to rip me! I need you to hurt me! And if you cant then we are done!
She growled with frustration and thought to herself, God damnit! I take Neros massive cock and monster of a physique for granted. Im going to fuck the life out of him when I get back.
She sighed as the agent continued to fuck her via her bloodbending control, and she caressed his face as her anger turned towards understanding, Its not your fault. My husband has made me a spoiled bitch in the bedroom. But nonetheless, I am deeply unsatisfied.
She reached down to grab his pistol and held the barrel directly in front of his face, At least be a gentleman and tell me goodbye.
She allowed the man to speak, and he stuttered for a moment unable to speak. She could feel his body on the verge of ejaculation inside of her, and she laughed, Oh no honey. You dont get to have any fun.
His head exploded in front of her splattering his brains against the wall behind him. She dismounted his dead body allowing him to fall to the floor as his cock slid out of her seamlessly and the small slit in her pants re-approximated effortlessly.
She disregarded his slouching dead body entirely and moved to stand over him as she pressed her big boobs up against the wall and began to kiss, lick, and make out with the splattered brains against the wall. She moaned enjoying the texture and the flavor of the brains as she worked herself up.
After a moment of intimate pleasure, she looked down at his dead body and said, Your brains turn me on more than your cock. But I do yearn for more. Even in death you disappoint me.
Suddenly a loud voice from outside the room shouted, Open up! Come out with your hands up or we will shoot!
Xenia slowly opened the door and walked out with her hands up. No less than 30 secret service agents had their firearms pointed at her ranging from pistols to machine guns.
She smirked and looked around, Hello boys. I should warn you all Im quite the heartbreaker.
The agents stood steadfast with barrels aimed directly at her as their captain addressed her, Empress BloodStar. To what do we owe
The mans voice cut off as Xenias hands lit up with a crimson ki. Simultaneously a red aura began to pulse and emanate from each agents chest as they began to feel a clenching pressure surrounding their heart.
She then clenched her hands into fists exploding the hearts of every single agent pointing a gun at her. The squelching of blood could be heard even from within their bodies as they all suddenly tipped over falling dead to the floor.
Xenia smiled and tilted her head, I did warn you. Im a heartbreaker.
She then stepped over the dead bodies without a care in the world as she made her way to the Presidents Oval Office.