Chapter 245: Inside of Me
Xenia held her hand over Arthurs lifeless body. A subtle white glow encompassed her hand and grew to a pulsing bright ball of healing ki as she infused it into Arthurs body. The skin of his slit throat re-anastomosed and his eyes began to slowly open and close as he slowly returned to life.
Arthur sat up looking around with a bit of post-revival fogginess; however, it didnt take him long to realize what had happened after all, this wasnt his first time being revived by Xenia.
He looked up from the ground at Xenia standing over him with blood covering her thighs, her dress, her neck, and her face. He also noted that her gaze was fixed elsewhere instead of on him. He followed her gaze to find that she was looking at his wife, Sasha.
I am a generous empress. Ive held up my part of the deal first. Xenia smiled at Sasha.
Arthur looked at Sasha with a worry-stricken face, What deal?
Sasha held her arms tightly against her body and looked at Arthur silently. Arthur asked again, Sasha. What deal?
Xenia finally turned to look down at Arthur with a smile, Dont worry about Sasha. Shes only agreed to serve me and prove her faithfulness in worshipping her new empress. Me.
Xenia then crouched down over Arthurs body and ran her hand down his chest, The only thing you should be worried about, is your own well-being.
She then stood up and walked over to a square table in the room with four seats. She took a seat and motioned to Sasha, Please Sasha, sit with me.
As Sasha walked over to the table, Xenia shot a glance at Arthur, And you. You stay right there.
Sasha took her seat across from Xenia at the table, and Xenia said, Yes, I can be a bit intimidating. I mean look at me. Im covered in your husbands blood. But dont let that scare you. I think you will find that if you remain loyal to me, if you serve me in every way that I ask, then you can have everything you ever wanted in this world.
Sasha silently nodded in agreement as she eyed Xenias toned body covered in semi-dried blood.
Xenia looked over at Arthur and laughed, Ive been very hard on you, havent I? Come over here.
Arthur stood and walked over to the table like an obedient dog. His lack of hesitation and immediate response to her command pleased Xenia. She gave Arthur a wanting gaze of pleasure as he walked over. He hated himself for it, but her gaze instantly turned him on as he felt his cock begin to grow hard for her.
He stood at the end of the table next to both seated ladies, and Xenia looked to Arthurs hard cock and then to Sasha, Dont feel too bad about Arthurs erectile dysfunction with you. I know I make it look so easy, but there is no one better than me. And I mean no one. Youd be a fool to compare yourself to someone like me. Im a goddess of many things. Sex and death to name a couple.
Xenia reached her hand out and grabbed Arthurs cock as she began to stroke him up and down with a slow handjob.
Arthur let out a loud moan as her touch fueled a rush of previously pent-up pleasure. Xenia slid her hand up and down his hard cock feeling the contours of his surface veins and the hard surface along his shaft.
She licked her lips while playing with his cock, I bet you could cum to my touch in less than a minute, couldnt you?
She then took her hand away to Arthurs dismay as he whimpered at the loss of her touch upon him.
Oh dont cry, Arthur. A handjob is such an unfulfilling way to have an orgasm even if it is from me.
Sasha sat in silence watching Xenia have her way with her husband helpless to stop her in any way. In fact, Sasha had no idea how Xenia wanted or expected her to serve her, but she sat silently and obediently out of fear of upsetting Xenia.
Xenia tapped her fingertips up and down Arthurs cock and looked up at him, Wouldnt you rather be inside of me?
Normally Arthur would at least feign hesitance in front of his wife; however, this wasnt an opportunity he was keen to pass up, and he also knew any wrong answers could bring Xenias wrath upon him. So, Arthur quickly nodded, I would much prefer being inside of you.
Perfect, darling. Xenia nodded and then looked to Sasha, You wont mind helping me with that will you?
Sasha timidly responded, I am happy to help in any way you wish, Empress Xenia. However, I doubt you would need my help for any activity related to sex.
Xenia gave a closed lip smile to Sasha before saying, Who said anything about sex?
She then bloodbent Arthur and said, Lay on the table in between us please. She then expertly bloodbent Arthur to crawl on to the table and lay face down between them.
Xenia retrieved the large knife from the floor and walked back to Sasha handing her the knife, I dont want your husbands cock inside of me. I want to eat him. I want his delicious body inside of me.
Sasha took the knife as she stared in shock at Xenia. She had heard stories, but she had never actually seen Xenia or anyone else eat another human, especially not while alive.
Xenia took her seat across from Sasha and waved her hand over Arthurs back, If you would be so kind as to skin his entire back for me. And make it quick. Im quite hungry.
This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it
Sasha hesitated only for a mere moment. She wished she could tell her husband sorry; however, she also knew this was quite an acceptable task to prove her loyalty to Xenia. She knew Xenia could make things 10x or even 100x worse for her. Xenia had already proven that.
Sasha took the large blade and started at the top of Arthurs back just below the neck as she began to skin the flesh overlying his trapezius muscles.
Arthur gave out a shrill, loud yell as the knife sliced into his skin. Sasha clumsily tried to grab the skin with her other hand to hold it up for tension as she continued to cut underneath it; however, Arthurs moans and cries diverted her attention.
Forgive me, empress. Ive neveruhhskinnedsomeone before. I apologize for the lack of proficiency and speed. Sasha tried her best to appease Xenia as she forged forth.
Xenia sat back with her arms crossed with a smile on her face, I dont mind slow. The slower it is, the more painful it is. Be as slow as you wish, Sasha.
Xenia patiently watched Sasha skin Arthurs back down to the muscle. She took pure joy in knowing Sasha hated every second of torturing her husband yet performed the task regardless to serve her. Xenia noted Sashas technique was lacking as she removed the skin and underlying subcutaneous tissue in fragments and pieces.
As Sasha was about half way done, Xenia stood and walked around to the other side of the table behind Sasha. She walked directly behind Sasha and reached her arms around her placing her hands on Sashas hands, Youre quite good at this for a beginner Sasha. Let me give you a few pointers. Let me guide your hands.
Sasha could feel Xenias toned body and big boobs against her back. She even noted that Xenias hands and forearms against her own felt divine as if chiseled from marble by the gods. She could suddenly understand how Arthur and others could become so intoxicated with her.
Xenia guided Sashas hands as she pulled up on a corner of skin and took the knife underneath carefully severing the underlying fascia.
Xenia softly said, You see, the tension we provide actually does the majority of the work. We just need to use the knife to set the tissue free.
Xenia directed the blade against the taut tissue she had pulled up, and as the blade made contact with the collagen and other fibrous tissue holding the skin and soft tissue to Arthurs body, it disintegrated at the touch of the blade allowing Xenia and Sashas tension to pull the skin back further.
The two girls continued under Xenias guidance until they had completely finished skinning Arthurs back with one intact piece of skin to show for it.
Xenia held the flap of skin up, Youre a natural, Sasha. She smiled and winked at her before tossing the skin to the floor, Truly. I should say youd make a great personal chef.
Sasha couldnt help but feel proud to have pleased Xenia. Praise from the most powerful person on the planet felt good even if the task at hand was heinous in every way.
Xenia stood next to Sasha and pointed to Arthurs back, Now. Normally, we could continue to slice out the muscle in strips or filets. We could leave it raw, we could cook it, we could prepare it in so many different kinds of ways. And then we could display the fruits of our labor, or rather the meats of our labor, on a serving plate and have a feast.
Xenia then ran her finger down his back covering her fingertip in blood. She then brought her finger up to her mouth and sucked the blood off, Mmm. Mmm. That is good.
Sasha stood with anxiety and fear at further carving her husband up while he was alive to feel every bit of pain. She had heard enough of his cries and moans, and she wasnt sure she could take any more of it.
But Im much too hungry to wait for all of that. Xenia feasted her eyes on Arthur back and continued, Youve done a very good job, and I will take it from here. Xenia then pointed to Sashas chair, You may sit now.
Sasha watched as Xenia then leaned over Arthurs back and plunged her mouth down as she began to take multiple bites from his back. She ripped, tore, and chewed the muscle directly off his back, even tearing it from the bone with some bites.
The scene was like a lion with powerful jaws devouring its living prey with vicious bite after bite. The fear and pain of being eaten alive overwhelmed Arthur, and like a helpless gazelle in the lions maw, he lay silently in disbelief and accepted his fate.
Blood ran all over the table, and Xenia flung bits of muscle and blood from the table to the floor as she ravaged his back.
A fragment of muscle landed in Sashas lap, and Sasha nearly threw up. She caught the vomit in her mouth and managed to choke it back down out of fear of offending Xenia.
Xenia turned around to face Sasha with a mouth and chin dripping with fresh red blood, Come try a bite.
Sasha politely declined, Im afraid I dont have the stomach for raw meat, human or otherwise.
Xenia shot her a devilish smile, I insist, Sasha.
Knowing she had no choice, Sasha slowly and timidly stood and looked over Arthurs half eaten and chewed up back with areas missing large chunks and other areas showing only absences of small pieces.
Go ahead. Lean in and take a bite. I suggest the paraspinal muscles for flavor; however, you may find it difficult to bite and chew it off the fascia connecting it to the vertebral bodies. Xenia then pointed to the trapezius muscles at the top of the back, The traps though, they are large enough for you to take a bite right out of the center with no problem. Its also a cut I dont favor, so you can have as much as you want.
Sasha leaned down and felt the warmth coming off of Arthurs body with no skin to hold the heat in. Blood ran freely over the muscles giving them a wet, red appearance, and the smell was foreign to her. She slowly opened her mouth, disbelieving every second that she was about to consume the flesh of a living human her husband no less. She then closed her jaw and pushed her teeth into the muscle and tore away a very small bite of flesh.
She leaned back up and chewed it with her mouth closed in front of an excited Xenia who nodded with fervor as she watched.
Sasha chewed Arthurs muscle slowly and began to think about what she was doing with intent. Although the flavor was no different than animal meat she had eaten thousands of times, the idea and the thought of it all being human suddenly made her gag.
Sasha then projectile vomited all over Xenias chest and red dress.
Sasha stood in silence and absolute fear. She didnt even attempt to apologize as she knew someone like Xenia would only grow annoyed at her voice following such an offense. Sasha stared at Xenia thinking, Please just kill me. Kill me. Dont torture me. Please.
Xenia smiled as she looked at her dress and cleavage with vomit now covering her blood-soaked body as well.
Xenia then looked up at Sasha, No, Sasha. Im not going to kill you. And Im also not going to torture you. This was just for fun because I was feeling a little hungry.
Xenia took a step closer to Sasha and used her finger to wipe the blood and vomit from Sashas face and lips before sucking all the bodily contents and fluids off of her own finger and saying, There was no passing or failing. This was just for fun. Relax. Youre so tense.
This chaptšr is updated by freeĻebnovÄl.cą«¦m.
Look at us though. We are a mess, and Im planning to see President Hammond after this little encounter. Why dont we all go to the bathroom and freshen up with a bath. Thats where I really want you to show me how loyal you can be to me. Xenia then took a step back and walked off to the bathroom.
Sasha heard the bathwater begin to run, and she thought to herself, Just for fun? She now knew Xenias depravity truly had no limits. And with no limits, she feared for what unspeakable acts Xenia had planned next.