This report, detailing the events on the night of the Dawn Contest Opening Ceremony, was compiled through the diligent efforts of the Security Observation Team. Several thousand hazbytes of video and audio footage from within Halcyon Interstellar Azum-Ha Headquarters were analyzed for this purpose. The Security Observation Team would like to make the amount of effort required clear to the Board of Directors -- and to request that effort be taken into account in the upcoming company performance review.
Thank you.
<Begin Log>
(Incident begins shortly before the commencement of the Dawn Contest Opening Ceremony. Mereloco and all staff assigned to his care have left Headquarters and begun transit to the Stadium of the Absolute. For this reason, less security staff were present than during a usual shift. However, the number of security staff assigned to the defense of the building was still consistent with recommended levels.)
(Automatic doors to the central lobby open.)
(Dragan Hadrien enters. Immediately, he glances towards the camera that is observing him and destroys it using his confirmed ability: ’Gemini Shotgun’. Note consistent motif with the ability of Zachariah Esmeralda, ’Heartbeat Shotgun’. Footage switches to another camera, which is then destroyed as well.)
(This continues over the span of five more seconds until visual contact with Hadrien is fully lost.)
(Sounds of gunfire.)
<End Log>
Dragan Hadrien: Agitant Profile
Former companion of Zachariah Esmeralda, the assassin of the former Supreme Kadmon (Although there is disagreement on whether Zachariah Esmeralda occupied the office of Supreme in the brief interval between his defeat of Kadmon and his subsequent demise, this report has elected to consider him a civilian operator.). Presence confirmed during recorded incidents on Taldan, the Cradle, Panacea and Elysian Fields. Level of involvement variable (see Document 672-761 for more information). Possesses potent Aether abilities and an unknown capacity for regeneration.
Ordinarily, Halcyon Interstellar would have pursued prosecution against Mr. Hadrien following his assault on Headquarters. However, given his participation in the Dawn Contest, he is granted immunity to such proceedings so long as he remains a participant. See attached copy of the Dawn Charter for more information. Missing the opening ceremony would normally disqualify the individual as a contestant, but footage of the ceremony confirms that Hadrien -- or a facsimile of him -- was present there as well.
In short: as the Dragan Hadrien present at the opening ceremony cannot be proven as an imposter, legal action against him cannot currently be pursued.
However, Halcyon Interstellar’s legal representation have drafted a collection of charges to bring against Dragan Hadrien at such a time that his immunity is waived. These include trespassing, destruction of property potentially including a rare Arcana Automatic, and the murder of Damian Wenderhold Halcyon.
<Begin Log>
(Footage depicts a long hallway leading to the elevator station. Security forces are taking up positions behind cover panels that have erected from the floor.)
(Dragan Hadrien appears at the end of the hallway in a flash of blue Aether.)
(Vermilion Aether begins to coalesce around the security guards. Confirmed activation of Damian Wenderhold Halcyon’s Aether ability, ’P2W’. The quality of the guard’s weapons and armour begin to exponentially increase in accordance with the amount of money Damian Wenderhold Halcyon invests.)
(Within the span of seven seconds, the stun rifles the guards are equipped with have become massive stasis cannons. They fire waves of electricity down the length of the hallway.)
(Dragan Hadrien vanishes.)
(Camera cuts out.)
(Sounds of screaming.)
<End Log>
Ability Dossier: P2W
Damian Wenderhold Halcyon’s ability, P2W, was formed under the tutelage of the deceased individual known only as ’The Teacher’. (See reconnaissance dossier ’The Testament Project’ for more information.) By recording physical currency into Aether and then ’investing’ that currency into an infused individual or object, Damian could upgrade the efficacy of the target far beyond what usual infusion would allow.
Mundane punchpoint pistols were observed becoming advanced and experimental firearms, while personnel would gain significant muscle mass and enhanced hand-eye coordination. Accelerated regeneration and improved intelligence have also been observed.
Damian Wenderhold Halcyon maintained a store-room of physical currency beneath his office. Given that this room was empty upon investigation, there are two possibilities:
Dragan Hadrien elected to loot the room after killing Damian Wenderhold Halcyon.
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Damian Wenderhold Halcyon had to use the vast amounts of contained wealth to fight Dragan Hadrien, and this was not sufficient.
Communications Log
The following is a recording of communications between Security Chief Ender and Damian Wenderhold Halcyon. As Ender’s side of the conversation has been lost, this has been marked in the transcript.
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<Begin Log>
Damian Wenderhold Halcyon: What the hell are you people doing?! I’m funneling a goddamn fortune into your veins! Why is he still coming?
Damian Wenderhold Halcyon: That’s their job, you idiot! They’re paid well enough for it!
Damian Wenderhold Halcyon: No, don’t you dare -- don’t you dare retreat, that’s not what you’re here for, that’s not what you’re for --
Damian Wenderhold Halcyon: Fine! Just leave him to the Tower! It’ll take care of him for you, you fucking cowards!
<End Log>
Combat Report: "The Tower" opp. Dragan Hadrien
Given communications logs and the resultant destruction throughout Halcyon Headquarters, it can only be concluded that the Tower and Dragan Hadrien came into direct conflict shortly following the above conversation. However, all footage -- both visual and audio -- of this engagement has been lost, and there are no surviving witnesses. As such, the particulars of this encounter cannot be confirmed.
The following after-effects of the battle have been noted, however:
Destruction of the Tower’s holding hangar located on Floor 122
. Unclear whether this was from Dragan Hadrien breaking in or the Tower breaking out. Suppression automatics destroyed by a variety of methods, presumably enacted by the Tower.
Destruction of Floors 122-156. Partial collapse of upper levels as a result.
Severe damage to executive offices.
Destruction of emergency escape hangar
. Damian Wenderhold Halcyon’s dedicated escape craft was also destroyed at this point.
Ignition of a fire that began spreading through lower levels.
The conflict is believed to have lasted roughly thirty minutes, after which Dragan Hadrien continued his ascent towards Damian Wenderhold Halcyon’s office. Neither the Tower nor its remains have been located since. However, as analysis of the Tower had already been performed, its loss is not expected to impact the development of "The Æon".
Combat Report: Damian Wenderhold Halcyon opp. Dragan Hadrien
Damian Wenderhold Halcyon’s body was found in his office, slumped over his desk. A pistol was clutched in his hand. Cause of death determined to have been explosive rupture of the skull following application of severe blunt force.
Combat is believed to have been brief.
The Stability Initiative
"What is a Supreme, truly?
I’ll tell you. A Supreme is a creature who bends the universe to its will. Petty desires become galactic initiatives. Petty grudges become wars of extermination. We of the Halcyon family understand that more than most -- we, who narrowly survived one Supreme’s vendetta against the Great Chain. We understand the horror of an ill-fitting component in the machine of governance.
Look at Kadmon the Indolent, who sat idly by and allowed the galaxy to slip into ruin. Look at Henri the Glutton, who enacted the reign of terror and ate his enemies alive. Look at Damon the Devilish, who went mad and sought to tear the whole system down.
What do these examples have in common? They exchanged the greater good for their own whims and fancies. How many more Supremes like this can our great nation survive? We will not find out.
Halcyon Interstellar will once again lead the Supremacy into a new age. We have made starships, weapons, scripts and shows. Now we will be releasing our first god: Mereloco the Magnificent, who will lead the Supremacy into a new age. The Stability Initiative will make it so.
The initiative is simple, and can be summarized in three basic steps:
While in stasis, brain surgery is to be performed upon the candidate ’Mereloco’ -- a suite of state-of-the-art neural implants is to be installed but left inactive.
Mereloco is to be provided all assistance and resources required to guarantee his victory in the Dawn Contest.
The neural implants are to be activated following his coronation, allowing Halcyon Interstellar direct control over his emotions, memories and actions. From this point, a dedicated ’writers room’ will operate Mereloco as required by the Board of Directors.
The Supreme is an outdated office, but it is one that cannot be allowed to die. Instead, we shall install the perfect Supreme -- one that guarantees a prosperous future for Halcyon Interstellar and the public at large. This is the final shape of strength.
Power, wielded for the sake of the people."
Damian Wenderhold Halcyon, CEO of Halcyon Interstellar
It is believed that, after eliminating Damian Wenderhold Halcyon, Dragan Hadrien took his identification and immediately proceeded to Floor -100. Again, footage of the incident has been lost, but evidence suggests he then went on a rampage through the facility. All personnel involved with the Stability Initiative were eliminated. All associated equipment was destroyed.
Utter obliteration of the Stability Initiative confirmed. Irreparable.
Dragan Hadrien -- Current Whereabouts and Further Action
City security recordings confirm that, following his assault on Halcyon Interstellar, Dragan Hadrien fled into the slums of Azum-Ha. Contact was lost shortly after.
As previously mentioned, legal pursuit of Dragan Hadrien at this time is not practical. However, non-legal pursuit remains very much an option this office would recommend. Parties cannot be allowed to act against Halcyon Interstellar with impunity. As such, we recommend the hiring of third parties to pursue and eliminate Hadrien. Some level of torture may be advisable as a further deterrent against future hostile elements.
It is the understanding of this office that Nael Manron has already been approached, but has rejected the contract. The Sixth Dead or the Hive of Malkuth may be viable options for alternative contractors, although these do come with a certain level of inevitable collateral damage. Given the current date, the individual known as ’Appointment’ may also be an option in the near future.
We await further instructions from the Board of Directors.
Dragan finally stopped for breath -- but the air still tasted of blood.
That only made sense. The stuff was covering his face, after all. The blood of Damian Halcyon -- and the superpowered grunts they’d sent after him. It had been quite the workout.
Nestled deep in the alleys of old Azum-Ha, Dragan whipped out his script and turned it on. A smirk tugged at his lips as he saw the disaster that the opening ceremony had become -- that had gone according to plan, too. A message from North confirmed he’d made it out of there intact and with his identity still hidden.
Good stuff.
What gave him pause, though, was the message below that. It was from an unknown number, but the message itself had been signed by the supposed sender. If it was genuine, then…
Dragan’s smirk spread further.
Need to meet, the message read. Would like to offer alliance against Atoy Muzazi on behalf of the Supreme Heir. Name location for meeting. Anya Hapgrass.