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Chapter 137

Chapter 137

At this moment, the wavy haired beauty he had met outside the door walked in quickly.

“Wait, let me come along.”

The young man and the wavy haired beauty seemed to be old acquaintances. When he saw her, he immediately greeted her with a smile. “Feifei, are you here for the Level 2 assessment again? Can you clear it this time? ”

The wavy haired beauty rolled her eyes at him. “None of your business. You’re almost thirty, and you’re still Level 1. You can only guard the association’s entrance.”

“Uh …” The young man was speechless. He could only call out to Lu Sheng. “Come with me.”

He followed the young man inside. Lu Sheng watched as he entered a password in front of a door. Then, the door opened, revealing an elevator inside.

“Go in by yourself. When you get to the third floor, someone will there to guide you …” The young man waved his hand and took out his phone again. He walked and played with it.

Lu Sheng walked into the elevator. The beauty followed.

But now, her attitude towards Lu Sheng was different. She greeted Lu Sheng of her own accord.

“Hello, little brother. My name is Xue Fei. I’m sorry I misunderstood you. I didn’t know you were one of us. I thought you were a high school student …”

Lu Sheng smiled and said, “Lu Sheng. It’s okay. That taxi driver of mine really was unreliable.”

Xue Fei smiled as well. Then, she asked curiously, “How old are you? Where’s your spiritual power at? What are you doing here at the association? Are you from Liangcheng?”

Lu Sheng could tell that Xue Fei was a curious woman by nature.

He answered casually, “18. First time in Liangcheng. I’m planning on taking the assessment today.”

“You’re very talented. You’re already taking the Level 1 assessment at 18. If you hadn’t met the requirements for the Level 1 Spiritual Master, the experienced spiritual masters won’t write a recommendation letter for you.”

Xue Fei said enviously, “I reached Level 1 when I was almost 20. Speaking of which, we’re quite fated today. We bumped into each other on the way here. We’re going to take the assessment together later …”

Though he understood this from the young man’s words, Lu Sheng still asked politely, “Are you here to take the assessment today as well?”

Xue Fei nodded, “This is the third time. The first time, the strength of my spiritual power was a little off. The second time, the purity of my spiritual power was a little off. I hope I won’t get stuck on the third test …”

“There are three tests in the first assessment?”


Xue Fei said, “First, they use a device to test the strength and purity of your spiritual power. Then, they test your control under the instructions of the examiner. It’s basically just passing small balls. You have to control as many balls as you want in a certain amount of time … It’s complicated, and I can’t explain it all now. You’ll know when you do it.”

Xue Fei sighed and said, “Your Level 1 assessment is okay. My Level 2 assessment is really difficult. May God bless me and let me pass smoothly this time. I don’t want to do it a fourth time …”

Lu Sheng looked at Xue Fei who was praying with her hands clasped together in amusement. He felt that this person was quite interesting.

She seemed to come from a good family, but she didn’t have any of the arrogance and ill temper of a rich second generation daughter. She could be considered approachable.

But thinking about it carefully, Xue Fei only acted like this after she found out that he was a spiritual master. Who knew what she was like in front of ordinary people.

He couldn’t figure it out, and there was no need to figure it out. It had nothing to do with him anyway.

At this time, the elevator doors opened.

A large office area appeared in front of Lu Sheng.

Many men and women in professional suits were sitting in front of their desks, busy.

Some were flipping through documents, some were typing rapidly on their keyboards, some were in heated discussions, some were on the phone …

It was like the heart of a busy and orderly large company. Or perhaps it was a government unit.

But very quickly, Lu Sheng discovered that this was not the case at all.

His spiritual power swept across the entire room.

They weren’t looking at documents, but the fantasy novels. They were typing on their keyboards while playing games. They were in heated discussions about last night’s football match. Likewise, they were on the phone with their lovers…

There wasn’t a single person who was actually doing anything on the third floor.

How was this an office area? It was clearly a leisure and entertainment area.

The only difference was that every one of these people was a true spirit reader master.

“Get used to it. I was also shocked the first time I came here …”

Xue Fei said from the side: “Later I understood that the Spiritual Master Association didn’t have that much work to do at all because there were too few Spiritual Masters.

And as you know, people with spiritual power are very smart. Their efficiency in solving problems is several times that of ordinary people. Even if there was a bit of work, it would be done very quickly …”

“Then why do they still need so many people?”

“Because they really have nothing to do. Generally speaking, after someone awakens their spiritual power, there will be a period of rapid growth of spiritual power. In the beginning, their strength will increase very quickly. But after this period has passed, that is, most of their potential has been exhausted. Their progress will be so slow that it makes people’s hair stand on end.

“Even the cultivation methods published by the WMA aren’t very effective. If their strength can’t increase too much in a short period of time, they will become bored. It’s nothing for ordinary people, but for spiritual masters, once they’re bored to the point of causing a ruckus, it’ll be a big deal.

You know, people with stronger spiritual power than ordinary people have a high probability of having some psychological and ideological problems … Hmm, cough-cough …”

Xue Fei lowered her voice and leaned close to Lu Sheng’s cheek to speak. The hot breath from her mouth even blew into his ear. freewebnovel.cσ๓

“That’s why they’re all employed at the Association. At least they’ll have something to do every day. Spend some money, and you can eliminate a lot of hidden dangers. So why not …”

“Then why not let them enter the battlefield? At least they can contribute. ” Lu Sheng spoke.

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