Genius Club

Chapter 86: The Gang
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“Help! Thief! Someone, help!” Mrs. Li’s frantic cries echoed through the alley.


A man dashed by, clutching a handbag under his arm, his head shaded by a black hat. This was the notorious “Master of Three Blades,” the very thief Lin Xian had been diligently tracking.

Emerging from the shadows of the alley, Lin Xian accidentally collided with Mrs. Li.

“Young man!” she gasped, clutching his arm for support.

“I understand,” Lin Xian assured her with a calm nod.

“My… my bag…”

“It’s handled.”

Carefully, Lin Xian helped her lean against the wall. “Mrs. Li, please stay calm and wait here. San Pang will return with your handbag shortly.”

With no further ado, Lin Xian deployed his parkour skills and vanished into the labyrinth of narrow lanes.

Left behind, Mrs. Li murmured, bewildered, “I… I hadn’t even finished speaking…”

Lin Xian raced through the twisted alleys, predicting the thief’s escape route with ease—a path he had learned through past encounters. He could have apprehended the thief sooner but chose to wait until he reached a familiar dead-end alley. That’s when Lin Xian made his move.



A precise flying kick toppled the thief. Swiftly, Lin Xian disarmed him, confiscating a dagger from his coat, another from his belt, and a third from his boot, discarding each with a clatter. He then used the thief’s belt to secure his hands.


Big Cat Face burst through a barrier of firewood that blocked the alley’s entrance. “Dare to steal in my territory!”

He advanced menacingly, flanked by three formidable underlings. “Damn—”

His tirade halted abruptly as he stared in astonishment.

Before him lay the man in the black hat, now pantless, his hands tied with his belt, squirming on the ground. Beside him stood Lin Xian, looking rather pleased with himself, the gleaming daggers scattered at his feet.


Big Cat Face pointed first at the thief, then at Lin Xian. “Which one of you is the villain here?”

“Big Face, catch.” Lin Xian tossed the handbag to him.

Big Cat Face caught it, verified it was Mrs. Li’s, and handed it to San Pang. “Take this back to Mrs. Li,” he instructed.

San Pang hurried off, while Big Cat Face, scratching his head, approached Lin Xian curiously. “Do you know who I am?”

“I’ve heard of your notoriety.”

“And my name?”

“Big Cat Face.”

“Then why call me Big Cat? Everyone else calls me Brother Face.”

“A cat represents philosophy; a face, something more enigmatic.”

“Wow!” Big Cat Face was visibly impressed. He gripped Lin Xian’s hand, drawing him closer to his associates, Ah Zhuang and Er Zhuzi. “This guy’s sharp! A real find! What’s your name, buddy?”

“Lin Xian.”

“Lin Xian, let me introduce you. These are my guys: Ah Zhuang, Er Zhuzi, and the one who just ran off, San Pang.”

Big Cat Face slapped his chest proudly. “You’ve got a good eye! People know me as Big Cat Face, but you can just call me Big Face or Brother Face.”

“Where are you from, brother? I know everyone around, but you’re new.”

“I’m just passing through,” Lin Xian played along, aiming to infiltrate Big Cat Face’s crew, the Face Gang.

Gaining Big Cat Face’s trust was key to meeting Cat Dad and uncovering the secrets of the Universal Constant.

Big Cat Face pondered, his look thoughtful yet full of camaraderie. Making a decision that seemed to go against deep-seated gang rules, he looked to Ah Zhuang and Er Zhuzi. “I think we should let him join. Thoughts?”

“No way, Big Brother!” Ah Zhuang protested. “Just because he’s educated doesn’t mean he’s trustworthy. Intellectuals can be the sneakiest!”

Er Zhuzi chimed in, eyeing Lin Xian skeptically. “He’s too polished, looks almost too delicate. If he joins, I worry for our safety!”

Two against.

Big Cat Face turned to the returning San Pang. “Your vote?”

San Pang shook his head. “It’s a bad idea.”

Big Cat Face sighed, his disappointment evident. He clasped Lin Xian’s hand. “I saw something special in you and wanted you in our gang. But the gang votes democratically. I’m sorry.”

He fished out some money, handing it to Lin Xian. “For catching the thief. If you’re ever hungry, look me up.”

“Wait, Big Face,” Lin Xian interjected, puzzled by the turn of events.

He pointed to the subdued thief. “I managed to bring him down solo. That proves my worth. My skills could benefit the gang. Let me demonstrate.”

With a quick movement, Lin Xian scaled a wall, executed a double flip, and landed gracefully on a second-story ledge.

“Wow!” Big Cat Face exclaimed, astonished.

“Big Brother, how’d he do that?”

Lin Xian jumped down, dusted off, and flashed a confident smile. “So, Big Face, do you think I’m cut out for this?”

Big Cat Face nodded, swayed by the display. Ah Zhuang gave a thumbs up. “Big Brother, he’s got skills. We need someone like him.”

Er Zhuzi, however, remained unconvinced. “He’s too sneaky! Climbing into people’s homes? No way!”

A split vote.

San Pang, now the deciding factor, nodded. “He should join.”

“Done!” Big Cat Face declared, beaming. “From today, you’re one of us. I knew there was something about you. And those climbing skills are just what we need.”

Apologizing for the earlier confusion, he asked, “Tell me your wish, brother. If it’s within my power, it’s yours.”

Big Cat Face’s directness resonated with Lin Xian.

“Big Face, your father teaches elementary school math, right?”


“Does he study an ancient manuscript called ‘Introduction to Universal Constants’?”

“You know about that too?”

Lin Xian nodded, smiling. “I’m here out of admiration for him. I’ll do anything you ask, but I have one simple request… Can you introduce me to your father? I have some math questions for him.”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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