Genius Club

Chapter 69: Trust
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Despite lacking concrete evidence, the Genius Club remains the prime suspect in the murders of Big Cat Face’s father and Professor Xu Yun. Known for their secretive operations spanning six centuries, their consistent execution methods suggest their involvement in these recent killings.

With this suspicion in mind, Lin Xian decided to proceed with caution.

“The Genius Club is my starting point,” he resolved. “If they’re innocent, I’ll find inconsistencies to clear their name as I investigate. This isn’t just about a misunderstanding; it’s about murder, and I need to find the killer.”

Lin Xian’s only lead was an invitation from the Genius Club, found in Zhao Ying Jun’s office drawer. It was unclear if Zhao was a member, but examining that invitation could reveal many answers.

“This is the only way forward,” he murmured to himself.

He returned the wax-sealed invitation to the drawer and began to strategize. It was critical to access the invitation without raising Zhao’s suspicions. If the Genius Club was indeed involved in the murder, even a slight hint of his investigation could be perilous.

“If Zhao isn’t a club member, my investigation carries less risk. But if she is, any error could be fatal,” he thought, planning his next moves discreetly.

Lin Xian grabbed an oven tray from the kitchen, burned all documents and notes related to the Genius Club and his investigations, and disposed of the ashes in the toilet.

“Extreme caution is necessary. Leave no trace,” he reminded himself sternly.

Feeling relatively safe, Lin Xian appreciated the precautions Professor Xu Yun had implemented. The professor had deemed the manuscript dangerous and had protected Lin Xian by keeping no records in his name. The original manuscript was destroyed, and Lin Xian was never mentioned to outsiders.

Professor Xu Yun’s cautious approach had inadvertently shielded Lin Xian, who felt lucky that their private meetings had remained secret.

“I must continue to be careful. My safety this time might just be luck,” he thought, closing his eyes to focus.

His plan was clear:

Assume the Genius Club’s involvement in the murder.

Start the investigation with the invitation from Zhao Ying Jun’s drawer.

Accessing Zhao’s office undetected meant cracking the code to her security door, known only to her.

“To gain her trust and get the code, she must see me as completely dependable. But why would she?” Lin Xian chuckled at the idea.

“What makes me special enough for her to share such sensitive information?” he wondered, pondering the unlikely possibility of forming a close bond with the work-centric Zhao Ying Jun.

He resolved to build her trust gradually. “I’ll take it slow,” Lin Xian decided as he prepared for bed.

Before sleeping, he checked the latest news about Professor Xu Yun:

“Donghai City officials have announced a memorial service for Professor Xu Yun tomorrow morning at Donghai Funeral Home.”

“Dragon Space Research has expressed deep condolences for Professor Xu Yun. In line with his last wishes, all data on the new aluminum alloy will be made public.”

“Donghai University is currently organizing Professor Xu Yun’s research and unfinished papers for publication as per his final instructions.”

Lin Xian was relieved that Professor Xu Yun’s legacy would continue through his work, potentially leading to the development of the first generation of hibernation pods within a few years.

“A silver lining amidst this tragedy,” Lin Xian sighed, turning off his phone.

If the Genius Club was behind the murder, why hadn’t they interfered with the publication of his research? They could have destroyed his lab or stolen his data. Perhaps the killers, if indeed members of the Genius Club, preferred to make the deaths seem accidental rather than obstruct the research.

Lin Xian considered this, realizing that the Genius Club’s main goal might be to stay hidden; overt actions against the research would have drawn unwanted attention. By merely orchestrating the murders and leaving the research untouched, the deaths looked accidental, keeping the Genius Club’s existence secret.

“Hopefully, the police will soon catch the culprit and shed some light on these events,” Lin Xian thought as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, he was called to Zhao Ying Jun’s office, where the finance team leader was also present.

“Lin Xian, here’s your authorization fee and the first batch of product sales figures. Please review,” Zhao Ying Jun said, sliding two documents across the table.

Lin Xian examined them: one showed a one-time payment of 26 million, and the other displayed a 15 million sales commission. freewebnoveℓ.com

Seeing the amounts, he was momentarily stunned. He knew the 26 million was the authorization fee MX Company had initially offered Professor Xu Yun, but the sales commission exceeding 10 million was unexpected. The presale of the moisturizer had clearly been a huge success.

“You won’t receive all of it,” the finance leader clarified, pointing at the 15 million. “We’ll deduct personal income tax for the sales commission and deposit the net amount in your bank account. The 26 million will be transferred directly, but you’ll need to report it in your personal income tax app by March.”

“The presale numbers were outstanding. It might take a few months to fulfill all the orders, but you’re essentially set for life,” the finance leader commented with a grin.

“Retirement?” Lin Xian shook his head. “Not yet. There’s still much I want to achieve.”

His real motive remained hidden; seeing the invitation was crucial. He couldn’t let Zhao think he was disinterested in further work, which was key to gaining her trust and accessing her office.

“Lin Xian, prepare yourself,” Zhao Ying Jun instructed. “We’re attending Professor Xu Yun’s memorial service this morning. All executives will be there. Go home, change, and wait for my call.”

As she reached for her coat, her sleeve accidentally knocked over a stack of documents. As they bent down to collect the papers, Lin Xian glanced at them, but found nothing of value.

“Ms. Zhao, isn’t it time to hire a secretary?” the finance leader suggested. “Someone to help organize your files and keep your office in order. It would save you a lot of time.”

“I’ve been burned before, so I’m cautious now,” Zhao replied with a resigned smile, dismissing the idea of trusting someone new so easily.

“Dismissed,” she said as she left to change.

As the heavy security door thudded shut, Lin Xian and the finance leader descended in the elevator. Lin Xian thought, “If I could become Zhao Ying Jun’s secretary, that would be the safest and most convenient way to access the invitation and investigate the Genius Club.”

He didn’t actually desire the secretary position, but it was undoubtedly the best way to monitor Zhao’s activities, learn the security code, and keep an eye on her actions.

“Ms. Zhao must have had a serious reason for her distrust,” Lin Xian mused, turning to the finance leader. “What happened that made her so wary of hiring a secretary?”

As his curiosity peaked, he awaited the response, eager to understand more about the woman whose trust he needed to gain.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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