Genius Club

Chapter 47: Authorization
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Lin Xian was a bit baffled.

He pulled out the first page of the authorization document, unveiling several experiment data and reports underneath, as he had anticipated. These were instructions for crafting a specific chemical compound.

“Didn’t you mention that we should only consider marketing this chemical once the hibernation chamber’s liquid is fully developed?” Lin Xian inquired.

Professor Xu Yun chuckled, patting Lin Xian on the shoulder. “As a seasoned scientist, I immediately recognized the authenticity of your earlier manuscript. Moreover, now that you’ve helped pinpoint and amend errors in the formulas, I can complete the hibernation chamber’s liquid soon. Perhaps even tonight, you’ll hear some promising news from me.”

“So, finalizing the hibernation chamber liquid is just a matter of time. What’s the harm in launching this product now or a few days later?”

Lin Xian then turned back to the ‘Exclusive Authorization Letter.’ “But Professor Xu, there’s no mention of pricing or revenue sharing in this authorization letter. And the authorizer here…”

Professor Xu Yun folded the authorization letter, gathered the other documents, and placed them into a file bag, which he then handed to Lin Xian. “Since I’ve given you exclusive rights, everything now fully belongs to you, including all profits. You set the selling price.”

“As for what I sold it to you for…” Professor Xu tapped the manuscript Lin Xian had brought. “Haven’t you already paid me? Quite generously, too!”

Soon after, Professor Xu stopped Lin Xian from saying anything more and ushered him out of the lab. “We’ll sort out the formal authorization letter later. Take these documents to your company’s R&D; they’ll make sense of them.”

With that, he closed the lab door behind him and resumed his work.

Holding the substantial file bag, Lin Xian was stunned by his sudden fortune. According to Zhao Ying Jun, just one such authorization could fetch a million dollars, not to mention future profits. Becoming a multimillionaire overnight was something he hadn’t anticipated.

Yet, this was also a show of kindness, perhaps even gratitude, from Professor Xu Yun. Refusing outright would be rude. Besides…

“Once Professor Xu Yun successfully completes the hibernation chamber liquid, he might win a Nobel Prize or receive a national grant. The world will value him as a treasure, and he’ll hardly lack funds.”

After mulling it over, Lin Xian decided to accept this generous offer. Clearly, good deeds eventually pay off.

Lin Xian grabbed a taxi back to the company to make the morning meeting.

“I should have taken the subway.” He underestimated the Monday morning traffic near the university. Opting for a taxi to save time, he ended up stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour.

When he arrived, the morning meeting, led by Zhao Ying Jun, was already in progress.

“…I’m late, after all.”

Lin Xian cautiously knocked on the meeting room door, and the finance team leader, mid-report, stopped abruptly. Lin Xian pushed the door open, meeting Zhao Ying Jun’s gaze.

“I’m sorry, President Zhao, I’m late.” He gestured with the file bag. “I went to—”

“Sit down for now, and explain during your turn,” Zhao Ying Jun interrupted, then nodded at the finance leader to continue. The finance leader resumed her report.

Lin Xian quietly closed the door and made his way to a seat at the back of the room, sitting discreetly.

“Bold to be late for the morning meeting, bro.” The logistics team leader whispered to him, focusing on the front, pretending to listen.

Lin Xian could only offer a wry smile. He hadn’t intended to be late, but the traffic had been unpredictable.

Soon, the finance leader finished, and it was the R&D team leader’s turn. He complained about the impossibility of developing a competitive new product on such a tight schedule, especially since their efforts had been centered on Professor Xu Yun’s moisturizer formula, which had been abruptly dropped.

The marketing, publicity, and advertising leaders echoed this sentiment, worried about the Rhine brand fading into obscurity without Professor Xu Yun’s backing.

The company’s legal advisor added more grim news. “Abandoning the previous formula means starting over with approvals… If we rush the launch, it won’t be ready on time.”

The atmosphere in the meeting room was despondent, filled with sighs. However, Zhao Ying Jun remained composed, listening patiently to each team leader and taking diligent notes.

Lin Xian watched her, admiring her calmness. He had always respected Zhao Ying Jun, who had treated him well and fostered a positive atmosphere at MX Company. This time… He decided to lend her a hand.

He planned to monetize the authorization anyway, and selling it to another company made less sense than offering it to Zhao Ying Jun. Plus… Lin Xian was curious about the contents of the Genius Club invitation Zhao Ying Jun had received.

This was his chance to deepen Zhao Ying Jun’s trust in him. If one day she trusted him enough, perhaps he’d learn the office’s password or even stay alone in that office. Then, he could sneak a look at the invitation.

Yes, Lin Xian intended only to take a covert glance, never to expose his curiosity to Zhao Ying Jun. Considering the worst case…

If Zhao Ying Jun was already a member of the Genius Club, and if it was an organization that needed to remain hidden, then showing overt interest could be risky.

Safety first. Survival was paramount.

After the logistics report, Zhao Ying Jun turned to Lin Xian. “Lin Xian, it’s your turn. What do you have to say?”

Lin Xian nodded, pushing the hefty file bag to the center of the table. “Everyone has misunderstood President Zhao. We’ve been advancing this quietly, and you all know about Professor Xu Yun’s recent involvement with our company.”

“This morning, I secured exclusive rights to his chemical compound at Donghai University.”

The room went silent, all eyes on him, wide with astonishment.

“So…” Lin Xian smiled slightly. “We can now resume the ‘Professor Xu Yun Moisturizer Project’.”

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