Genius Club

Chapter 350: A Future Meeting
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“Yu Xi, wait for me here by the stairs. I’ll feel safer knowing you’re close but not too exposed,” Lin Xian said, his voice serious.

He paused, torn between keeping Yu Xi nearby and making sure she stayed out of sight. After a moment, he decided on a compromise.

After leaving Yu Xi at the stairwell on the 17th floor of the hospital, Lin Xian headed toward Zheng Xiang Yue’s hospital room.

Outside the room, two figures stood—a local official from Donghai and the head nurse. They waited respectfully outside, not wanting to interrupt Elon Musk and Zheng Xiang Yue’s conversation, as Elon Musk had asked for privacy.

Lin Xian didn’t get too close; he stood quietly by the door. It didn’t take long for Elon Musk to notice him. With a slight nod to Zheng Xiang Yue, Elon Musk got up and stepped outside.

“Lin Xian is a friend,” Elon Musk said, smiling at the official with him. “We’ll just have a quick chat over there. It won’t take long and won’t affect our schedule.”

“Of course, take your time,” the official replied politely.

Elon Musk adjusted his suit and walked towards Lin Xian, extending his hand in a friendly manner. “Lin Xian, it’s been a while. Let’s shake hands.”

“Where’s Angelica?” Lin Xian asked directly, ignoring Elon Musk’s hand. “What have you done to her?”

Elon Musk lowered his gaze, chuckling softly before shaking his head. “Lin Xian, if you’re looking for Angelica, you’re in the wrong place. She’s not with me.”

He continued, his voice calm but with a hint of amusement. “It’s true that I had control over her at one point, and I treated her well… but she escaped, taking some things with her. I’d actually like to ask you if you know where she is. After all, she did steal from me, and I’d like my belongings back.”

Lin Xian scoffed, clearly not buying Elon Musk’s story. Angelica had gone missing at Elon Musk’s rocket launch center and hadn’t been seen or heard from since. Elon Musk was obviously lying.

“So, there’s nothing more to discuss?” Lin Xian said coldly.

Elon Musk’s smile faded, and he looked at Lin Xian seriously. “I suppose no matter what I say now, you won’t believe me, will you? I think there’s a deep misunderstanding between us, Lin Xian. But if you’re expecting me to present evidence to clear things up, I’m afraid I don’t have any.”

He paused, then added, “However, I believe if we both come to the table with sincerity, we might be able to clear up these misunderstandings. This hospital isn’t the right place for that, and there’s something I want to show you. It’s not suitable to bring it out here. How about we meet later, somewhere more private?”

Elon Musk straightened up as he suggested, “There’s an abandoned factory about two kilometers north of the Tesla Gigafactory in the New Port Area. It’s a quiet place, perfect for a serious conversation, and no one will disturb us there.”

He glanced at his watch. “How about tonight at 8 PM? I won’t be late this time. I’ll come alone, without any bodyguards, just me. Let’s meet there.”

With that, he waved goodbye to Lin Xian, turning to walk back to the official from Donghai. Together, they politely entered the elevator, and the doors closed as they descended out of sight.

The encounter was much shorter than Lin Xian had anticipated. But what could he do? With Elon Musk denying any involvement with Angelica, there wasn’t much to discuss.

What surprised him, though, was Elon Musk’s invitation to meet later that night, alone, at an abandoned factory in a remote area.

Could he trust it? Lin Xian wasn’t naive enough to take Elon Musk’s word at face value.

Since he was already at the hospital and hadn’t visited Zheng Xiang Yue in a while, he decided to take the opportunity to see her.

He walked to the room and gently knocked on the door. As he entered, his eyes met Zheng Xiang Yue’s, who was holding an urn in her arms.

“Lin Xian!” Zheng Xiang Yue beamed, her long, black hair cascading over her shoulders as she tilted her head slightly. She placed the urn back on the bedside table and rushed over to grab Lin Xian’s hand.

“Lin Xian, do you know who just visited? It was Elon Musk! The one selling tickets for the moon trip! He told me you were the one who bought my ticket! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” she exclaimed.

Lin Xian smiled softly as he led her back into the room, listening to her excited recount of Elon Musk’s visit.

“Since you already know, I won’t hide it anymore,” Lin Xian said calmly. “The truth is, the ticket was bought through me, but the money came from another of your brother’s friends—a part of his inheritance. He knew about your dream and your bond with your brother, so he did a good deed before he passed, helping you achieve your dream.”

“Oh, I see,” Zheng Xiang Yue replied, scratching her head as she absorbed the story. “He must have been a really good and kind person.”

“Maybe in his next life, he’ll be a better person,” Lin Xian added with a small smile. “If your dream of going to the moon comes true, it might even bring him some peace.”

Zheng Xiang Yue bit her lip, hesitating before she looked up at Lin Xian with determination in her eyes.

“Lin Xian, do you remember asking if I would be willing to go into hibernation with Xu Yi Yi?” she asked.

Lin Xian nodded. “Have you made up your mind?”

In truth, the doctor had already spoken to Lin Xian about Zheng Xiang Yue’s condition twice before, stressing that her situation was far more dangerous than it appeared.

The doctor had said, “I know you’re caring for both Zheng Xiang Yue and Xu Yi Yi, so I’ll be honest with you. Don’t let Zheng Xiang Yue’s outward appearance fool you. Her condition is far more precarious than Xu Yi Yi’s.”

“Xu Yi Yi’s illness is stable, and we can anticipate the progression, but Zheng Xiang Yue’s heart condition could be fatal if it flares up suddenly. She’s been lucky so far, but no one knows how long that luck will last. I strongly suggest persuading her to go into hibernation with Xu Yi Yi.”

When Lin Xian took Xu Yi Yi to the Science Academy for hibernation, he had tried to convince Zheng Xiang Yue to do the same, but she had refused, fearing she would miss the chance to travel to the moon.

Even though she didn’t fully believe in the authenticity of the ticket, she couldn’t shake the thought, “What if it’s real?” If she slept through the opportunity, she knew she’d regret it forever.

But things were different now. Elon Musk’s promise had finally put her at ease.

“Yes, Lin Xian, I’ve decided,” Zheng Xiang Yue said, her voice steady. “Uncle Elon Musk promised me that my moon trip ticket would be honored no matter how long it takes, even if it’s decades or centuries later. Even if the ticket is lost, it’s still valid!”

“With that reassurance, I can safely go into hibernation now. I want to be healthy when I wake up so I can finally stand on the moon and bury my brother’s ashes there.”

“No problem at all,” Lin Xian replied with a smile. “Your decision to go into hibernation is what everyone hoped for. It’s the best option for your health. Don’t worry, Xiang Yue. Human technology and medicine are advancing rapidly. In less than 20 years, congenital heart disease and space travel to the moon will likely be easily achievable.”

“In 20 years, I’ll only be 45. When you wake up, I might still be here to see you off on your moon journey.”

Zheng Xiang Yue’s eyes welled up with tears at Lin Xian’s gentle words. She wiped her eyes and said in a choked voice, “Thank you so much, Lin Xian. My brother always said you were a good person and that you’ve helped us so much. He told me to repay your kindness if I ever got the chance.”

“I don’t know what I’ll be able to do in the future, but if I grow up and have the ability, I promise I’ll repay you! Just like you’ve taken care of me now… when you’re old, I’ll take care of you!”

Lin Xian smiled softly, handing her a tissue from a nearby box. He had long noticed that although Zheng Xiang Yue was 15 years old, her life spent mostly in hospitals had stunted her both mentally and physically, making her seem much younger.

“You don’t need to think that far ahead, Xiang Yue,” Lin Xian reassured her. “Just focus on taking care of yourself and achieving your dream of reaching the moon. That would make us all happy. I haven’t done much for you, and I haven’t been around as often as I’d like, so you don’t owe me anything. Don’t feel pressured to repay me.”

“Besides, if you hibernate for a long time, you might forget everything due to the side effects. But that’s okay. A new environment and a fresh start could be good for you.”

Zheng Xiang Yue suddenly remembered the potential memory loss from hibernation. “But I can’t forget, Lin Xian! My brother taught me to repay kindness, and I can’t forget my promise to bury his ashes on the moon… and I can’t forget you, either!”

Her face lit up with an idea. “I know! I’ll write everything down in a notebook so that when I wake up, I’ll remember it all!”

She quickly climbed onto her bed, retrieved a pink notebook from the drawer, and began writing.

“Things to Do After Waking from Hibernation:

Bury my brother on the moon.

Repay Lin Xian.”

She held up the notebook proudly, showing it to Lin Xian with a big grin. “See? This way, I won’t forget anything! When I wake up, I’ll just follow the notes.”

Lin Xian chuckled, patting her head gently. If only it were that simple… society wouldn’t be so worried about memory loss and scams related to hibernation. And even if she believed her own notes after waking up, would she really understand them?

The second point was straightforward, but the first… without context, it might not make any sense at all. However, Lin Xian didn’t want to burden her with these concerns. He wanted her to go into hibernation peacefully, without worries.

“I think you can skip the second point,” Lin Xian suggested with a smile. “I’m not too keen on hibernation myself, so there’s a good chance you won’t find me in the future. Besides, kindness isn’t something you repay; it’s something you pass on to others.”

“I received a lot of kindness from people who are no longer around, so I couldn’t repay them even if I wanted to. Instead, I passed that kindness on to you.”

“So, naturally, Xiang Yue, you can continue to pass on that kindness to others—be a kind and loving person, help those in need, and give love to those who need it. Whether you can make a big impact or just help in small ways, that’s the best way to repay the kindness you’ve received.”

Zheng Xiang Yue listened carefully, nodding firmly. She picked up her pen again and added a new line to her list:

“3. Be a kind and loving person.”

Lin Xian couldn’t help but smile at her simple but meaningful addition.

“Alright, I’ll get things ready for your hibernation,” Lin Xian said, standing up from the chair. “I’m well-connected with the Science Academy, and I’ve already reserved two hibernation pods. Xu Yi Yi is already in one, and the other is waiting for you. I’ll arrange everything with the doctors.”

“After that, just follow the doctor’s instructions,” he added.

Lin Xian then left Zheng Xiang Yue’s room and made a call to the Science Academy. There were no issues, and Director Gao said the hospital could send Zheng Xiang Yue over whenever they were ready.

Next, Lin Xian met with Zheng Xiang Yue’s doctor.

“It’s a relief that things are moving forward,” the doctor said. “Just a few days ago, Xiang Yue had another heart episode, but I couldn’t reach you since your phone was off. I wanted to talk to you about it.”

“Since the Science Academy is ready to take her, I suggest we move quickly. Her condition is too unpredictable to delay. We’ll transport her in an ambulance equipped with emergency medical gear, so even if she has another episode on the way to the capital, we can handle it.”

“The ambulance has the advantage of being able to divert to a nearby hospital if necessary, which is safer than high-speed trains or planes that can’t change course mid-journey,” the doctor explained.

Lin Xian nodded, “Thank you, doctor. I’ll leave Xiang Yue in your care.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lin Xian,” the doctor replied with a smile. “We’ll take good care of her on the way to the capital. The staff here in the inpatient department respects both you and Ms. Zhao Ying Jun from MX Company.”

“After Professor Xu Yun’s daughter, Xu Yi Yi, and the unfortunate child Zheng Xiang Yue lost their families, you both have looked after them, covering their medical expenses.”

“I’ve been in this department for many years, and I’ve grown attached to both girls. Your kindness and care for them mean a lot to us.”

“You and Ms. Zhao Ying Jun are both kind-hearted people, and I’m sure you’ll be rewarded with good fortune in life,” the doctor concluded.

Lin Xian smiled softly, standing up to leave. “I’ll take your words to heart. I could use some good luck right about now.”

After leaving the doctor’s office, Lin Xian returned to the stairwell on the 17th floor of the inpatient department, where Yu Xi was waiting quietly.

“No issues?” Lin Xian asked.

Yu Xi shook her head. “No one came by, just Elon Musk’s bodyguards running up and down a couple of times.”

“They didn’t notice you?” Lin Xian inquired.

Yu Xi shook her head again, hands in her pockets. “No, they didn’t.”

Afterward, the two took the elevator down and returned to their hotel. In the suite, Lin Xian recounted his conversation with Elon Musk to Yu Xi.

“This is definitely a trap,” Yu Xi said bluntly. “If we had been the ones to arrange a meeting, it would be different. But Elon Musk asking you to meet in such a remote place? It’s dangerous, no matter how you look at it.”

“He claims he’ll be alone, but that abandoned factory is near his headquarters, the Tesla Gigafactory. Who knows how many people will actually be there?”

“And if he’s denying that Angelica is with him, then there’s even less reason to meet. No matter what state Angelica is in, Elon Musk clearly doesn’t intend to return her to you. We don’t even know if she’s still alive.”

“I thought the same,” Lin Xian agreed, glancing at his watch. “This meeting looks like a setup.”

The digital display on his smartwatch read 4:32 PM, leaving three and a half hours until Elon Musk’s proposed meeting at 8 PM.

“Are you sure you want to go?” Yu Xi asked, her tone serious. “It’s really risky. I suggest that if you have to meet him, we should choose the place and time.”

“But… I’m not sure we have enough time,” she continued. “I can sense that the time-space assassin has entered the country. She’s still far away, near Shandong, but getting closer to Donghai.”

“If she meets up with Elon Musk, we’ll have no chance. Time is running out, Lin Xian. You need to decide quickly. We can either take the risk and meet Elon Musk, focus on dealing with the assassin, or leave Donghai again and wait for a better opportunity.”

Lin Xian sat on the sofa, his chin resting on his hand, eyes closed in thought.

He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about Elon Musk’s attitude.

Is he really an enemy? Lin Xian wondered. Elon Musk hadn’t shown any direct intent to harm him. He had even saved him from Kevin Walker’s hijacked space shuttle crash and indirectly gave him Kevin’s location.

But if Elon Musk isn’t an enemy, why lie about Angelica? And why kill VV and send the time-space assassin?

Looking at the situation, the assassin wouldn’t reach Donghai until midnight at the earliest. That meant Elon Musk had a window to act before then. If he wanted to kill Lin Xian, he had plenty of opportunities in the U.S. So why wait until now, when it would be more complicated?

Logically, killing Lin Xian in Donghai would cause more trouble than it’s worth.

Lin Xian’s gut told him something was wrong.

Who’s really behind all this?

But tonight’s meeting at 8 PM—should he go or not?

“I think we should go,” Lin Xian finally said, opening his eyes. “If Elon Musk really wanted to kill me, he could’ve done it long before now. Setting up a trap here doesn’t make sense.”

“Don’t be so sure, Lin Xian,” Yu Xi warned. “Why put your life in Elon Musk’s hands? You can’t always count on your enemies being merciful.”

“If you decide to meet Elon Musk tonight, I’ll protect you, but I’m limited by the time-space laws. If you’re in danger, all I can do is help you escape; I can’t fight back against people from this timeline.”

“If Elon Musk lied about Angelica, he can lie about anything. Be on guard. If he’s sincere, then talk to him. But if it’s an ambush… be ready to react and take him down.”

“Take him down?” Lin Xian asked, looking up at Yu Xi, who stood with her hands in her pockets.

With a quick motion, Yu Xi pulled a yellow-and-black object from her pocket and slapped it onto the coffee table in front of him.

Lin Xian glanced down—a Taser gun!

He knew the weapon well. He hadn’t used one before, but he’d been on the receiving end plenty of times. The sudden jolt of electricity and the muscle paralysis that followed were unforgettable.

“Where did you get this?” Lin Xian asked, puzzled.

“I swiped it from one of Elon Musk’s bodyguards at the hospital,” Yu Xi replied casually. “I’ve been thinking of hitting the black market to trade Angelica’s jewelry for a real gun, but I haven’t had the chance. You won’t let me out of your sight, so this will have to do.”

“This won’t kill anyone, but it’ll paralyze them, make them twitch, fall down, and maybe even pass out. It’ll be enough to take Elon Musk down.”

“So, just in case…” she said, her bright blue eyes locking onto Lin Xian’s, “let’s get there early and set up an ambush. If something feels off… we’ll strike first.”

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