Genius Club

Chapter 361: Blood Relation
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In X Country, there is a unique tool called the Anti-Trafficking DNA Database. It was created years ago to help find missing children, rescue kidnapped kids, and reunite broken families. People can volunteer to add their DNA data to this database, which matches new samples with existing ones to find potential blood relations.

This system has helped many lost children reunite with their families and brought comfort to countless parents. It is widely seen as a valuable public service. Authorities also work hard to increase the number of samples in the database by collecting DNA from vulnerable groups, like homeless people or young offenders. The idea is that if DNA from every missing child and their parents were in the database, matches could be made quickly, reuniting families.

This is what Zhao Rui Hai was thinking. He believed it was a good idea to enter the little girl’s DNA into the Anti-Trafficking DNA Database, even if they couldn’t find her biological parents right away. “Think of it as filing a record,” he explained.

Zhao Rui Hai put on his coat and motioned for Yan Mei and the little girl to head out together. “If her parents have already entered their DNA into the database, or if they do later, they’ll find her immediately.”

They left the house and got into a red sedan, heading for the nearest public hospital. This time, Zhao Rui Hai didn’t drive; he sat in the back with Yan Mei and the little girl while the chauffeur took the wheel. He didn’t want to let the girl go, feeling that if they found her parents, they’d have to part ways. He knew from the start that they’d eventually have to return her, but she looked so much like his daughter, Zhao Ying Jun. The way she kept calling him “Grandpa”… How could he not feel attached to her? He wanted to cherish the time they had together. Meeting her felt like fate.

The little girl was truly adorable—her looks were striking, and the more he looked at her, the more he liked her. She made him feel like he couldn’t wait to have a granddaughter of his own. But then, he thought of his daughter’s stubborn personality and her impossibly high standards for a partner, and he couldn’t help but feel a headache coming on. It seemed like a distant dream.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the nearest public hospital. Yan Mei suggested not using any connections to speed things up; she wanted to keep the girl with them a bit longer. Making a fuss about it wouldn’t be good. Zhao Rui Hai agreed. He had always felt this matter should be handled by the police, but he couldn’t argue against Yan Mei’s insistence, especially since he, too, was reluctant to part with the girl.

“Alright, let’s just register and wait in line. There aren’t too many people in the department we need to visit,” he said. Yan Mei used the self-service machine to register them for a specialist appointment and waited for their turn.

While there weren’t many people waiting in the DNA verification department, the drama was endless. Family disputes played out one after another. Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai found themselves drawn in—it was more exciting than TV dramas.

“This department head has it tough,” Yan Mei whispered. “Not only does he have to see patients, but he also has to break up fights and mediate family disputes.”

Zhao Rui Hai chuckled. He could see that the head physician was constantly explaining to patients that there was no point in arguing there. DNA reports couldn’t be faked; if they had issues, they should take it to court. But no amount of kind words could calm people down. Almost no one who came to this department could remain calm.

“We’re definitely not like them,” Zhao Rui Hai said confidently. “We’re here to do a good deed and help add to the country’s Anti-Trafficking DNA Database.”

After much effort, the head physician managed to send away a red-faced couple. With a tired sigh, he clicked the next number on the registration system. A voice from the hallway speaker called out, “Yan Mei, please come in for your appointment.”

Yan Mei stood up, holding the little girl’s hand, and motioned to Zhao Rui Hai. “Let’s go. It’s our turn.”

The three of them entered the consultation room together. The doctor, wearing silver-framed glasses, looked up, glanced at them, and shook his head. “For a paternity test, it’s best to have the child’s parents come. Grandparents can only test for blood relations, which, to be honest, doesn’t provide a very accurate reference.”

He continued, “Even if it shows you two have a blood relationship with the granddaughter, in the end, to determine the exact relationship, you’ll still need the child’s parents. This is especially true for girls, who only have X chromosomes, so testing against a grandfather’s Y chromosome isn’t possible, making the results less reliable.”

Yan Mei walked in, sat down, and smiled at the doctor from across the table. “Doctor, there’s a misunderstanding. We’re not here for a paternity test.”

“You’re not?” The doctor looked puzzled. He adjusted his glasses, looked down at the little girl, then back up at Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai.

This… Isn’t this a family?

He was a seasoned doctor who had worked in the DNA testing department for decades and had seen countless families come in for paternity tests. His discerning eyes had gotten pretty sharp. Some children didn’t look much like their parents, and he wasn’t always sure. But today, this grandmother, grandfather, and granddaughter clearly shared many similarities. Especially this woman, Yan Mei, registered in the system, and the little girl, who looked rather dazed—their eyes, cheekbones, and nose bridge were all strikingly similar. It was obvious they were very likely related by blood.

“You’re… not this little girl’s grandparents?” the doctor asked, looking at Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai.

Yan Mei waved her hand. “No, we’re not. We’re just trying to find out who the little girl’s biological parents are. Doesn’t our country have that Anti-Trafficking DNA Database? We thought we’d start by entering the girl’s DNA into it.”

The doctor frowned, growing more confused by the second. They looked so much alike—shouldn’t they be questioning their own connection first? Besides, when grandparents brought a child, it was usually suspicious! In his experience, it often meant they were sneaking in without the parents’ knowledge.

He began to get a bit cautious…

“Come here, little one,” he called, holding a pen and motioning for the girl to come closer. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Little Girl,” she said seriously.

“Hehe, smart girl,” the doctor chuckled, ruffling her hair. He roughly gauged her intelligence level, then pointed to Zhao Rui Hai with his pen and asked softly, “And who is this gentleman?”

“This is Grandpa,” the girl replied seriously.

The doctor then pointed to Yan Mei, “And who is she?”

“This is Grandma,” the girl said, clearly and without hesitation.


The doctor slammed his pen on the table, looking at Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai with irritation. “What are you playing at? Did you come to the hospital to mess with me?”

“This little girl says you’re her grandparents, yet you claim not to know who her parents are… I’ve seen all sorts of strange things in my career, so if there’s something to say, just say it. Don’t lie and beat around the bush here.”

“Are you suspecting this child isn’t your daughter’s? Or worried there was a mix-up at birth? Honestly… those concerns are reasonable. Just say so directly, and I can give you a form for a blood relationship test. Why go through all this trouble to enter her into the Anti-Trafficking DNA Database?”

Yan Mei felt helpless—she couldn’t explain. This little girl! The words she could say most fluently were “Grandpa” and “Grandma.” But the key issue was… In the girl’s understanding, “Grandpa” and “Grandma” weren’t titles; they were names! Just like how she referred to herself as “Little Girl”—she always thought her name was Little Girl!

And with this misunderstanding, the doctor completely got the wrong idea.

“No, doctor, you really misunderstood,” Yan Mei tried to explain. “We truly have no blood relation with this little girl. If we did… wouldn’t we know if our daughter had given birth to a child?”

“To be honest, we found this little girl on the side of the road. We couldn’t find her parents, and we already reported it to the police, but there were no results.”

“So… considering she might be a trafficked or missing child, we thought it’d be best to enter her DNA into the database and see if there’s any match.”

“Also, it seems like this little girl has some sort of memory loss; she doesn’t remember much. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be so clueless.”

As she spoke, she pulled the little girl closer and gently said, “Right? Tell the doctor, aren’t you having trouble remembering things?”

The doctor listened to Yan Mei’s explanation, squinting his eyes with suspicion. He glanced at the grandmother and granddaughter sitting across from him, both with such similar facial features…

Oh, come on. He really couldn’t take this family seriously.

Couldn’t they come up with a more convincing story?

And just look at this little girl. She’s got soft skin, fair complexion, refined features, and clear, innocent eyes. She clearly looks like a well-bred child! Families with even slightly worse conditions couldn’t raise such a well-groomed child. From the looks and aura of these two elderly people, it was obvious they came from a wealthy and noble family. Clearly, they were a family—why make up such nonsense?

“I have to warn you,” the doctor said sternly. “If this little girl really isn’t yours, then you can’t just get a DNA test done willy-nilly.”

“Honestly, if it wasn’t for the fact that the girl looks quite a bit like you two… I’d have called the police right now. Child trafficking is serious business.”

Zhao Rui Hai saw that the doctor didn’t believe them and thought Yan Mei was not explaining things clearly enough. He stepped forward and said, “Doctor, we know this little girl looks somewhat like my family… otherwise, we wouldn’t bother with this. Just help us get a form for the DNA sample. We just want to help this little girl find her real parents.”

“That’s right!” The doctor agreed. “I understand what you’re trying to do.”

“If you’re trying to find the girl’s parents, why not consider the most likely option right in front of you?” The doctor gestured between Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai with his pen. “Aren’t you a bit too close to the situation? If you took this girl outside, into the hallway, and asked anyone to look at her, they’d say she’s your granddaughter.”

“You suspect others, but why not consider yourselves first? I’m not trying to stir up trouble in your family; I’m just giving an example…”

“Even if you’re both absolutely confident that this child isn’t yours… do you trust your own child that much? Could she not have had a child? And what about your relatives? They have kids, too… why think so far ahead? Just do a DNA relationship test yourselves.”

“Plus, entering the Anti-Trafficking DNA Database and doing a blood relationship test aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s just that the two of you would have to give a bit more blood along with the girl… judging by your family’s situation, it’s just the cost of a few reports. Wouldn’t it be better to check everything?”

“Fine, fine.” Zhao Rui Hai had already noticed people in the hallway leaning in to listen. He waved his hand, annoyed. “Just give us the form and add us in, too.” He felt there was no need to explain so much. As the doctor said, it’s just the cost of a couple more reports. It wasn’t a big deal.

The doctor began filling out the form, asking, “Sir, what’s your name?”

“Zhao Rui Hai.”

The doctor jotted it down on the form and then pointed to the little girl, “And her name?”

“I’m called Little Girl,” she replied firmly.

The doctor chuckled, ruffling her hair again. He looked at Yan Mei, “What’s her real name?”

Yan Mei sighed, “We really don’t know what her name is…”

“You’ve got to write something,” the doctor said, somewhat exasperated. “If you don’t want to give her real name, just make something up. I can’t actually write down ‘Little Girl.’”

Yan Mei scratched her head, thinking back to a recent gift she sent to a neighbor who had a granddaughter named for her 100-day celebration. The name vaguely came to her mind…

“Yan Qiao Qiao,” she said. “Let’s just use that name.”

The doctor finished writing and clicked a few times on his computer, printing out a test form with three sections:

DNA sample of Yan Qiao Qiao to be entered into the national Anti-Trafficking DNA Database.

DNA relationship test between Zhao Rui Hai and Yan Qiao Qiao.

DNA relationship test between Yan Mei and Yan Qiao Qiao.

“Go pay the fees. After that, you can come back for the blood draw,” the doctor said, handing the form to Yan Mei, then clicked to call the next patient.

Watching the elderly couple lead their granddaughter out of the room, the doctor chuckled to himself and shook his head. See… Another family drama. He had seen it too many times. Saying they found a child on the side of the road… what a lousy excuse. If the three of them didn’t look so much like a family, he would have called the police right away. If you’re going to make something up, at least make it believable. How could anyone just happen to find a child that looks exactly like them, doesn’t cry or fuss, and calls them “Grandpa” and “Grandma” so naturally? It’s like a fairytale.

Eighty percent of the time, when elderly people bring in a child for DNA testing, it’s because they don’t want to disrupt their family but still want to know if the child is really theirs. That’s why they secretly bring the grandchild in for a DNA test. “I’ve seen it all,” the doctor muttered, moving on to his next patient.

On the second floor of the hospital, outside the DNA testing room, Yan Mei held the form while she, Zhao Rui Hai, and the little girl waited by the door. She looked at Zhao Rui Hai with a puzzled expression. “Husband, are we really going to have our blood drawn too?”

“Yes, let’s do it,” Zhao Rui Hai replied casually. “We’re here to keep the little girl company. If she sees us getting our blood drawn first, she might not be so scared.”

“Besides… we have no choice. You saw how suspicious the doctor was about our relationship with the girl. If we keep pushing, he might refuse to give us the form. After all, we really have no blood relation to the girl, so insisting on a DNA test isn’t exactly following proper procedures.”

“And another thing—you didn’t notice, did you? The people waiting outside in the hallway were all craning their necks to hear our family drama… I’m someone of some status here in the capital. If word of this gets out, how could I ever explain it?”

“So, as the doctor said, it’s just the cost of two more reports. It doesn’t matter to us. Let’s just keep the girl company.”

After that, the three of them went in for the blood draw. Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai went first. The little girl watched calmly, not saying much and not showing much fear. The nurse completed the disinfection process, took out a new disposable blood draw tube, and looked at the name on the form, saying, “Yan Qiao Qiao! Yan Qiao Qiao, it’s your turn.”

The little girl remained unresponsive. Yan Mei gently guided her to the chair. “It’s her, it’s her.”

The nurse looked into the little girl’s eyes and confirmed, “Are you Yan Qiao Qiao?”

The little girl shook her head, “I’m Little Girl.”

The nurse chuckled, dipping a cotton swab in iodine and wiping the girl’s arm. “I know you’re a little girl… I mean your name! Not your gender! Your gender is a little girl, but… your name is Yan~ Qiao~ Qiao~.” freewebnoveℓ.com

The little girl tilted her head. “Yan Qiao Qiao?”

The nurse nodded, “That’s right, you are Yan Qiao Qiao.”

The girl turned her head, giving Yan Mei a confused look. “Am I Yan Qiao Qiao?”

“Yes, yes,” Yan Mei said, waving her hand. “You are now called Yan Qiao Qiao, that’s right.”

Seizing the moment while the little girl turned her head, the nurse swiftly inserted the needle into the vein in her arm and released the tourniquet. As the blood vessel reopened, bright red blood flowed through the fine tube and into the vacuum vial.

“Well done,” the nurse praised, seeing the girl’s calm and expressionless demeanor. “Good job, Qiao Qiao. Kids your age usually cry and fuss when getting blood drawn, especially with these thicker needles. It stings a bit.”

The little girl watched the needle and the red blood flowing into the tube. Strangely, it didn’t hurt much. It felt very ordinary. Her body didn’t react much, as if it had already gotten used to this minor pain.

“All done,” the nurse said, placing a band-aid on the puncture site. She stood up and looked at Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai. “The soonest you’ll get the results is two to three hours. You might as well take a walk and grab some lunch. By the time you’re done, the report should be ready.”

With that, the elderly couple, holding hands with a girl who looked just like their granddaughter, left the hospital and went to a nearby park to pass the time. All three of them had band-aids on their left arms. Truly a family. Perfectly matched.

It wasn’t quite the May holiday yet, and it was still a working day, so there weren’t many young people in the park—mostly just elderly folks with kids. The younger children were pushed in strollers, soaking up the sun. Older ones rolled around on the grass or chased each other on the paths.

People passing by couldn’t help but turn to look at the little girl, offering sincere compliments:

“What a pretty little girl.”

“A real beauty in the making!”

“She really looks like her grandmother.”

“Indeed… they look like a family.”

These sudden compliments made Yan Mei stand up straight, feeling quite proud. “Heh, did you hear that, Husband?” Yan Mei said, glancing at Zhao Rui Hai, who was holding the little girl’s other hand. “People are saying this little girl looks like me—just as beautiful.”

“Give me a break…” Zhao Rui Hai scoffed, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the little girl walking between them. Each of them held one of her soft, fair hands. At that moment, Zhao Rui Hai realized… How many years had it been since he had been this close to his daughter, Zhao Ying Jun?

When was the last time he held Zhao Ying Jun’s hand? Probably back in elementary school. Ying Jun had been sent abroad in middle school, becoming independent and distant. When she returned, she wasn’t close to him anymore. When was the last time he hugged Zhao Ying Jun…? That must have been in kindergarten.

Back then, he was busy with work and often neglected Zhao Ying Jun. He remembered that every time he picked her up from kindergarten, Zhao Ying Jun would want him to carry her, just like the other kids being held by their parents. He couldn’t quite remember why… But Zhao Rui Hai always felt like he rarely carried Zhao Ying Jun. He often left her feeling disappointed in that regard. He always wanted to teach her lessons, shape her character, and impose rules on her. Looking back now… Was he too strict?

His daughter turned out the way she did… Was it partially his fault?

For someone as stubborn as Zhao Rui Hai, it was a rare moment of introspection, filled with guilt and regret. It seemed like he had always been too critical of Zhao Ying Jun. As a father… He never really reflected on his own actions.

“Hm?” Suddenly, Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai felt a tug on their arms. They turned around. The little girl had stopped, her eyes fixed on another girl sitting on her grandfather’s shoulders, shouting, “Horsey! Horsey!”

She turned her head, blinking her bright, clear eyes at Zhao Rui Hai. “Horsey.”

For a moment, Zhao Rui Hai was stunned. Yan Mei chuckled, stepping back and looping her arm around the little girl’s. “No, you’re already a teenager. You’re too old for that. That’s for younger kids.”

“Mm.” The little girl nodded obediently.

Ah… Zhao Rui Hai took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It was this kind of obedience that felt like a knife to his heart. It reminded him of how little Zhao Ying Jun used to be in kindergarten… how her eyes grew dim and cold over time because of his constant refusal and reasoning.

“What’s wrong with that?” he said, suddenly kneeling down and offering his broad back to the girl. “Hop on, Grandpa will carry you! My body is still strong enough for now, but in ten years or so, maybe I won’t be able to do this anymore.”

Then, like a flower blooming on a barren tree… The little girl smiled for the first time. It was faint, but she smiled. It was the first time she had smiled since waking up, and Yan Mei was stunned. It was like seeing her own daughter’s childhood smile again.

The girl climbed onto Zhao Rui Hai’s back. “Hehe, hold on tight. We’re going up!” he said, standing up straight and carrying her forward. Along the way, many people turned their heads, noticing a girl who looked about thirteen or fourteen being carried by her grandfather. It seemed a bit lazy. But who could blame them? The grandparents were just spoiling their child. Look at that smile—it was so sweet.

“Husband, how old do you think this girl is?” Yan Mei asked as she walked behind them. “Judging by her height, she must be around fourteen or fifteen. But kids these days grow early… Many of them are fully grown by twelve or thirteen.”

Zhao Rui Hai shook his head. “If you can’t figure it out, how could I? I think she’s a bit skinny, though… She needs to eat more meat.”

“We’ve spent enough time in the park. How about we get some food?” he said, looking back at the girl on his back. “What do you want to eat? Grandpa will take you there.”

The girl blinked, “Meat.”

As it happened, there was a high-end barbecue restaurant nearby with a huge sign visible from afar. Yan Mei and Zhao Rui Hai took the little girl straight there. At the barbecue table, Yan Mei kept grilling meat for the girl, who ate it eagerly. Zhao Rui Hai sat across from them, watching this heartwarming scene and smiling with satisfaction.

“Ughhh…” He sighed. “People always say grandparents spoil their grandkids. I didn’t understand it before. I thought I’d be strict with my grandkids too, raising them to be good and successful people.”

“But now, I don’t think that way at all. Just like my colleagues, when they talk about their grandkids, they have no expectations at all. They just want them to be healthy and happy! Who cares about studies or dreams? Health and happiness are all that matter.”

“I feel the same now. If this little girl were Ying Jun when she was young, I would’ve scolded her for eating like this. But now… seeing her eat like this, I find it cute. Eating is eating—why does it need so many rules?”

Hmph. Yan Mei gave him a sideways glance. “You weren’t like this with Ying Jun. You had all sorts of rules for her when she ate. No noise from the mouth, no holding chopsticks too low, no placing them against others, and every grain of rice had to be eaten.”

“People don’t just love their grandkids more—they realize they were too strict with their own kids. They try to make up for that guilt with their grandkids.”

“Everyone is like this. Even if you apologize to Ying Jun now and try to make up for it, it’s useless. She grew up in an environment of constant scolding and pressure. Any compensation after she’s grown won’t change that.”

“That’s the truth behind loving your grandkids more… If we have a granddaughter, even if she bangs her chopsticks on her bowl or eats with her hands, as long as she doesn’t find it too hot, it’s fine! People do change… We’ve only been with this little girl for less than 24 hours, and my grandma’s heart is already overflowing, always afraid she’s not eating enough.”

Zhao Rui Hai chuckled too. Looking at his empty plate and the pile of bones on the girl’s plate… He really didn’t feel hungry. Watching her was satisfying enough.

But then he thought about how they would soon find the girl’s parents and send her back to her family. He couldn’t help but feel a bit down. Even though he had reminded himself countless times that she wasn’t his granddaughter and he shouldn’t be so attached… He just couldn’t help it!

Over the years, he’d held plenty of other people’s babies and helped colleagues and friends take care of their kids. But… He had never felt this kind of reluctance and affection before. Why was that? It must be because the little girl looked so much like Ying Jun.

Yes. He nodded silently. That had to be the reason. Otherwise… How could he explain this deep-seated sense of closeness?

After finishing their barbecue, the couple once again held the girl’s hands and returned to the public hospital’s DNA testing department to pick up their reports. Each holding a report, Zhao Rui Hai and Yan Mei kept their lips tightly sealed, saying nothing.

“Hehe.” Yan Mei was the first to laugh, teasingly looking at Zhao Rui Hai, “What’s wrong, Husband? Getting a bit nervous now? Afraid to open the report… worried about a secret child being exposed?”

“That’s nonsense.” Zhao Rui Hai snorted. “I have nothing to hide. And if anyone should be worried, it’s you. The doctor said the girl looks a lot like you. If there’s a secret child, it’s yours.”

“Oh, please. I know whether I’ve had a child or not,” Yan Mei snorted back. “Fine, let’s look at my report first. I’ve got nothing to hide.”

With that, Yan Mei ripped open the seal and, without even looking, held the results page right up to Zhao Rui Hai’s face. He tore open his seal as well, “It’s not like I’m scared. Why would I be? I’ll show you mine, too. See for yourself—no relation at all!”

The two of them exchanged amused glances and chuckled. They had known each other since they were young, moving from classmates to married life. Over the years, their relationship had been strong, and they trusted each other deeply.

So… They had confidence in themselves and in each other, knowing their earlier banter was just a joke. How could there possibly be a secret child?

With a light laugh, they glanced at each other’s reports—


“No way!?”

Instantly! Their eyes widened, and they shouted out in shock, attracting the attention of several onlookers. For a moment, both of them struggled to breathe.

They turned around. Placing both reports side by side on the windowsill, they stared at the nearly identical results—

[DNA Test Result: A blood relationship exists between Yan Qiao Qiao and Zhao Rui Hai.]

[DNA Test Result: A blood relationship exists between Yan Qiao Qiao and Yan Mei.]

“This… what…”

The elderly couple’s faces turned pale. They stared at each other, at a loss for words.

Then, they both turned their eyes to the little girl!

Zhao Rui Hai swallowed hard. “Who… who are you?”

“Me?” The little girl pointed to herself, her tone serious and her words clear: “I am… Yan Qiao Qiao.”

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