Genius Club

Chapter 12: Science
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“Breathable and water-locking… isn’t this just a moisturizer?”

Lin Xian, working in MX Corporation’s design department, knew a bit about cosmetics and skincare despite his primary focus being design. The chemical substance accidentally developed by Professor Xu Yun seemed underwhelming at first. In today’s industrial sector, many materials and coatings already offer 100% waterproofing and breathability. Thus, this substance seemed nearly worthless industrially.

However, in the skincare field, it was a different story.

The three primary demands of skincare products are whitening, wrinkle removal, and moisturizing. No product on the market currently offers long-lasting moisture retention. You can’t smear industrial material on your face, can you? Typically, moisturizing involves multiple steps: a layer of essence water, a layer of lotion, and a layer of moisturizing cream. This not only feels cumbersome and heavy but also uncomfortable.

Professor Xu’s chemical, however, addressed these issues:

1.Thin enough: A single molecular layer retains moisture and allows the skin to breathe without any noticeable residue.

2.Self-repairing: The substance isn’t inherently waterproof or breathable; it forms a film only when it interacts with water molecules. This means that even if some is rubbed off during daily activities, it automatically repairs itself by bonding with water molecules in the air.

3.Absolute waterproofing and breathability, zero evaporation: While not essential for daily use, such efficiency is highly beneficial.

4.Harmless to the skin: This is especially crucial for users.

Consequently, what seemed useless in scientific and industrial contexts becomes a revolutionary product in the skincare market. It was bound to be a hit.

“I understand,” Lin Xian said slowly. “If we can secure the rights to this substance and use it as the flagship product for our new brand, Rhine Cat, it could redefine the skincare market. We’d be unmatched in moisturizing.”

“Exactly,” Zhao Ying Jun nodded. “Several global beauty giants have offered Professor Xu astronomical sums. Some have even proposed a million-dollar licensing fee.”

Lin Xian took a deep breath. A million dollars just for licensing was indeed significant. As an industry insider, he recognized the substance’s potential value. Securing exclusive rights could potentially monopolize the moisturizer market.

“Actually, MX Corporation has proposed even more favorable terms,” Zhao Ying Jun said, smiling wryly. “But Professor Xu has ignored our offers. Fortunately, he hasn’t accepted any others either, so there’s still a chance.”

“Let’s meet Professor Xu,” she suggested, leading the way.

Lin Xian followed Zhao Ying Jun, holding a glass of wine. They approached Professor Xu Yun, who, upon noticing Zhao Ying Jun, turned to leave.

“Professor Xu, long time no see!” Zhao Ying Jun greeted him cheerfully.

Professor Xu reluctantly turned back and forced a smile. “Congratulations, Professor Xu,” Zhao Ying Jun raised her glass. “Your research breakthrough is phenomenal. It will truly shine when used appropriately.”

Professor Xu didn’t reciprocate the toast but chuckled self-deprecatingly. “You mean that ridiculous failure? I’ve been ridiculed enough.”

“No, Professor Xu! I don’t think it’s a failure at all. You should value your work—”

“Miss Zhao,” Professor Xu cut in, his expression serious. “I’m glad you’re here today. If it’s to support scientific research, I’ll gladly join you. But if you’re here for my ‘failure,’ I must decline. My dignity as a scientist won’t allow it.”

Lin Xian noted Professor Xu’s reluctance to engage with beauty companies.

“You misunderstand, Professor Xu. I’m here to support scientific research and researchers, nothing more,” Zhao Ying Jun maintained her composure.

“That’s admirable. On behalf of Donghai City’s researchers, thank you, Miss Zhao!” Professor Xu finally raised his glass, and Zhao Ying Jun slightly lowered hers.


After the toast, both finished their drinks. Professor Xu wiped his mouth and looked directly at Zhao Ying Jun. “Miss Zhao, I’d prefer to see you more in these circles and less in my lab.” With that, he departed.

Zhao Ying Jun dabbed at her lips with a handkerchief. “See, Lin Xian? He’s always like this. Today was a good day, comparatively.”

Lin Xian had never really interacted with Zhao Ying Jun before and had always thought of her as somewhat aloof. However, he now saw her challenges firsthand. She had to maintain her poise and negotiate, despite personal feelings.

The company needed to grow, and employees depended on it. At 23, navigating the business world was no easy feat, yet her colleagues only saw her power, not her struggles.

“Why doesn’t Professor Xu trade his ‘failure’ for funding?” Lin Xian pondered aloud. “With financial backing, he could better his research conditions and potentially make significant discoveries.”

Zhao Ying Jun sighed. “It’s his pride and stubbornness. After facing long-term mockery, he can’t bear to commercialize his work.”

“The scientific community often shuns greed for money and power,” Zhao Ying Jun explained. “To them, integrity and breakthroughs matter more than financial gain. To Professor Xu, this substance might represent a painful reminder, not a treasure.”

She looked at Lin Xian thoughtfully. “You’re a Donghai University grad. Can you think of a way to help?”

“Me?” Lin Xian was taken aback. He recalled a scene from Journey to the West where a minor character is hopelessly outmatched.

What could he, a junior employee, offer against industry giants?

“I’ll see what I can do,” he replied, understanding why Zhao Ying Jun brought him to the banquet. She hoped his alumni status might bridge a connection with Professor Xu. Maybe she had overestimated his influence, but he was determined to try.

After all, he couldn’t just dream up solutions—he had to make them happen.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

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