Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 312 - Arguments (1)
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Chapter 312 – Arguments (1)

"Good morning, Dame Csille. I hope you had a good sleep."

I smile at the villager who greets me. "Good morning. I did have a good sleep. I hope you did too."

The villager smiles widely at me when I answer her question. She then starts to tell me how she has a nightmare the whole night and how the tragedy keeps replaying on her mind.

I am about to say something to comfort her when I suddenly hear someone call my name. I look back and find Rufus standing at the entrance of the tent.

I frown. What is this guy doing in here? I heard from Leander that Rufus was supposed to come here, but because he was busy with his monarch duties, the King didn't let him. So, how come he is here?

Rufus walks towards me. He then smiles at the villagers. "Good morning. I hope you wouldn't mind if I borrowed Dame Csille from all of you. I just need to talk to her about something important."

The crowd immediately agrees without worry because they know Csille and Rufus have been good friends ever since they were young. They also know Prince Rufus is not like Prince Fraser. So even all women don't have any objections when Rufus drags me out of the tent.

I also didn't complain and just let him drag me somewhere. He wouldn't be here and dragged me without an apparent reason. But what is that reason could be? Will he say sorry to me?

Rufus didn't drag me to one of the tents. Instead, he leads me inside the woods. The guards who are guarding the entrance to the woods try to stop us, but Rufus doesn't listen to them. He continues dragging me deeper to the woods. We only stop walking after making sure that we're far away from everyone.

He then suddenly look at me, and I look at him in return. I want to know why he drags me here. What does he want to talk about that he even drags me here?

A moment after, Rufus heaves a sigh. "Purplany, are you still mad at me?"

Mad? I should be furious at him because if not for him, then this tragedy won't happen. People wouldn't have lost their loved ones, and the villagers still have a place to live.

However, what does anger would lead to? Nothing. Even if I cursed him, he wouldn't be able to turn things back to where it is. So, I think staying mad at him is futile.

I shake my head. "I'm not mad at you, Rufus. Disappointed, yes, but not mad because I also understand you."

I heard him heave a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Csille. I thought you were still mad at me. I was planning not to go here because I want to give you time, but then again, it made me realize things."

I raised my eyebrow at him. Then I walk to the tree nearby and lean on it. "Realize things? And what are those?"

Rufus looks at me, and I can now see the determination in his eyes. "That you are right. That I should take my chance while I still have it, or I might regret it for the rest of my life."

My eyes widened for a few seconds when I heard what he said. He said he wants to take his chance? Chance on what? To confess to Princess Paislee?

Rufus chuckled when he saw my reaction. "Do you need to be that shocked? I know I was too stubborn before, but that is because I was afraid to get rejected. However, when that guy confronted me, that made me realize that I should take a step and try to win her."

Wait. My mind is still processing the idea that Rufus wants to confess to Princess Paislee, but then this guy decides to say another revelation. Prince Fraser confronted Rufus?

I know I have written that, but I just didn't expect that it had already happened. Because I am busy with my work in the Foundation, I wasn't always there to see the progress among the three main leads.

It is really happening!

I was too preoccupied thinking that I forgot to reply to Rufus.

"Csille? Are you okay?"

I shake my head and look at him. "You said that guy confronted you. What did he say to you? Did he say that you should stay away from her?"

He nods his head. "Yes, and that I should just focus on my work instead of interacting with her. Although he makes it sound that he is concerned about my work, I know he is already warning me not to get close to her, and I hate it. I hate how he orders me to do that. I hate how he can always be close to her while here I am, barely having a chance to talk to her."

Of course, you will hate it. Ever since you were young, you always compromised for Prince Fraser. They always give him everything he likes, even if you like it first. Even if you're more deserving of it, they will still give it Prince Fraser because he is the heir of the throne, and you're just a Prince. A Prince that will never be a King.

So, I understand it. How can you not hate someone if he takes everything you like? From toys, to awards, and now the person you like? How devastating is it to be the shadow of someone who is even younger than you?

I heave a sigh. There is no use pitying Rufus. His destiny is already written just like how Csille is meant to be the Villainess. That is something I couldn't change any more.

I smile at him. Al I can do now is follow the script. "That's good. I'm glad you're fighting for what you want. I hope you win her, Rufus."

I really wish he could win her, but I also need to make sure that he won't because if that happens, it will be the end for his world.


Rufus and I talk about his plan on how to win Princess Paislee. But he didn't give too many details because he knew I might get a clue from it. He is really careful not to tell any details that would pinpoint to Princess Paislee.

We are now walking out of the woods when we bump into Leander, who has a rabbit in his hand. He is probably returning the rabbit into the wild.

"Dame Csille?" He then looks at Rufus. "You're highness Prince Rufus? What are you…" He looks at the woods behind us.

I don't think I wouldn't like how he looks at us. Does this guy thinks that we're… I look at Rufus, and we both shake our heads. We both don't like what Leander is thinking.

Rufus clears his throat. "Are you saying something, Leander? What are we what?"

I look at Leander, and I can see him tense up for a few seconds before he bows his head. Who wouldn't feel tensed if you heard the edge in Rufus' voice? Although Rufus rarely gets mad, it is still scary when he does.

"Apologies. I was just shocked to see you here. I thought you'd be busy with your monarch duties. How come you are here, your highness?"

"What? Am I not allowed to be here, Doctor Leander?"

Leander shakes his head. "No, your highness. I was just wondering why you are here. Does his highness, Prince Fraser, know about this?"

I feel Rufus' body tense up when he hears the name of Prince Fraser. "His majesty was the one who sent me here, and do I need to tell my every action to Prince Fraser?"

Leander was about to respond to Rufus, but the guy left the two of us. He didn't even say goodbye to me. He was probably pissed off with Leander's questions.

"Dame Csille, is Prince Rufus mad at me?"

I look at Leander and heave a sigh. "Don't worry about him. He was just probably tired because of his journey. He's not mad at you. I can assure that, senior." I look at the rabbit in his hand. "I think it's better if you put that rabbit in the wild first. I'll also be going too. I have other things I need to do. If you'll excuse me."

Leander looked like he was about to say something to me but changed his mind. So, he didn't stop me from walking.

I immediately rush to my tent. I still have a lot of work to do today, and I need to ask update from Mairenn.

"Dame Csille, you are here. The people are already looking for you. Where have you been? Even Doctor Pascal is looking for you already."

I look at Laureen and smile at her before slumping my body on my chair. There's a lot that happened, and the day is just starting. What would I need to face for this day?

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I just want a break. Can't I really have it?


I just finished talking to the villagers, and I was about to eat my lunch when I suddenly heard faint voices. It's so faint that if you wouldn't focus on your surroundings properly, you wouldn't hear the voices.

I look around, trying to find the source of the sound, but everyone is busy eating their lunch. Also, the sound isn't like a whisper. It's like a sound coming from a kilometer from where I am.

I decided to check it first before I ate my lunch. Something is telling me that I need to see the source of the sound.

I don't know if it's because I am now influenced by Rufus to be a nosy person, or is this something related to the novel.

"Didn't he say he can already handle it? Why do you need to be so nosy?"

That's Prince Fraser's voice, and he sounds so annoyed. With whom?

I immediately walked to where they were, but I immediately stopped walking when I heard the voice who spoke next.

"If you can just watch him limp all the way to the tent, that's on you. However, I will not let someone who tries to save be like this. It is my responsibility to help he-r—him!"

It's Rufus, and he almost slips his tongue. I immediately hide behind the tree and listen to their conversation.

It seems like Princess Paislee got injured because she tried to save Rufus from harm. And the two Princes are getting annoyed with each other.

Prince Fraser is annoyed with Rufus because Princess Paislee saves him, and Rufus even gets the guts to help Princess Paislee, which makes him even more irritated. While Rufus gets mad at Prince Fraser because he doesn't even initiate helping Princess Paislee.

This is not a scene I have written, but I explained in the novel that the two Princes always argue just to get Princess Paislee's attention.

I heard someone laugh. "Responsibility? When did you have that? Didn't you always run from your responsibilities ever since you were young? So how can you tell me that Sir Farren is your responsibility?"

I gasped softly when I heard Prince Fraser's words. How can he be this blunt? Doesn't he know that he is only running away from his responsibilities because he is tired? Tired of being robbed off of opportunities. So, instead of working hard, he decided to run away from it because he knew in the end, all of his hard work will be given to Prince Fraser.

It's the reason why he is like that. He just wants to enjoy life because he knows no matter how much he excels as a Prince, he will always be a shadow of Prince Fraser.

I was about to peek and see Rufus' reaction when I suddenly heard movements from them, and there came a shout afterward. I take a peek and find Rufus punching Prince Fraser on his abdomen, which results in Prince Fraser falling on the floor.

"Prince Rufus! Why did you do that to Prince Fraser?" She then immediately help Prince Fraser stand up. "This is enough. Why do you need to fight over something petty?"

Rufus looks at Princess Paislee, pain is visible in his eyes, but it seems like Princess Paislee didn't notice it. She keeps asking Prince Fraser if he is okay.

"I was… I was just trying to protect you, Sir Farren. I don't understand how he can't see that you're having difficulty while—"

Princess Paislee looks at Rufus. "But did I ask if I want help? I don't need your help, your highness, Prince Rufus. I only let you because I don't want to be rude to you, but if I only knew this would cause you and Prince Fraser to fight, I wouldn't have agreed to it."

"But… Sir Farren." Rufus tries to explain his side, but Princess Paislee shakes her head and helps Prince Fraser walk out of the wood, even if she is limping.

I look at Rufus' back and feel sad because I know he was hurt, and even if I want to walk to him, I know I cannot let them know I am here.

I looked at Prince Fraser and saw him looking at Rufus. Although his expression is blank, I can see in his eyes that he is warning Rufus. Warning him to stay away from her.

"But he insulted me. Why didn't you try to defend me?" I heard Rufus whisper to himself.

I sigh and lean my body on the tree. It's really starting.. The simple arguments that will eventually lead to a competition to win Princess Paislee's heart.

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