Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 251 - His Majesty’s Invitation
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"I have only been gone for a while, but look how you all grew so majestically. And look how healthy you all have become. They must have taken good care of all you."

I look at the beautiful roses and gently touch their petals. I have been away for long that the roses that I have been taking care of blooms beautifully. It's a good thing they are taking care of them in my place.

It's been days since I have arrived at the Lauretré residence, and throughout those days, I was recuperating from the injuries I got from the fall.

My injuries are getting better now, and my arm is already healed already. I can now move freely, unlike before. However, the wound on my abdomen is still not healed completely. The Doctor said that I just need to rest and stop forcing my body so it could recover completely. It's the reason why my parents don't allow me to go outside the house.

I was busy taking care of the roses when our butler suddenly called me.

"Miss Csille, a messenger from the palace, is here for you."

A messenger from the palace and his here for me? Is there something wrong? Prince Fraser is not in the capital, so there's only one person who can send the messenger.

It's his majesty. Why would his majesty send a messenger?

I tried to remember if I had written this scene, but I didn't remember anything.

"Does the messenger mention his purpose for being here?"

The butler shakes his head. "Apologies, Miss, but the messenger refused to disclose any information unless it is you he is talking to."

I nod my head and immediately rush to where the messenger is. The messenger immediately stands up and bows his head when he sees me.

"Lady Csille, please forgive me for my sudden visit. However, his majesty sent me here to invite you to the palace today. He told me he wants to talk to you about something important."

His Majesty wants to see me? And he wants to talk to me about something important? What does he want to talk about? Important? What is this important thing he wants to talk about?

"Does his majesty mention a specific time?"

The messenger shakes his head. "No, Lady Csille. He said he will be waiting for you in the Palace's Garden."

I nod my head at the messenger. "Thank you for your hard work. I will visit him later. I just need to send a message to my parents. As you know, I still have injuries, and my parents don't allow me to go out for now."

After getting my response, the messenger immediately excused himself and left. I immediately called our butler and asked him to call my Mother or my Father to ask them for their permission.

The butler immediately sends someone to call my Mother. The Butler said Father is busy with his monarch duties and doesn't want anyone to disturb him.

A moment after, Mother immediately rushed towards me and hugged me tightly. "My dear, I heard you are looking for me. Is there something wrong?"

I look at the butler, who is now walking away. I sigh. He probably didn't mention the reason why I called Mother.

"Mother, there's nothing to worry about. I only call you here to ask permission."

Mother broke from the hug and frowned at me. "Permission?" She sigh. "My dear, are you planning to go out? Have you forgotten what the Doctor told you? You still cannot go out because of your wounds. Do you really not want to recover from your injuries?"

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I shake my head. "'Mother, please hear me out first. Early this morning, a messenger from the palace came her to look for me. He told me that his majesty is inviting me to the Palace today. I asked you here to ask permission if I can go to the Palace."

Mother frowned when she heard what I said. "His majesty invited you? Did he mention why does his majesty want to see you?"

I shake my head. "No, Mother. The messenger only told me that his majesty wanted to talk to me about something important. I just don't know what's that important thing is."

Mother got silent for a moment before she nodded her head. "If it's his majesty which is looking for you, how can we decline? Do you want me to accompany you?"

I shake my head. "No need Mother. I can handle it. Also, it was only I who his majesty called. I don't think his majesty will appreciate it if I bring someone else."

Although she is my Mother, his majesty only called me. I don't think his majesty will like it if I bring Mother with me. After all, we will be talking about something important.

Mother nods. "Okay, I'll just drop you in the Palace then."

Mother let me dress myself first before she sent me to the Palace.

I look at the Palace and sigh. It's been a long time since I have been here, and I have bad experiences most of those times.

Mother holds my hand. "Send my regards to his highness."

I nod my head at Mother before I descend from the carriage. The carriage starts to move the moment I step out of it.

I heard from our Butler that both my parents are busy with their work. She probably still has things to do.

A maid immediately walks towards me when she sees me start to walk towards the door of the Palace.

"Lady Csille, welcome to the Palace. His majesty has been waiting for you in the Garden. Please, follow me."

I smile gently at her and let her lead the way even though I already memorized my way through the Palace.

A moment after, we stop in the Garden where his majesty is already waiting for me.

"Your majesty, forgive me for my intrusion. Lady Csille is already here."

His majesty immediately looks at me and gives me a warm smile. I smile in return to him. Ever since Csille was born, his majesty has always been nice to her. It's as if he becomes Csille's second Father.

I bow my head at him and do a curtsy. "Your majesty. This Count's daughter is here to pay her respect."

His majesty waves his hand and dismisses the maid before he asks me to walk towards him.

"Csille, you're finally here. Come, come. I've been waiting for your arrival. It's a good thing you're here already."

I immediately walk towards him. His majesty gestured me to sit on the chair in front of him.

"I've heard from your Father that you were recuperating. That's why I didn't bother you for days. I hope you are doing fine now." He looks at my arm that used to be broken. "Is your arm okay now?"

I politely nod my head. "Yes, your majesty. It's already okay. However, my wounds in my abdomen still need medication. But I'm much better now." I smile at him. "How have you been, your majesty? I hope you are taking care of yourself."

His majesty laughs at me. But it's a laugh that my Father usually does. A laugh with proudness in it.

"You are the injured one here, but you are worried about me. I am definitely not wrong when I choose you as my son's future Queen."

I smile awkwardly at him. Prince Fraser's future Queen? I want to laugh at that. How can the villainess be the Queen of the male lead?

"Your majesty, may I know why you invited me today? You said you want to talk about something important? Is there something I need to know?"

I'll just change the topic so I wouldn't feel awkward.

His majesty clasps his hand excitedly. "Yeah, I called you here to talk about the good deeds you did in the northern region."

The good deeds I did? But why does he wants to talk about it? As far as I know, Csille's actions in the northern region were already widely known in the whole Kingdom. So, why does his majesty wants to talk about it? I'm sure he already knows what I did.

I didn't say something and just waited for his majesty to finish his words. I still don't have any idea what he wants to know, so I'll just let him talk.

"What you did in the northern region helps a lot, Csille. If not because of you, we are probably still struggling with the infectious disease. The Vrawyth people are grateful for what you did."

I smile at him. "You're majesty. I only did what I should do. The Lauretré family had pledged its allegiance to the Vrawyth Kingdom and its people right from the start. As the heir of the Lauretré Family, I think it's my responsibility to help the Vrawyth people in their difficult times."

His majesty smiled at me. "You really never disappoints me, Csille. It's the reason why even the Vrawyth people love you now. They couldn't wait for you to be engaged with Prince Fraser."

I smile awkwardly at his highness. I already changed the topic so we wouldn't have to talk about Prince Fraser, but why does he turn the topic about Prince Fraser again?

Can't he see that I don't want to talk about his highness, Prince Fraser? As much as possible, I don't even want to hear anything about him. freёweɓnovel.com

With shaky hands, I took the teacup and sipped tea from it. I'll just pretend that I'm busy drinking tea.

His majesty doesn't seem to mind, though. He also takes his teacup and sips from it. A moment after, we both put the teacup down.

I sigh silently. I guess I have no other choice but to face his majesty. "Your majesty, may I know why you want to talk about what happened to the northern region? Is it about his highness injury? Do you want to talk about what happened?"

His highness shakes his head. "No, the Royal Physician keeps me updated with Prince Fraser's condition. Oh, by the way, I want to thank you for taking care of my son. I heard from them that it was you who gave him the first aid he needed. If not for you, my son might be in the worst condition than he is now."

I smile at him. And here we go again. Why does he always need to talk about Prince Fraser? I thought it was not the reason why he wanted to speak to me?

"I only did what I should do, your majesty. I'm sure if it's someone else, they will also do what I have done. Also, his highness has helped me with my wounds too. I think it's just right to do that."

His majesty takes another sip of his tea before he replies to me. "But I should still thank you for what you did, Csille." He paused. "By the way, I called you here because I want to tell you something. The people of the Vrawyth Kingdom and Prince Fraser have been asking me to do this for days now."

I frown. The Vrawyth people and Prince Fraser? What does he mean by doing what?

"I'm sorry. Do what?"

His majesty smiles widely at me. "The people of the Vrawyth Kingdom were grateful for what you did. They know that the money you donated is from your savings for your business. And they admire you for that. They also know what happened to you throughout your stay in the northern region. Because of that, they want me to reward you for the good deeds you made."

"Reward?" I shake my head. "Your majesty, you don't need to reward me. I only did that because I want to help."

His majesty shakes his head. "No, Csille. What you did save the whole Kingdom from collapsing. Even my son, Prince Fraser, insists on giving you a reward for what you did. The people of the Vrawyth Kingdom will also not appreciate it if I didn't give you a reward."

A reward? Am I even worthy of that reward? After all, I will be the reason for the Vrawyth Kingdom's downfall.

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