Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 186 - A Fantasy And A Nightmare
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"Count Waltier Lauretré, Countess Marcelle Lauretré, Doctor Pascal Lauretré, and the new Gold Grand Exemplar, Lady Csille Lauretré." The announcer announced before opening the door of the palace.

Mother and Father walk inside the palace while Brother Pascal and Csille follow behind them. We were welcome by nobles who were smiling at us and clapping their hands.

Csille frowns when she feel Brother Pascal becomes stiff. She looks at him worriedly. "Are you okay, brother?"

Although the real Csille is a snob to people, she is a caring person towards people who are important to her.

Brother Pascal just gave her a forced smile while they continued to walk towards the front, where his majesty and her majesty were sitting.

"Greetings, your majesties. The Lauretré family is here to pay respects to your majesty, King Simmond and Queen Amalone." Father and Brother take a bow. While Mother and I do some curtsy.

The Queen laughs gently. "Count, Countess, it's an honor for us to have you here. Especially after your precious daughter becomes one of the Kingdom's talented Gold Grand Exemplar."

"Your majesty, it was us. The Lauretré was honored to have our daughter represents our Kingdom in the Grand Exemplary Competition." Father replied to the Queen respectfully.

Csille looks at Prince Fraser, who is sitting beside Queen Amalone. Her eyes glistened when she saw how handsome Prince Fraser looked tonight. However, the light in her eyes immediately fades when she sees Princess Paislee standing beside Prince Fraser.

Farren! Great, you dare to stand beside Prince Fraser while I, the fiancée of Prince Fraser, is here. Do you think I am dead?

"Csille? Is there something wrong?" Brother Pascal asked her worriedly. He probably noticed the change in Csille's expression.

Csille takes a deep breath to calm herself before she smiles at Brother Pascal. "I'm okay, Brother."

After a few exchanges of words from the King and Queen, a waiter guides us to our table.

"Pascal, are you okay?" Mother asks Brother Pascal, who is now sitting frigidly.

Brother Pascal takes a sip on his drink before answering my mother. "I'm okay, Aunt. I am just not used to all of this Banquet. I haven't attended one for decades now."

Father takes a sigh and taps Brother Pascal's shoulders. "It's a pity that my brother can't be with you anymore. However, you shouldn't worry. As long as your Aunt and I are still here. You will always be a part of our family."

While Father and Mother are comforting Brother Pascal, Csille is busy staring at Prince Fraser in front.

Fraser, you know that I was with my family, but you never laid your eyes on me. Do you hate me that much?

After probably half an hour, the banquet officially started. The King and the Queen start the Banquet with a congratulatory message not just to us, the representatives, but to the whole Vrawyth Kingdom.

This event is open to the public. But since the Palace can't occupy all the Vrawyth people, most of them are outside the palace. They set up tables and chairs for the celebration.

Father starts to talk with other noble family heads while some wives of the nobles gather around Mother. Brother Pascal excused himself and went outside to talk to the common people.

Csille is the only one left at their table. She is still staring at Prince Fraser, who is still sitting beside the Queen.

"If you want to talk to him, why don't you approach him?"

Csille looks back and finds Rufus staring at her. She just shakes her head and looks at her glass of juice. It's not an alcoholic drink since she is still a minor and cannot drink alcohol.

She chuckled. Approach Prince Fraser? She is not that dumb to do that. She knows how much Prince Fraser is irritated with her. So, how can she dare? They are in a crowded place. It's not appropriate if friction happens between her and Prince Fraser.

"Never mind. He is probably happy right now because I am not around him."

"But wouldn't that give other people proof that you and Prince Fraser are not on good terms?"

Csille looks at Rufus. He's actually right. If she doesn't approach Prince Fraser tonight, people will realize that they are not on good terms.

She takes a breath, stands up, and walks towards Prince Fraser. Prince Fraser looks at Csille. Other people might not notice, but Csille can clearly see the annoyance in his eyes.

Csille does a curtsy as a sign of respect. Prince Fraser is still a royal blood, and as a noble, she still needs to pay respect to him even if she is his fiancée.

"This Count's daughter greets his highness, Prince Fraser."

Prince Fraser waves his hand and shows her a smile. Although he is smiling, Csille can see that it's just for show. Prince Fraser probably remembers the words King Simmond said to us this morning.

"Lady Csille, may I know if you need something?"

Csille takes a deep breath and plays her fingers anxiously. "This Count's daughter wants to ask if you want to take this Lady for a dance?" She said faintly.

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There is a simple solution to make all the people see that everything between them is okay.

It's a dance.

If they dance for tonight's banquet, and if people see that, they look okay. The humor will die tonight. However, that will still depend on Prince Fraser if he will agree or not.

Prince Fraser got silent for a moment, which resulted for Csille to bows her head.

Will Prince Fraser reject me? In front of all the Vrawyth people?

However, her expectations didn't happen because Prince Fraser stands up and takes her hand. Csille looked up and stared at him with a hint of disbelief in her eyes for a few seconds before she gave Prince Fraser a smile.

Prince Fraser guides her towards the center of the venue, and they start to dance to the rhythm of the music.

Csille stares at Prince Fraser. She couldn't believe he would agree with her. She thought he would decline her again like he usually does. But to her surprise, he didn't reject her.

Prince Fraser probably notices the way she looks at him. So he leans to her ears. "Don't misunderstand. I am only doing this because of the humor."

Csille leans her head on Prince Fraser's chest to hide the pain in her eyes. She also remembers how Prince Fraser reminded her not to misunderstand what he did this morning.

"I didn't sell you out because I don't want your parents and my parents to be disappointed with you. However, it doesn't mean that I care for you. I am more concerned about my parents and your parents. Please don't misunderstand."

He cares about other people, but he wouldn't even care for his own fiancée?

Csille chuckled. "You care about other people. But what about me, your highness? Have you ever wonder what I am thinking? What I am feeling? Have you ever care about me?" She asked while her head was still on Prince Fraser's chest.

Csille feels Prince Fraser's hold on her back tightens. He then leans again on Csille's ears. If people see this, they probably think how sweet they are. But too bad that's not what is really happening.

"All you ever care and see is yourself, Csille." He chuckled. "Have you ever wonder that life isn't all about you. You want me to care for you? Let me ask you, are you worthy?"

Csille tears start to fall because of Prince Fraser's words.

He... I'm not worth it? He even cares for his own personal knight, Sir Farren. But why can't he care about me? Whyyy?!

Csille tried her best not to sob, but Prince Fraser's words kept lingering on her mind. Prince Fraser probably notices the changes in Csille emotions. Without any warning, he picks Csille up and carries her Princess style.

Csille was shocked because of Prince Fraser's sudden action. She stops crying, but her face is now leaning on Prince Fraser's neck.

The music stops playing, and they can hear people mumbling something. They are probably shocked by the sudden sweet interaction between the two.

Interaction between a lady and a young man is considered appropriate in this period. Although, it's different if the two people are engaged with each other. As long as it doesn't include kissing or making out, they won't do something against it. And since Csille and Prince Fraser are engaged, no one said something and let Prince Fraser carry Csille out of the venue.

Prince Fraser walks towards the garden where no one is around. He then puts Csille down the moment they arrive at the Garden.

Before Csille can ask him about what happened, Prince Fraser cuts her off. "I only did that, so people won't realize that you are crying."

Csille was frozen on her spot. She thought Prince Fraser got guilty of the words he said. But he only did that, so people wouldn't realize that something was wrong between them.

Tears start to fall on her eyes. She couldn't believe what was happening. She then chuckles. "I'm so dumb. So dumb to hope that you would realize how you hurt me. But in the end, you only care about them. About your people. But what about me, Fraser?"

Prince Fraser just stared at her and didn't do anything even if he saw her cry.

That's not the Prince Fraser I know. That Prince Fraser won't let me cry. He cannot stand me crying. But this Prince Fraser....

"You should ask yourself, Csille. Are you worthy of being cared for? You only care about yourself and what you want. But have you ever considered other people? Did you ever ask yourself if you ever hurt anyone?"

Csille frowns. "Why would I care about them? All they ever do is throw shade on me just because I am a Lauretré. Just because I am the most beautiful lady in the Kingdom. Just because I am your fiancée. They all throw hates on me. So, why would I care? Those people. Did they even care about how their words will affect me? No, right? So, why would I?" Csille snaps at him.

No one knows what she had experienced these years. All those insults and the bullying she gets. So, why would she care about other people?

People might look like they respect her and such, but at the end of the day, they are the ones who backstab her the moment she is out of their sight. It's also the reason why she didn't have friends aside from Rufus and Prince Fraser. Because for her, others are just hypocrites who like to use her for their own gains.

Prince Fraser stares at her in disbelief. "It's the reason why you also become like them?"

Csille frowns. "I am not like them. I am different."

"Different? You're the same as them. You're selfish who only care about yourself. In order to protect yourself, you hurt other people just like those people hurt you. Isn't that the same?"

Csille tried to explain her side, but Prince Fraser shook his head. "And now you're asking me if you deserve to be cared of? If you want me to care for you, then learn how to take care of others."

Prince Fraser tried to return to the venue, but Csille stopped him. "Why?"

He looks back at her and frowns. "Why? What do you mean?"

Csille stares at Prince Fraser with teary eyes. "Why can't you let me explain first? Why can't you try to understand me first? You always see the wrong in me. But have you ever wonder what did you do wrong? You're my fiancé, Fraser. You're supposed to be on my side. To understand me. But why? Why can't you even understand me? Whyyy?" She screams at him.

It's a good thing the music inside is pretty loud, or else people will now realize the real score between them.

Prince Fraser stares at Csille before he shakes his head. "This is the reason why I don't understand you because you're irrational. Why would I try to understand someone who doesn't know the word rationality? Learn how to grow up first. Maybe with that, I can understand you."

After saying those words, he immediately left. Csille stares at his back and clenches her fist.

It hurts. Her heart is hurting to the point that she wants to scream it all out. But she knows she can't. So she just sits on the ground and hugs her knees.

That night, Csille Lauretré experienced her first heartbreak from Prince Fraser.

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