Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 173 - The Grand Exemplary Competition (3)
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After the long speech Csille made in the Flower arrangement match, she won the top place in the ranking. The judges gave her a full score that never happened before in the Grand Exemplary Competition in the Flower arrangement.

"Purplany, you really amazed me with your words. I couldn't believe my ears that it was you who said that."

Csille rolled her eyes at Rufus' response. "Of course, I am amazing. Is that a big news?"

Csille and Rufus are now waking back to the arena. They just ate their lunch and now returning back to watch Princess Paislee's match this afternoon. Prince Fraser will have a match this afternoon too. It's in another arena, but it's after the match of Princess Paislee, so we still have time to watch Princess Paislee's match.

I heard Rufus laughs.. "Okay, you're the best."

The two of them got silent. "Csille, what do you think will happen in Sir Farren's match for today? Do you think he'll end up being the second place again?"

Princess Paislee got second place in her match yesterday. Csille shrugs her shoulders and squints her eyes.

It would be better if he got eliminated. We don't need him. We can win the Grand Exemplary Competition without him.

"Oh, I remember I forgot something. You go inside first. I'll need to do something." She hurriedly run away from Rufus without even waiting for his response.

Oh no, I think I know what she is planning. Princess Paislee will be competing for today and her match today is in equestrian. It's also the match that Princess Paislee will get injured. Is she planning to put broken glass in her shoes just like how I have written?

Csille looks at the closed representative lounge. There is a guard guarding the entrance. Csille bites her lips.

I need to find a way to distract the guard, so he'll leave his post for a few months. But what can I do? He looks like he won't budge at anything.

Csille is thinking of a way to distract the guard when the guard looks around. Csille immediately hides her body from the guard's sight. After a few seconds, she heard footsteps fading away. She looks at the entrance, and the guard is nowhere to be found.

Csille immediately smirks and sneaks inside the lounge. Each representative has their own corner to sit. There's a sofa set where they can rest.

Csille looks around and immediately finds the spot assigned for Princess Paislee. The things that the contestants will use are already here. The delegates check it before the contestant can use it. It is to make sure that anyone won't cheat.

The clothing and other things needed for the equestrian are already neatly place in their cabinets. It only means that the delegates finished checking it, and the contestants can use it.

Csille smirks when she finds the shoes of Sir Farren. She takes it from the cabinet.

Sir Farren Brichagnac, do you think I will let you off just like that? After everything you did? I will definitely make you pay for all the pain I've been through.

Can I hurt the Villainess? I definitely want to smash her head on the wall. Maybe with that, she can realize how distorted her rationality is.

I panic when I see Csille takes a small box in her pocket. Oh, no, she'll do it. I tried to stop her by moving her body, but no matter how much effort I put, I could not control her body.

Csille opens the small box, and a shining tiny broken glass is inside. Csille chuckled and put the broken glass inside Princess Paislee's shoes. She then puts it back in its place. As if no one touched it.

Csille looked at the shoes first before she immediately left the place. She happily walks inside the arena with a big smile.

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Rufus immediately finds Csille. He raised his eyebrow at me. Csille gracefully walks towards them. Feeling all the attention people are giving to her.

That's right. Stare at me. I am the most beautiful lady among the Kingdom, and all the ladies can only stare at me with envy. While the gentlemen are admiring my beauty.

"Where did you went?" Rufus stares at Csille. "You look like you're in a good mood. Did something happened?"

Csille sits between Rufus and Prince Fraser. She leaves a kiss on Prince Fraser's cheeks. "Your highness." She said in a sweet voice.

Prince Fraser's body got rigid. Csille chuckled at Prince Fraser's reaction, which resulted in Prince Fraser staring at her in disbelief. He then leans towards her. "What do you think you are doing?" I can hear annoyance in his voice.

Oh no, did Csille make Prince Fraser angry?

However, Csille doesn't look like she's affected. She inches her face closer to him. "I kissed you. What are you going to do then?"

Prince Fraser clenched his jaw, but instead of saying something, he sat properly and ignored Csille.

Csille just shrugs her shoulders. She's too happy to care about that. She needs to deal with Sir Farren first before she can deal with Prince Fraser.

Csille looks at Rufus, who is looking at her dumbly. She then leans on his ears. "You guess right. Something really happened." Csille chuckled.

Rufus shakes his head. "Damn, Csille. What happened? You even dare to kiss Prince Fraser in front of many people. Can't you see how mad he is right now? Are you courting death, purplany?"

Csille just laughs at Rufus' words. "I'm too happy to care about that."

Rufus is about to ask more, but Csille sits properly and stares in front. The game is already starting.

The arena this time isn't like those arena use yesterday. It is specifically made for Equestrian. It looks like those typical horse riding tracks.

The host walks in front and explains the rules of the equestrian. There are four rounds in the equestrian. Each round, the representatives need to do a different form of horseback riding. For the first round, they just need to do a normal race.

The first round started, and Princess Paislee was at the bottom. Everyone didn't find it weird since Princess Paislee is the only knight in the match. Most of her contenders are from noble families.

Equestrian is a sport for the rich people. Buying a horse that can be used in Equestrian can cost a whole life expenses of a single commoner in this world. So, it's understandable if they look down on knights.

In the second round, they need to perform the Reining. It is a form of horseback riding that needs close control. The horse will need to perform a series of loops, circles, and spines. This should be done at a lope and a gallop.

Reining measures the riding skill of the rider and their control over the horse. The horse should not resist the commands or struggle with any of the movements. The commands and cues given by the rider should be virtually invisible to the spectators.

Csille stares at Princess Paislee the whole time. She can see that Princess Paislee tries to make it look like she's having trouble controlling the horse. Two representatives from other Kingdoms cannot even control their horses no matter what they do. They end up being in the bottom rank.

The second round ended, and Princess Paislee ends up in fourth place this time. Csille smirk and stare at Princess Paislee's shoes.

Enjoy as much as you can because one of these moments. You'll be in pain.

The third round is about show jumping. It is a form of horseback riding that requires the horse and the rider to complete a series of jumps within a time limit. Riders receive a time penalty for failing any jumps or knocking any of the fences over. The horse and rider with the lowest time are deemed the winners.

Show jumping requires power to give it a strong jump. It also needs agility to be able to turn quickly and get around the course and speed to sprint between fences.

The Aeslaerean representative made a couple of time penalties because his horse keeps knocking on the fences. The representative from the Wrezatia Kingdom only made a two time penalty. The third round ended, and Princess Paislee made a three time penalties. Although her penalties are lesser than the representative from the Aeslaerean Kingdom, she takes time finishing the whole series of jumps.

Csille frowns. The third round ended, but Princess Paislee is still okay. It's contrary to what she expected.

The host announced the finalist for the final round. The Wrezatia Kingdom comes first, followed by the Aeslaerean Kingdom and the Vrawyth Kingdom.

Rufus shakes Csille's arms. "Purplany, sir Farren made it!" He said with too much enthusiasm.

Csille tried to force a smile and laugh hypocritically. How can she be happy with the result if the only result she's looking for didn't happen?

Csille stares at Princess Paislee and squints her eyes.

Sir Farren, great! You escaped this time, but I will make sure there will be no next time. I won't stop until you learn your place.


The day ended with Prince Fraser ending up in the second place. He competes in one of the subcategories of intellect, its interkingdom law. Everyone knows that Prince Fraser has a great knife when it comes to interkingdom law. So, it will become suspicious if he ends up in the third place.

Being in the second place is the safest thing for him. At least people can think that maybe Prince Fraser isn't in the mood today, or he doesn't feel okay.

Csille walks back and forth inside her room. She couldn't believe that her plan didn't work out. She made sure before she left the lounge that it was Sir Farren's shoes. What could have happened?

She grits her teeth and throws the pillows on her bed.

Farren, what luck do you have to always escape from my plan? I hate you so much. I wish I never met you in the western region. If not for you, Prince Fraser won't hate me like this.

A sudden knock wakes her up from her trance. Csille opens the door, and she immediately smiles when she realizes who is that person who knocks.

"Prince Fraser? What are you doing here?" She sweetly asked.

However, Prince Fraser just glared at her. He then walks inside her room and closes the door. Csille follows Prince Fraser closely.

"Fraser, do you want to talk about something?"

Is he going to say sorry to me? For neglecting me all this time? Did he finally realize his mistake?

I don't know if I should cry with Csille's thoughts. Prince Fraser saying sorry? Dream on. Why would he say sorry if you're the one who made a mistake here? When will Csille realize her own mistake? Even if I am living inside her body, I feel irritated at her. How can she be so irrational?

Prince Fraser looks back at her with a menacing stare. "Yeah, we definitely need to talk about Csille Lauretré." Prince Fraser takes a box from his pockets. He opens it and shows that there are tiny broken glasses inside.

I can feel my hands trembles a bit. Csille is anxious. But when she is doing the act, she's so happy she can sing.

Csille frowns. "That's... a broken glass? What should I do with that?" She asked innocently, although she was panicking on the inside. I can feel her anxiety.

"Oh, are you going to play innocent on me?" Prince Fraser scoffs, "Do you think I will be so dumb to fall for that?"

Csille raised her eyebrow. "Are you implying something, your highness?"

Prince Fraser sits on the chair and looks at her. It's as if he is the King asking a criminal. "These tiny broken glasses were seen inside Sir Farren's shoes. Someone deliberately put it inside to harm Sir Farren. It's a good thing he noticed it, or else I don't know what will happen to him."

Csille fakes a gasp. "Oh my god, who would do something terrible like that? Did you ask the other contestants? Maybe those nobles from the other Kingdoms do that."

Csille is really smart. She puts the blame on other people. However, Prince Fraser doesn't look like he is satisfied with Csille's answer.

"I don't think it's someone from the other Kingdom. I think I know someone who can do that." Prince Fraser said in an accusing tone.

Csille scoffs. "Are you accusing that I am the culprit? Why would I do that? Sir Farren is also the representative of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Why would I harm him?"

Prince Fraser stands up. "Didn't you just call him a lowly knight the last time? Also, do you think I forgotten how you treat Sir Farren all this time? You hate him. Only you hate him to the point that you can afford to do this.

Prince Fraser walks towards Csille.

"I am disgusted with what you did, Csille." He said before he left Csille without waiting for her to explain her side.

Csille gritted her teeth while looking at the closed door.

Why, Fraser? Why do you hate me?

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