Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 133 - Inevitable
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After ten minutes, we arrived at the nearest market. The group is divided into five groups. It is to make the shopping faster. Five groups are assigned to buy a specific kind of food.

The group I am with has three people. Head miss is within our group. She then hands me a paper. "It is what you need to look for. Meet us in front of the carriage."

I nod my head and immediately read the content of the paper.

1. Look for a shop that sells fishes. Beside the shop is a bookshop. It is the only bookshop in this market

2. Just tell the vendor that you're looking for a fish that can only be found in the Illorian City. Just say that it was the request of Miss Sheena

3. The vendor will ask you to come inside the shop. He will lead you to the back of the shop.

4. There's a room at the back of the shop. Inside the room, there's a clothing prepared for you. You can use it.

5. After you wear the clothing. The vendor will guide you at the back of the shop and will lead you to a carriage.

6. The carriage will bring you to the Vrawyth residence

I read the content fast and look for the shop that is mentioned in the paper. I immediately find the bookshop since it's the only bookshop in this market.

While I was out, I tried my best to avoid people's eyes. It's a good thing I am dress as a maid. So, it wasn't that suspicious if I do that.

I stop in front of the shop. I pretended to look at the fishes that are on display. The vendor is still busy attending to another customer, so I just wait for him to finish before I ask him.

After a few minutes, the vendor stands in front of me. I still pretend that I am looking at the fishes.

"What fish do you need? We all have every kind of fishes here."

"I'm looking for the fish that can be found in the Illorian City. Miss Sheena is asking me to look for it."

The vendor got silent for a couple of minutes before he called his assistant. "You watch the business for a while. I need to attend to one of our customers." The vendor then opens his shop and let me in. "Come inside. The fish you need is still in its aquarium. Check it first so you can see if it suits your preference. I can assure you that all fishes that we sell are top grade quality."

The vendor continues to talk about the fishes until we reach the inside of the shop. He then assists me to enter another door. "Come inside. The fish you need is in this room. It is a special fish."

After I step into the inner room, the man immediately close the door. He then sighs and bows his head. "Lady Csille, you shouldn't worry. Ruler Laird already sent me instructions on what to do."

I look at the man and frown. "Godfather, send you instructions?" I know he will look for an accomplice for this, but the way the man said those words, it's as if he personally knows Ruler Laird.

The man scratches his nape. "I am an Illorian. I was raised and born in the Illorian City. I just married a Saiven, that's why I am living here. However, my loyalty still remains in the Illorian City."

That makes sense. It's the reason why Ruler Laird asks me to look for this shop because he knows the owner of this shop is an Illorian too. One characteristic of Illorians is they are extremely loyal to their City. Even though he's been living in the Saiven Kingdom for years now, his loyalty remains in the Illorian City. This is the kind of loyalty that you can found only in the Illorians.

The man opens a room. "This is the room, Lady Csille. Please forgive me if it's too small and shabby for your taste."

I immediately shake my head. "No, no, I appreciate your help. I don't really mind, don't worry." As proof, I walk inside with a gentle smile on my face. What welcomes me is a small room with a single bed, a cabinet, study table and a chair, a mirror, and an old bookshelf with only a few books stacks. Most of the books are old.

"Lady Csille, the dress is on the bed. It is the same dress of the maids from the Vrawyth Kingdom. Ruler Laird said that you don't want anyone to notice that you sneak out."

After saying those words, the vendor closes the door. I look at the closed door and frown. Ruler Laird knows that I sneak out?

I shake my head and change my dress with the dress lying on the bed. True to the man's word. This dress is the same dress the maids of the Vrawyth Kingdom wear. Ruler Laird definitely thinks thoroughly about this.

I check myself in the mirror and smile. If not for my eyes, I will look like a legit maid. I am still wearing the wig that I wore yesterday. It is to hide my overly attention grabber hair.

After making sure that there's nothing wrong with my disguise, I immediately went out of the room. However, my steps halted when I see a lady who resembles me. Although if you look at her for a few minutes, you will realize that it wasn't me. She doesn't have purple hair and, of course, purple eyes. She is wearing the dress of the Illorian maids.

The lady immediately bows her head when she realized I was out. "Lady Csille."

The man then enters the room. "Lady Csille, this is my daughter. She will be exchanging places with you. If you haven't noticed, there are people spying on you. So, to ensure that they won't notice anything. My daughter will exchange your place. She resembles you because of the makeup. My daughter is good at copying people's faces. Forgive me if it doesn't look like you. She said your face is too beautiful that it's difficult to copy."

I look at his daughter and smile shyly. Because of me, he will need to send his daughter as a maid in the Illorian City residence. "I'm sorry if you need to do this. I-"

The vendor immediately shakes his head. "You don't need to say sorry, Lady Csille. Actually, my daughter always wanted to go back to the Illorian City. However, the Saiven Kingdom restricts anyone from migrating to any part outside the Saiven. It's actually a great opportunity for her to move to the Illorian City. My parents are still living there and as you can see our life here isn't that great. We will follow her after I finish preparing the requirements to move back to the Illorian City."

I look at the daughter of the vendor, and she did a ninety degree bow. "Lady Csille, thank you for giving me this opportunity. You don't know how much we are waiting to go back to the Illorian City."

I immediately walk towards the lady and help her stand up properly. "Why are you bowing at me. I'm actually thankful because you are willing to take my place." I look at the vendor and smile at him. "Don't worry. I will tell this to my Godfather. I will make sure that he will bring you home with him."

The vendor and the lady kneel in front of me while crying. I immediately help them to stand up. Although it takes a little time before they let me stand them up.

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They said they thank you for me before the vendor guides me to the back. Outside I saw a dark alley.

"There are no people who like to go in here because of the smell. It's the back of the market that's why the smell is like this. Please, just bear with it."

He then knocks on the carriage that is park in front of us. The carriage opens, and a man walks outside of it. He's a young man. Probably the same age as Leander and Rufus.

"This is my son. He is working as a coachman. He is the one who will drop you off the residence of the Vrawyth Kingdom."

The young man smile at me and bows his head. "Lady Csille, it was great meeting you. However, why is your hair black?"

The vendor elbows his son and shakes his head. "Just do your job and bring Lady Csille home. Make sure she is safe and sound. Don't leave without making sure she entered the residence safely. Do you understand?"

The young man scratches his nape while nodding his head. "Yes, father. I will make sure nothing will happen to Lady Csille at all cost." He then looks at me before he opens the door of the carriage. "You may enter Lady Csille. Please forgive me if this is the only carriage we have. I-"

I shake my head at him. "You don't need to be sorry. I was the one who is asking for help. How can I complain? Also, the carriage doesn't look bad. I don't know what you are saying."

I enter the carriage and look at the young mad and the vendor. "See? The seat in here is actually comfy. I don't understand why are you saying sorry."

The vendor and the man smile at me gratefully before the young man closes the door. After a few reminders from the vendor, the carriage starts to move.

I sigh and take the wooden box that contains the pill and the antidote. Before I take the box out, I made sure that I close the curtains of the window. I cannot risk the safety of the pill and the antidote.

I look at the box and smile. Finally! We already have the pill and the box. I'm sure everyone will be happy to know this. I hope Rufus did what I ask him to did.

I also hope everything that concern about the three Kingdoms will be solved because of this. I put the box inside my pouch again. It was hidden on my skirt.

I open the curtains of the window and look outside. I didn't sit much close to the window because I was afraid someone would recognize my eyes.

I close my eyes. Hoping I could sleep, but all I could remember is the dream I had last night.

"Mother, please grant my wish."

"Son, I know you love someone else, but what about Csille? What will we say to the Count if you cancel the engagement?"

"Mother, if we push this engagement. I will only hurt Csille. I don't want her to hope for something I couldn't give. I don't love her..."

I smile bitterly. Of course, how naive of Csille to think that Prince Fraser will choose her. And how foolish I am to even got hurt with something I have written.

I was the one who knows what will happen, but I was also the one who is dumb enough to fall in love with the male lead even though I know that I am the villainess.

And now what? I am hurting because of the future events? That is inevitable, Ysabel! Prince Fraser will never end up with Csille Lauretré.

I sigh and try to calm my complicated thoughts. I already have problems, and then my heart decided to join? I know I am the Villainess but can't I take a break? I haven't even started my schemes, but why do my karmas keep coming through my life? Like, come on, really? Just because I was the Villainess, I am the one who always has a problem? Shouldn't that suppose to be the role of the female lead?

She was the one who is facing all of these problems. She was the one who needs to go through all of these because that's how the female lead should live, right? They first have a tough life, then on a bright sunny day, a knight in shining armor will come out of nowhere and save her.

But why am I the only one who is experiencing all these problems? This is really unfair!!

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